Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Looks at Atem)

Jester: We need to get to the main guys here and kill them but we should look for any of our kind that has not been changed yet and set them free.

Jester: (Forms a Fire Ball in my right hand)

Jester: But for the ones that have already be turned will die like the others.

Jester: (Starts walking)

Re: Heroes Rpg

lol sorry smile
atem: dont bother. i escaped from this but no one else has my power

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Looks at Atem)

Jester: I don't care if you escape or not but I know I will kill everyone that gets in my way.

Jester: (Sees a group of soldiers in a side room sleeping and throws a Fire Ball inside the room cooking them alive)

Jester: Smells like roasted pig.

Jester: (Starts laughing)

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: appears out of thin air Jester stop this now

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Looks at Thomas)

Jester: Why should I stop?

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: Because u are killing innocent pawns

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Glairs at Thomas)

Jester: THIS IS WAR!!!!!!!!

Jester: (Looks straight ahead)

Jester: There is no such thing as innocents during WAR!

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: Jest dont make me have to stop u

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Stops and Stands infront of Thomas)

Jester: Why do you pick these people over your own kind?

Jester: (Points at Thomas)

Jester: They attacked us first and even took our own people and made them soldiers for their WAR!

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: I know but, my family............... (looks guilty) My family worked with these people and they treated me like there nephew. My Parents were 2 of the 18 founders but once they killed them I swore to my self that i would not kill them unless they killed someone important in my life (looks right in to Jesters eyes) and if u killed them i will kill you and i wont think twice.

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Laughs and pushes Thomas)

Jester: Then you have picked your side.

Jester: (Forms a Fire Ball in my right hand)

Jester: I was the first child born in this building under the 18 that were in charge. They treated me like I was a FREAK!!!!! but when I turned 15 I killed 2 members of the 18 and escaped to the streets.

Jester: (Throws the Fire Ball at the wall catching it on fire)

Jester: I promised them that I would return and kill everyone of the 18 that still live and now there is only 6 of the 18 left.

Jester: (Walks and stands infront of Thomas)


Jester: (Throws Thoams a headset and Teleports to another part of the building)

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: Hey Atem he has got nothing!

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Teleports into a room that has the families of the head guys in it)

Jester: Peek a Boo!!!!

Jester: (Starts throwing Fire Balls at everyone of them killing them all)

Jester: (Headset) Thomas, Can you hear the screams of your side?

Jester: (Over the headset Thomas can hear the screams of men, women and children as they burn to death)

Jester: (Headset) Room 1 clear.

Jester: (Starts laughing)

(A kid hidding under the desk makes a noise)

Jester: (Walks over to the desk and grabs the kid)

Jester: (Headset) Thomas, It seems that I missed 1 but she will not die by Fire Ball but She will DIE!!

Jester: (Teleports with the kid to the roof of the building and throws her off the roof down 12 stories to her death.)

Jester: (Headset) I told you that she would not die by Fire Ball. (Laughs)

Jester: Back to work.

Jester: (Teleports back into the building)

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: ( teleports next to Jester) Jester!!! You killed children the men and women i am ok with but children! ( turns hands into electric) You crossed a line.

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Looks at Thomas)

Jester: She is a member of this building which means she is my enemy in this war too.

Jester: (Teleports behind Thomas and uses a Fire Ball to light pants on fire and Teleports back infront of him)

Jester: Are you feeling hot?

Jester: (Laughs and Teleports all over the building and with each stop I throw a Fire Ball and then move on)

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: (telepaths to Jester) Clones help when you now what is going to happen

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Laughs and looks at Thomas)

Jester: Why are you against fighting for your race in this war?

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: I am not but you killed children ( then blasts Jester with fire and electricity)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Stands up laughing)

Jester: Nice try trator but it is going to take a lot more then that to even hurt me.

Jester: (Throws a Fire Ball at the celling of the room catching it on fire)

Jester: There are 6 rooms burning like this one and soon the building will fall in on it's self.

Jester: (Teleports outside and starts throwing Fire Balls at all sides of the building)

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: HE really doesnt get it
( Teleports to the past 2 days ago

I'm black....wait thats not right