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Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Restoration Project
Written by The Old Republic   
Wednesday, 31 January 2007 19:00
Kotor2 restoration project logoSome fans have felt KotOR2 was missing somethings that would have made it an incredible game. So rather then just complain about it like everyone else has, a few fans have actually decided to do something about. They started working on adding features back into the game:
* The long-lost HK Droid Factory! (not the same as the Droid Planet M4-78)
* Several ways to murder Visas!
* A whole new group of people who want to kill you!
* Multiple endings! (no, really, actual endings)
* Various ways to be responsible for the deaths of all your party members!
So check out the downloads they have available and get ready to experience KotOR2 in a whole new way.   http://www.team-gizka.org/ 
Last Updated on Thursday, 01 November 2007 21:56