Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: *jumps right up*  hey alec check your sister okay i have to go

Tj: come on bro

Austin: alright i am coming

Taylor: *puts arm around Austin* hey baby

Austin: hey sweet heart

Tom: we have to seperate because all of the Dark Jedi will be searching for any Jedi

Tom: so where does everyone want to go

Austin: Naboo for me

Tj: Tatooine

Taylor: Yavin

Thomas: Onderon

Thomas: what about you three

Clint: Well i cant decide

Thomas: then i will stay here

Thomas: Alec and Konah where do you want to go

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: you really wanna know my name?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: where the hell did you come from, and yes i would like to know your real name, and everyone is seperating so the Darks cant find us which planet will you go on

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: ive been here the whole time, my name is This has been deleted, there.. happy?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: what did you just say

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: I Said deleted. ok?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: is there something wrong

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: no... im saying my name!!

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: so your name is deleted right there is nothing wrong with that

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: Deleted? no.. thats not my name!!

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: this is confusing

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Right, what im saying is that, i cant say my name, ok?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: never mind ill just call you Rhyykol like i have always have.....where are you going to hide from the sith and darkies

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: dont need to

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: they have made an alliance so your just gonna go and die on purpose oh and one more thing do you know why everyone wants you

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

rhyykol: why?

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: i would not ask you if i knew

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: ohh i know

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Thomas: stop playing with me i hate that

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Sith Uprising Rpg

Rhyykol: I hold the power to resurrect, they want me as a slave