Re: The Halo Rpg

lol We all have to put in something or we can't keep these RPGs going. Like if I'm not here the RPGs have to stop and if LSM or Jest isn't here they have to stop, etc., etc.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Well, I'm back. *Hugs*

My "I'm back" topic is somewhere else, so...  big_smile

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

YAY!!! *huggles* Your turn, hon.  wink

Re: The Halo Rpg

I can't remember my Spartan's name either, so I'll just settle with "Bruce".

* The large Spartan, with the rest of the Marines following, come up to where Maximus and Em are... *

Jay: *Looks at the door* "This isn't the main entrance, is it Maximus?"

((Meanwhile, inside the Structure...))

* Thell takes cover behind a mound of rubble, and motions Bel'san and Ullono split between and take cover on both sides of the wall. Bel'san fires his Carbine at the Demons. Thell grabs Rgis, and pushes him towards the mound of rubble, then slides behind it. *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Maximus growls at Grim, obviously uneasy about this human's presence. There was something about this human that was off... he just couldn't place it at the moment. He shakes his head "no" and nudges the human aside, grabbing Em's hand and pulling her closer to the wall.

He presses her hand against one of the tiles. "There are always back doors, human," he answers Jay's question. "The gods were not fools. Safeguards were put in place so that only the strongest- the best- shall survive and pass through the sacred gates to know of the knowledge that lies beyond. Back doors are sealed with ancient codes..."

The tiles are now fully illuminated with blue inscriptions. A few tiles begin to slide out of place and disappear, forming a doorway. Maximus lets Em's hand slide back to rest at her side.

"So that only the wisest of a species may enter the secret passageways... and know the paths of the gods themselves," he finishes.

The tiles have now completed faded and a doorway opens into a narrow, dim passageway. Maximus steps inside the doorway and immdiately the way is lit by bluish lamps along the walls.

...Lisa, Ancient Structure...

Lisa quickly takes cover behind one of the pillars molded into the wall, proud to have somewhat fought of the Covenant soldiers' first attack. She hadn't killed any though... that had been rather disappointing. She quickly reloaded her MA5C and clicked a few rounds into her M90 beofre leaning back against the wall and letting out a breath,

She was ready... let those bastards try to come and get her.

...Elites, Ancient Structure...

Vali ducks over behind the mound of rubble to see to Rgis. He had made a grevious error; one he was paying for with his honor.

Vali clasps her hand down around the gunshot wound. The humans' weapons were primitive but that made them all the more brutal. Plasma rounds charred and burned through flesh, but these metal rounds caused more blood loss... a quickly death.

Perhaps it was more honorable. She growls.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay, Links, and Bruce come into the passage. Bruce activates a flashlight that is installed into the side of his helmet. The light shines along the ceiling, revealing the darkness the light pushes away. "These structures look like something out'ova mummy flick." Links comments. Bruce walks in the back of the group, with his visor analyzer taking data into it's data base. His emotionless face doesn't display anything about his thoughts. He just merely observes his surroundings, and follows the group.

(( Meanwhile... Ancient Structure... ))

Thell focuses on the fight, aiding his two brothers in focusing fire on the Demons. His mind races between what the Demons could be doing in such a structure, what they know - his mind is almost certain they'll escape. He growls at Bel'san and Ullono to use explosives on the Demon's position.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Maximus watches the Spartan. He may be an ally of the humans now but he still regarded these... soldiers as Demons. They were unholy... formed into what mortals' souls desired... and not by the hands of gods.

But perhaps they were gods themselves. More than mere mortals...

...Elites, Ancient Structure...

Vali barks orders, urging her comrades to attack the Demon again. They had killed some of these unholy beasts before... this one would be no different. Kysh runs over to attend to Rgis' wounds.

Vali stands and looks over at Cado, nodding. She looks back at Ardo who activates his own blade and moves into formation with his commanding officer and his comrade.

Acies and Scron form a formation with Bel'san and Ullono taking out their own Carbines.

This Demon would not escape...

Suddenly the door at the end of the hall opens and something is thrown from the small crack as it opens. A smoke grenade.

The smoke blocks the Elites view of the doorway. Vali growls. "Don't let it escape!"

The Elites rush forward but the door is already closing. Vali rushes forward towards it but a grenade hits the floor just a few feet from her. She jumps back, just barely avoiding the main power of the blast.

Re: The Halo Rpg

They keep moving through the halls. Jay looks back constantly on the Spartan that is following them. He wonders where he came from, so he eases towards the back of the group near the Spartan.

"What was your name?" Jay says. "Bruce." The Brute of a Spartan replies. His visor reflects Jays face, Jay's looking at himself. Bruce's mind flashes back to his initial mission on this planet... he ignores Jay, and nods forward.

(( Meanwhile... Ancient Structure... Elites... ))

"Curse of Ulgratt! They got away!" Thell growls. "Humans... always have to run." Thell and his elites come back to and form an unorganized circle near Rgis. "Is he alright?" Ullono asks, coming out with the obvious question.

Last edited by Hovoth (2009-12-16 22:41:23)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Ardo and Cado rush to Vali's side quickly helping her to her feet. There are no noticeable injuries on the battle-scarred leader except for the burn flesh of her chest where her armor did not protect her.

She moves out oif Ardo and Cado's hold. "I'm fine..." she growls. She moves over to where everyone is surrounding Rgis, a look that tells everyone not to bring up the fact that she's injured.

Rgis looks at Vali for a moment from the floor before coughing to break the ice. He clutches his chest, trying to somewhat hold Kysh's "stichings" in place. He begins to stand.

"I'll... be fine," he grumbles. "All little lost honor never hurt a Sangheili..." he continues, grabbing Ardo's extnded hand to help him to his feet. "In fact it teaches us humility... it is the gods putting us back in our place."

Vali nods and looks at Kysh who in turn nods. It was an honorless duty... but someone had to do it. Vali was thankful for Kysh... he may not be much of a warrior but he had saved one not easily replaced.

Still the Sangheili's "stichings" would not hold for long... and he hadn't the adequate tools to remove the Demon's cursed bullets. If Rgis was not taken to the ship were Kysh had the right tools and could finish his job then the Sangheili may yet die a dishonorable death.

And Vali would not allow that...

"We need to get back to the ships," Vali begins. "We can hunt these Demons another day-"

"No," Rgis growls. "Kysh and Al'bus will come with me back to the ship. You are your men will continue on," he says, stepping towards Vali. "Thell and his as well... " he glances towards Thell then looks back at Vali. "Hunt the unholy creatures down... retreive whatever it is they retreived... and complete your mission."

...Spartans, Ancient Structure...

There had been too many Elites... she would have been killed and she knew that. Maybe she wanted to go like that. Of course she didn't want to give the Covie bastards the satifaction of having killed one of UNSC best.

But Daar had pulled her out of the fight... that wouldn't be the first time he'd saved her ass. She followed him down the dim passageway now, focusing on the strange round object he held under his arm while he ran.

They'd been sent here to retrieve some Covenant holy artifact... thing was she didn't know what the hell it was.

Or what it could do...

...UNSC, AMRD: SOS 0023, callname: Alliance; Ancient Structure...

Maximus growls as the passageway lights up further down the tunnel. He sniffs the air for a scent... but there is nothing. Another growl. More Demons.

Okay... see all that ribberish a.k.a. "UNSC AMD SOS 0023, callname: Alliance"? This stands for "United Nations Space Command, Advanced Military Reserach Division: Special Operations Squad 0023, callname: Alliance". I put this up so you'll understand everything because from now on I'm gonna only refer to the ground as "Alliance". That little piece up there just gives a bit more understand on everything... I hope.  tongue

Re: The Halo Rpg


Thell nods. "Now what?" jolts Ullono. Bel'san walks over to the door, and examines it. He knocks on the stone-like material, that looks like metal. "The door is possible to blow open... with the right explosives."

"We didn't pack that type of material." Thell growls. "The door runs on power, however." He looks over at the damaged console beside the door.

(( Meanwhile... Alliance Group... Ancient Structure... ))

Jay observes the strange passage way, the writings on the wall and the dry feeling. Even if the structure is ancient, it feels very dry. The air is cold, and the lights range from white to a pale blue. He's uneasy on the Spartan... even if he is UNSC... something is not right. It might just be that he hasn't seen a Spartan before.


Fan-Fic: Ulgratt is a mad drunken Sangheili that is fabled to be in the Covenant Military. He was apparently raised by Grunts, that were blessed my the Prophet Arch Founders. The story is originally to provided to give soldiers hope, saying that "Even a drunk Sangheili can climb the ranks in the Covenant." It's also a joke by Grunt Spec Ops to talk about. Word has it that "Ulgratt" is a high ranking fleet master.

Last edited by Hovoth (2009-12-17 23:20:57)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

"Cado," Vali barks, motioning her head towards the anceint console.

Cado nods, approaching the console. He proceeds to do as instructed.

