Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: i dont want to talk about it

Thomas: *appears* what going on

Amos: I never want to see you ever again never come back to this time

Thomas: whats his problem

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:something i said

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Thomas: what was it

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:we were having s*x and i said he was almost better then you

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Thomas: how would you know wh................................(disappears)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:Amos i'm sorry*walks up behind him and hugs him*

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: *force speeds to the engine*

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:*force*amos im sorry pls don't do this i didn't mean what i said your in a class all you own

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: *Force and mouth* what you said is what you said and you can not take that back

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:*force*is there anything i can do

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Thomas: *Force* just let him work it out

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:*force*ok thomas

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Gina: Amos what are you doing here

Amos: i just ended things with Konah

Gina: why

Amos: i am not telling you
Gina: (in her thoughts) damn they made such a good couple i know
Gina timetravels back right when Konah was about to say it and Gina gives the no sign

Gina: ^mouths^ Nice breasts sticks up thumb

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

ok so we are back in time?

Re: the swamps of dagohba

just a little while back right when you are gonna say that Thomas thing

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:o.. my god amos you amazing i want you to ram me hard

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Gina to herself: o god i wish i had not heard that teleports to the her present

Amos: Oh you are so tight

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:*thinks to her self o crap gina was here*i am only 18

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: i tired

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

what? go look at my apperance
Konah:wow ....your really good