Re: The Site

I got me ADSL, and very high speed, so I'm online most of the day.

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

so am i

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Site

Nice to know. Really brakes the boredom in one's life, does it not?

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

right completely right

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Site

I have dail up right now so between that and working I am only on here at night but since it is getting colder weather I may not be on everynight like I was during the summer.

Re: The Site

aight well manage like we always have with everything that happens on this site

Re: The Site

Aye, that we will.
Just a small, crazy, dilusional familly, eh?

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

Yeah, We are like the Adams Family.  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: The Site

Tarararam tum tum tarararam tum tum tarararam tarararam tarararam tum tum.......

If we are, who's Fester?

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

Darth Rhyykol can be Fester.  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: The Site

Oh. And you and me?

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

I can be Lurch and you can be Gomez.

Re: The Site

Alright, I can agree to that. Lurch, get the door, will you?

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

You rang, No I am going to play the organ and you can get the door.

Re: The Site

And where are the kids? And Tish?

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

HAHAHAHAhahahahaha .......  lol nice guys

I Am Jedi

Re: The Site

anybody know what we talkin bout?

Re: The Site

We are talking about the Adams Family.

Re: The Site

Yup, an' I'm Gomez, and the brooding wonder over there is Lurch.

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: The Site

Prince can be It.  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol