Re: Aprentice Or Not?

but in reality they are not real

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Alright, alright, you made you'r point.
Oh, look, my first day since re-activation, and I'm already climbing ranks. Prosperous.

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

only because another person is on

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Yeah, I guess I have you to thank mostly for that. Arigato ExileAmos-san.

Last edited by Master Drakai (2009-10-23 20:57:37)

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Well your welcome master drakai-san

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Nice. Vry nice ExileAmos-dono.

Last edited by Master Drakai (2009-10-23 21:05:04)

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

thank you and i dont know anymore

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

-chan          for a close femail friend or daughter
-kun            for a close mail friend or son
-san            means mister or sir
-sama         higher rank then san, master I think (as in a master of slaves, or such)
-dono         highest one, lord
-sensei       literaly means one that came before, teacher
-baachan    grandmother
-ojisan(jiisan) grandfather
-niichan       big sister
That's all I know. I bet there are more thou. You add them at the end of the name.

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

oh thanks Master Drakai-sama,dono,sensei

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

It is good to have another member on here because for the past month it has only been me and ExileAmos on here really.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Yeah, well, now I'm back on a day to day basis. wink

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Thats good to hear and I hope you stay for a long time.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Aye, me too.(this time)

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Drake, Have you been on anymore trips since you were last on here?

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Hmm, let's see. My last one was Budapest.
No, I haven't. But later this year, I'm gonna go to Itally and Greece.

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

I have 2 trips planed this comming year, The first trip is to Ireland to see family and the second trip is to the Channel Islands to Sark because members of my family lived their and were Lords for about 300 years.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Damn, that's some family.

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Yeah and I am planning another trip to go to France because there is a statue of a member of my family there which he was a prirate of a Admrial in the navy about 200 years ago.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

Damn. Some resume.
Well hope you don't crash My Lord

If you can have everything with but a thought, the end result matters not, only the jurney to it.

Re: Aprentice Or Not?

nice dude. that'll be awesome!!!

I Am Jedi