...Spartans, Ancient Structure...

Daar stops suddenly, reaching out his arm behind him to stop Lisa from running into him.

"What it it, Daar?" Lisa asks quietly.

"I'm picking up an Elite," he answers quietly.


He looks back at her. "But I'm picking up another Spartan too. And three... no four Marines."

"Just a little skirmish. Should be over by the time we get there," she retorts, trying to push him forward.

"They're not fighting."

Lisa looks quizally at Daar, though he can't see the look through her helmet. She opens up her comm link and tries to communicate with the Spartan further down the passageway.

"UNSC Spartan, this is Spartan number zero-zero-one-eight. Please respond. Assess status. ID friendlies and targets."

...SOS Alliance, Ancient Structure...

"We have company," Maximus growls, looking back at the Spartan. "More Demons..."

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thell and his men look on at the Elite, as he works on the console.

(( Meanwhile... Ancient Structure... SOS Alliance... ))

Bruce puts his hand on the right side of his helmet. He hears the static message, but the words come out clear. "Reading you." The group looks back at Bruce. "This is UNSC Spartan number zero-zero-fifty-seven, echo reach... I'm reading you clear. Hold fire, friendlies on-route in passage..." He looks at Maxamus,"...Hold fire on the Elite also." He takes his hand, and shrugs his weapon down. "Hold your fire..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Ill join this if its lright? i forgot my charracters name so how about *private Zharr?*

Re: The Halo Rpg

Maximus nods. "We will wait for them here then."

...Spartans, Ancient Structure...

Now both Lisa and Daar are confused. Hold fire... on an Elite? What the hell?

"I don't think I heard you right, Spartan. Repeat that last little part," Daar says over the comm.

...Elites, Ancient Structure...

There is a series of low beeping noises from the console Cado is tampering with before the large door slowly begins to open.

Re: The Halo Rpg

"Sangheilli magic at work." Ullon jesters. "Alright, we should move - we can still catch them if we move fast enough." Thell states.

(( Meanwhile... SOS Alliance... ))

"I repeat, hold fire. We are in the passage. Don't fire upon the Elite." Bruce clarifies. He thought he would eat an entire Grunt before he would ever say a sentence like that. "Wait - more Spartans are down there?!" Links bursts.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Vali gives Cado a respectful nod as she brst through the doors and into the circular room beyond. She looks around for an opening, some means of escape that the Demons could have taken but there isn't any.

She looks back at the other Sangheili as they move out into the room to look for the Demons.

"Cursed beasts," she growls.

...SOS Alliance, Ancient Structure...

"It would appear so," Maximus says in a low voice. He looks back down the tunnel as the flashlights come closer.

...Spartans, Ancient Structure...

Daar and Lisa are silent for a moment.

"Affirmative," Daar finally manages.

He looks back at Lisa and motions with his head down the tunnel before continuing forward. This day was getting stranger and stranger.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thell, Bel'san, and Ullono search different parts of the room. No dice.

(( Meanwhile... Ancient Structure... SOS Alliance... ))

The Spartans meet up with the SOSs. "Alright, can someone please explain to me why Spartan are here?" Links states. Jay nods, and looks at the Cyborgs. "My radar must have been damaged... hmph." Bruce states.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

By the way... marine or odst?
Captain dem gives the order "delta with me." Private sam comes up to zharr,
"can your nerves handle it? race you" zharr and sam run after dem

Re: The Halo Rpg

Um... ODST...

Ardo growls. "Demons do not simply vanish! They must have gotten out someway," he growls.

Cado nods in agreement, looking over at Vali for leadership.

Vali thinks for a moment. "Search the walls," she begins. "They must have found a secret passageway."

Scron nods. "Yes. Yes. Like the ones Sator spoke of."

...SOS Alliance, Ancient Structure...

"Would someone please explain to me why we're not killing this damn Elite?" Daar barks, motioning his assault rifle towards Maximus.

Maximus growls. Taking a step forward towards the Demon, his own weapon ready.

Em reaches her arm out to block Maximus. "We'll explain it on the ship," she says. "Let's just get out of here. This place gives me the creeps. And what's that smell?" she asks with disgust.

Maximus sniffs the air. "The Parasite?" he asks, surprised. He looks down the passageway then back at the Demons. "Here?"

Before either Daar or Lisa can answer Maximus's gaze drops to the round object beneath Daar's arm.

"Yes... it all makes sense now, he thinks to himself.

Re: The Halo Rpg







Last edited by Dangerous Seduction (2010-01-30 13:32:59)