Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: (just looks at Gilly and then K.R) Calm down you dont have to do this

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Gilly:what the hell would know do you know what i have been threw

Konah:gilly i will kill you if i haft to

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: I dont know what to do

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:well we need to think fast

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: gets pushed back by a force so you can do it

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

that is kinda confusing so what did you mean?

Re: the swamps of dagohba

I got pushed back by a unknown force so you deal with Gilly
Amos: (mind thoughts) hey knock her out dont  kill

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

oh ok that help
Konah:knocks out gilly little b**ch

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: wow, what got me, are you alright

Gina: yeah for now at least

Amos: Hey K.R did you know her father killed yours that must be hard

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:i do now and i will kill her if luke does not give me justice

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: I cant handle killing and mostly everyone of my old friends killed someone, i cant look a people ever again if they killed someone.

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:no amos i didn't mean it i just ment i would.......... i would never kill out of revenge i love you....konah stops forzen about what she just said

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos and Gina just stare at her. Gina slappes Amos on the back of the head

Gina: you got another girl to love good for you

Amos: Jealous

Gina: nope I am already married

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba


Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: Speak K.R i am not a jerk that will run away

Gina: Amos, Amos, Amos, That is just great she seems nice

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:(falls to the ground and weeps)

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: (drops and grabs her) whats a matter

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:(wispers softly)every person i have ever loved has died my mom,dad,brother. I don't want to lose you to

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Amos: I have lived through to much to die

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: the swamps of dagohba

Konah:i want to believe you but it has happend to every one that i have ever loved