Re: The Halo Rpg

wait... you cant be spartan...

Zharr finishes off a grunt. "haha, take that"

Re: The Halo Rpg

why not

Re: The Halo Rpg

Well one... op and two... ive tried, try my first posts at the start of this

Re: The Halo Rpg

You can be a Spartan, a Marine, an ODST, Navy, Covenant, etc.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Alxsis:*snipes a grunt in the face*haha i love my job

Last edited by Dangerous Seduction (2010-01-01 09:15:01)

Re: The Halo Rpg

"We can head out through the back." Jay fires back. "We probably need to hurry, 'no telling what'll pop up." In the lower vents, screams become apparent.

(( Meanwhile... Elites... Ancient Structure... ))

The Sangheilli search the room, patting walls and searching any of the lower parts for any switches. Thell knocks on the wall, and soon knocks on a more hollower part. He takes a second knock, and growls at the rest of the Elites.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

why didnt you give me those choices when i first started this?
"Captain, The sanghelli have us surrounded. what shall we do?" asked zharr. "private, you studied their launguage, negociate" replied dem.

(1 hour later zharr returns)

"any luck" asked dem. zharr uses a mix of nods and shakes, " well.. no"

Re: The Halo Rpg

Okay, everyone seems to think Spartans are like really creepy, deformed people (well, a lot of people anyways). However, in the Cole Protocol it says that the female Spartan (forgot her name here) just looked like a giant body buildier.

My theory (non-canon... or is it? =o ): Male Spartans look like mini versions of the Hulk minus the green (he's not half-bad really...). While female Spartans look like the She-Hulk. ~_^ See picture here: … .jpg?o=102

See, just an extremely buff woman. Thus, Daar and Lisa (should they ever take their suits off in this RPG) will look as I have just stated in my theory. ^_^ Case closed.

Maximus growls, turning back the way they had just come. "This way. We should hurry," he continues, glancing back at the humans. "The Parasite wastes no time searching for its prey, and thus we should waste no time avoiding it."

With that the Sangheili walks off. Daar watches as Em, Jay, and Links follows. He finally huffs and follows also. Lisa removes her helmet, revealing a plain but beautiful woman despite what one would think of a harden super-soldier.

She loosens her brown shoulder-length hair from its ponytail before quickly putting it back up. She turns to Bruce, extending her hand with a smile.


...Elites, Ancient Structure...

Ardo turns to Vali. "What would you have us do, Vali? We can look for a way to open the door, but the Demons would have escaped by then..."

"Or we could blow it." Vali finishes for her old friend.

"My thoughts exactly."

Scorn steps in. "But, Ship Mistress, we don't have explosives."

Vali nods, understanding. "It is stone. Our plasma weapons will easily melt it."

Ardo turns to the other Elites. "Let us get to work then!"

"Fire on the hallow section of the wall," Vali orders.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Hey Starr, I found a pic of Master Chief's [whole] body as a... teen, I believe on a site. It's in one of the latest Halo comics, I believe. Would you like to see it?

Also, Halo Reach trailer is released... not sure if I already mentioned that.

"I love explosives." Bel'san comments.

"Ah... so you do love?" Ullono interjects.

The elites commence fire on the stone door, beating away the aged stone with heated blue-green shots. As some of the sangheili stop a moment to unheat their weapons, the others start firing...

(( Meanwhile... Alliance... ))

Bruce, keeping his helmet on, shakes her strong hand. "Bruce." His helmet is still stained with Grunt and elite blood, and he rubs off some of it with his other hand, and nods. Spartans truely never die.

Last edited by Hovoth (2009-12-31 15:26:08)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Walks out of the shadows with a grin on my face and walks up to Maxiums)

Grim: What have I missed?

Grim: (Looks over at the Elite and I hold my hands up to make a sign that only his race knows how to make it and what it means)

Grim: What are you looking at?

Grim: (Laughs because the sign that I showed the Elite is the sign of WAR on the humans)

Re: The Halo Rpg

So this Rpg has almost all of the people on the site that has posted in the last month: Starr, Jest, Hovoth, Rhyykol, Konah, and Me
"Uh, anyone there? I feel alone." said Thomas eagerly.

Last edited by Master Amos (2010-01-01 01:35:10)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

"Thomas,get over here," Fires a round of a machine gun.
" the flood are here"

Re: The Halo Rpg

"Oh great what all need" said Thomas.

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

" great" sets a detpack off "You had commando training?"

Re: The Halo Rpg

"No I have not" Thomas saying confusingly

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

"well your gonna die soon"

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: Hey no need to say that

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

"well its true, gravemind is in here"

Unhuman shout heard

"lets see how good you are"

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: *looks down* Damn I am gonna die

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

" heh take this," hands thomas a lazer " lets go"