Re: Do you belive in God?

Ok, where is god, everything has matter, god is?

Re: Do you belive in God?

wooo wooo wooo woo what talking about

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

me, im talikng about even entitys have a sort of matter, so where is his?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

me, im talikng about even entitys have a sort of matter, so where is his?

God is omnipresent, I'm sure you know. Omnipresence is the property of being present everywhere, and matter is something that takes up space. God is not matter, but is Spirit. You cannot contain God. You (Man) can't scientifically explain it, because he cannot simply comprehend it.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

you guys have some weird conversations

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

The omniscient part is not the part that makes man unable to contain God. His omnipotence (all-powerfulness) is what makes him uncontainable.

Re: Do you belive in God?

i am sticking with what i said

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Evolution and the Big bang are just excuses to deny the obvious presence and omnipotence of God. The idea of an all-powerful God scares man and he must find a way to convince himself that God does not exist just so he can sleep soundly at night. Which is reverse logic because its the idea of trying to prove that God does not exist that will be man's downfall

Re: Do you belive in God?

Prince of the light side wrote:

Evolution and the Big bang are just excuses to deny the obvious presence and omnipotence of God. The idea of an all-powerful God scares man and he must find a way to convince himself that God does not exist just so he can sleep soundly at night. Which is reverse logic because its the idea of trying to prove that God does not exist that will be man's downfall

Yeah, and still - even if you prove people wrong, they'll go back to what they said (which was proved wrong) like with what I did with Rhyykol. Oh yeah, Prince, the Big Bang actually happened. *Bang* and God made the universe.  tongue

i am sticking with what i said

What did you say?

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

i dont even want to tell you

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

so hes a spirit? so he has no matter, How do we know,that you have seen him, or that man. Hes a spirit... You cant talk to spirits. you cant see spirits. you cant hear spirits. Give me some video proof and not your words hovoth, then we can discuss. *Video that you made*

Re: Do you belive in God?

i think this topic is against the rules, it always insights trouble. jester what do you think.

Re: Do you belive in God?

??? were keeping it in here though?

Re: Do you belive in God?

so hes a spirit? so he has no matter, How do we know,that you have seen him, or that man. Hes a spirit... You cant talk to spirits. you cant see spirits. you cant hear spirits. Give me some video proof and not your words hovoth, then we can discuss. *Video that you made*

You cannot contain God, therefore He is Spirit. He is all powerful, therefore He is omnipotent (all powerful). He is God... and proof?! Rhyykol - look at the reasons I posted that prove God is real - unless you can give something back that proves them wrong - the proof still stands... and I don't want the googled attempts to disprove God, I want YOUR replies.

And I didn't 'make a video'... why are you twisting my words? It's on DVD, if I can find the video, I'll gladly show it to you. For now, the proof you're seeking is the "Reasons God exists" quote I quoted. And reply to it...

i think this topic is against the rules, it always insights trouble. jester what do you think.

Oh, hey Atrox. We were actually keeping it cool, not getting at each other's throats - it's just a debate. But it's up to you guy's if you need to lock it.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

yeah its just normal debate

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Do you belive in God?

Okay, do you want my reply?

I say. god and religons is just a way to make your lives better, there is no god... or jesus, all they are is symbols to make your lives better.... Praying, a self confident way to boost your morale, passing the church dish for money... a way to think your still close to god, and going to church... what is the point? if god is everywhere then why should we go to one place just to worship him?

Thats my reasons

Re: Do you belive in God?

if it stays peacefull ill keep it open
I am jewish and if you have a problem with it dont voice it in this forum.

Judaism has no central religious authority that could formulate or issue a unified creed. The various "principles of faith" that have been enumerated over the intervening centuries carry no greater weight than that imparted to them by the fame and scholarship of their respective authors. Central authority in Judaism is not vested in any person or group but rather in Judaism's sacred writings, laws, and traditions. In nearly all its variations, Judaism affirms the existence and uno-ness of God. Judaism stresses performance of deeds or commandments rather than adherence to a belief system.

God is conceived of as eternal, the creator of the universe, and the source of morality. God has the power to intervene in the world. The term God thus corresponds to an actual ontological reality, and is not merely a projection of the human psyche. Maimonides describes God in this fashion: "There is a Being, perfect in every possible way, who is the ultimate cause of all existence. All existence depends on God and is derived from God."

Re: Do you belive in God?

Hey i dont have a problem with jewish, my best friend is jewish, why do you say that?

"There is a Being, perfect in every possible way, who is the ultimate cause of all existence. All existence depends on God and is derived from God."

Yeah but who created god? If god created everything... who created god?

Re: Do you belive in God?

Darth Rhyykol wrote:

"There is a Being, perfect in every possible way, who is the ultimate cause of all existence. All existence depends on God and is derived from God."

Yeah but who created god? If god created everything... who created god?

I thought I answered this somewhere...

Anyways, here's my answer again to that question: Nobody created God, for God was/is always present. If someone/something created God - God would not be God for God would then be dependant on that something. Do you get the picture I'm trying to paint there? As someone sums it up "God was always here, there wasn't a day a was not."

This can actually coincide with time. Time was made for Humans, and God exists outside of time, therefore time does not affect God. I find that fascinating!  smile

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do you belive in God?

no no no... i mean, everything has a maker, either god exsisted trillions of years before the earth was creted, but everything has a maker.

by the way, back to my long quote... a bit in there says, "if there is god... then shouldnt there be ONE god, except there are many religons with diffrent gods" what about that?