Re: the swamps of dagohba

yep when we are on yavinIV

Re: the swamps of dagohba

fine ok

Re: the swamps of dagohba

ok amos start us off we are on a republic ship

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos on bridge com: everyone except the grew get a nights rest as i will do the same

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Aguia: *meditates*

Re: the swamps of dagohba

* is easier than (   )
Amos: *walking to his room*

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

aguia: Amos... you were right... im my years ive known konahs anscestors, i would never had a chance like you had, whats your secret

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:*konah walks to her room

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Megan: Konah... umm can i ask you something.. about rhyykol

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: I am just pure good

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Aguia: Right...

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:yes what would you like to know

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: stop teaming up I cant handle both of you

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Megan: Aguia, is a bit, shy around you, why?

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:i believe aguia or rhyykol if you prefor still loves me

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: hey Rhyykol how did you cope with Thomas getting Konah

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Megan: No he doesent, i know why he doesent because he doesent have that look anymore

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:what look

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: i wasnt asking you

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba
