Re: Favorite Party Member

george: starr!

(prince activates his lightsaber): it's kreia.

george: what?!

(prince uses the force): leave her.

kreia: no!

prince: Leave Her.

kreia grunts: No!

prince: LEAVE HER!!!(uses force lightning) AND NEVER COME BAAACK!!!!

(kreia spirit leaves)

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: (cringes on floor in pain)

Re: Favorite Party Member

(prince falls on floor)

george: prince? come on man wake up.

starr(struggling) he... is falling...

george: how?

starr: he... cant handle...d- dark... that

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: (slowly gets up and walks over to Prince)
(bends down next to him)

(through the Force)
I told you Master... I tried to warn you.

Prince: (silent)

Starr: (grabs Prince face making him look at her)
(through the Force)
Peace is Knowledge...
Knowledge is Serenity...
Serenity is Harmony...
Harmony is Restoration...
Restoration is but Bondage...
But Bondage to a Cause is Life...

Light... Life...

Re: Favorite Party Member

prince(through the force): passion or peace? serenity or strength? harmony or power? freedom through the sith, or freedom through the jedi? help me starr.

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: (through the Force) Repeat...
There is Peace...
There is great Knowledge...
There is Serenity...
There is Harmony...
I shall have Restoration...
So there shall be Bondage...
But that is just a part of Life...

There is no Passion...
But there is still Strength...
There is not much Power...
But there is still Victory...
I am not Broken...
I have my Freedom...
So my life shall not end in Death...

Re: Favorite Party Member


Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: (peaceful sigh)

(through the Force)
Let the anger you fear fade away...
And let your darken soul reach for the light...

Re: Favorite Party Member

prince: there is no death... there is the force. thank you starr. now i am ready for the end.

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: What end?

Re: Favorite Party Member

i'm dying. can you not feel it?

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: What? That's not right... you can't be dieing!

Re: Favorite Party Member

prince: the dark side is killing me.

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: (uses the Force) There's got to be something we can do! George!?

Re: Favorite Party Member

prince: you two are the only ones who can save the republic... and the jedi from the darkness to come.

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: What? No way... you're staying right here!

Re: Favorite Party Member

prince: i...

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: (uses the Force) Don't start!

Re: Favorite Party Member

prince: starr just... one... question: why a-are you doing this?

Re: Favorite Party Member

Starr: (trys to concentrate) What do you mean why am I doing this!?