Re: The New Jedi Order

*Aran tightens his grip on Hovoth's neck, letting the Jedi's feet drag the floor behind him.*

Aran: You had your chance, Jedi... and you didn't take it. You- your Order- is weak... and thus you must be replaced.

*He enters the hanger.*

Aran: It is the way of the universe, Jedi... only the strongest shall survive.

*He enters Shuttle 02-176.*

Aran: (growls) Your Order has survived long past its time...

*He walks to cell 02 where Karvan and Nolan are trying to find out where they are The four guards at the cell's enterance shut down the cell's energy shield. Aran throws Hovoth into the cell.*

Aran: It has evaded its fate...

*The energy shield comes back on. Aran turns to leave.*

Aran: But it will not survive this war.

*With that he leaves. The guards return to their normal positions.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (looks at Gratiir)

Anubis: Let me go in ahead of the attack and I can start the killing in the Temple and your attack force can attack the military bases.

Anubis: (Evil grin)

Anubis: I wish to make the first jedi head roll because of what they did to my clan, friends and family on Tattoonie.

Anubis: (The Darkside grows even more inside of me as I think about what happened to my Clan on Tattoonie.)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Can't continue this one without Hovoth either.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Okay, We will wait for Hovoth to return to start this back.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Sorry guys, I'm back...

Nolan: "Jedi Hovoth!"

* Nolan rushes over to help, but Hovoth sticks his hand up... *

Hovoth: (Coughs) "I'm fine soldier..."

Karvan: (Walks over) "These soldiers aren't normal, sir."

Hovoth: "I know that..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks back over at Gratiir)

Anubis: Is it time to fight now?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: (holds up his hand for silence, his eyes focused on Resa)
It is your call...

Resa: (she pauses to think for a moment) Tell Aran to prepare the Shuttle as planned. I'll take the Jedi and the clones to Coruscant myself.

Gratiir: (smiles, and bows respectfully) At once.
(he shouts something in Mando'a and two "Sith" guards step forward)

Resa: (looks back at Gratiir)
Watch the... Sith (she looks over at Anubis and then back at Gratiir)
They're slippery.

(with that she leaves the bridge)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Watches Resa leave the Bridge)

Anubis: What's the plan?

Anubis: (Walks up to Gratiir)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "We'll have to think of something... or wait it out."

Nolan: "What do they plan on doing?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Um, Jest... you're still restrained by the two "Sith" guards. Just so you know.

..Vanisher; hanger, aboard Shuttle 02-176 awaiting transport to Coruscant...

*Hovoth, Karvan, and Nolan hear the shuttle door hiss open. They hear Aran's deep voice grumbling in Mando'a. A harsh, female voice (obviously Resa) replies. Aran sighs and then answers in Mando'a. There are a single set of fottsteps that fade away towards the shuttle's cockpit.*

*Aran proceeds towards the cell where they are located, growling. He looks down at Hovoth.*

Aran: Well, Jedi... today's your lucky day...

...Vanisher; bridge...

*Gratiir turns his attention back to the window, watching the stars fly by. He says something queitly in Mando'a. A series of beeps registers an understood command. Slowly a large, vertical, holographic map appears in front of him, almost blocking the view of the stars outside the ship.*

*Suddenly the bridge doors open and a shadowy figures, dressed in a long, black hooded cloak proceeds to approach Gratiir. A'denn quickly follows in this "Sith's" footsteps.*

*As the "Sith" walks acorss the length of the bridge, one thing is noticeable: the occassionally flash of diappearance. One moment he's there, the next step he's not. Yet the next second he reappear- faded, ghost-like... but there- his black cloak seemingly flying gently behind him in an unexisting wind.*

*He stops near Gratiir and glances at the map, his face hide by the shadows of his cloak. A'denn walks to stand beside Gratiir, obviously uneasy at the "Sith's" presence.*

*Gratiir points to a system on the map, one near the Coruscant system they are currently in. He looks back at A'denn.*

Gratiir: Tell the fleet to wait here for my order. When it comes I want them here ASAP. Is that understood?

A'denn: Clearly.

*Gratiir now looks over at the "Sith".*

Gratiir: Resa will let us know when the Jedi has made contact with the Council. Once we recieve the word I want you and your men on the ground. You know what must me done...

*The "Sith" nods but remains silent. He turns to leave the bridge but as he takes the second step to head towards the door he simply fades away completely... and is there no more. Gratiir turns his attention back to A'denn.*

Gratiir: Inform the fleet.

A'denn: At once, sir.
(he leaves)

*Gratiir says something quietly in Mando'a again and the holographic map slowly fades away. He turns to look at Anubis, still held by the two "Sith" guards.*

Gratiir: Now what... am I going to do with you...?

Think I've figured out what I want to call my "New Sith Order" guys! ^_^

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks right into Gratiir's eyes)

Anubis: Let me go down with the Sith to the Temple and I will PROVE TO YOU that I am no longer one of them.

Anubis: (Laughs evilly)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Sweet.  big_smile

Aran: Well, Jedi... today's your lucky day...

Mace Windu: "There is no luck, there's only the force!"


Hovoth: (Grunts)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

The... Empyrians.  wink

...Vanisher; bridge...

*Gratiir shurgs.*

Gratiir: Do not worry... Sith. You shall get to prove your loyalty... but on a mission where I can afford betrayal. But for now my Empyiran can more than take care of the Jedi. You, my friend, shall stay here for now and watch as we usher in a new age.

(he smiles, turning to look through the bridge windows towards Coruscant)

The Empyrian Age.

..Vanisher; hanger, aboard Shuttle 02-176 enroute to Coruscant...

Aran: (growls)
We're giving you a head start in this war, Jedi. Giving the underdog a chance to bite back. Let's just see how well your Order holds up against us.

*Though his face is hidden by his helmet it's obvious the Mandalorian is smiling. He gives a slight chuckle and proceeds to the cockpit as the shuttle enters Coruscant's atmosphere.*

If you notice Gratiir says "Empyrian" not "Empyrians". This implies that the "Sith" on the bridge was an Empyiran. It's now obvious that there are three different New Sith Order "rankings". The Empyrians (obviously), then whatever Gratiir calls his "Jedi hunters (a.k.a. Sith)" and "clone soldiers".

What roles they play, who's what, and why Gratiir chooses to call his conquest "the Empyiran Age"... well, you'll just have to find out.  wink

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (looks out the window at the planet)

Anubis: I understand, I understand that my sabers will have to wait a little longer untill they bathe in the blood of the jedi.

Anubis: (A grin comes across my face)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Your new order will tarry nothing into this universe... it will only crumble under empty revelations, followed by the justice brought by the Jedi."


Oooo! Nice name!  B)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

A week of posts lost but at least it was not longer then a week.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Yeah. I'll re-post my last post.

*The recorder is silent for a minute a then a holographic recording of Resa appears.*

Resa: [i]It

Re: The New Jedi Order

Let's pick it up where me(Anubis) is heading to the hanger with Starr(Ta'ay).

Re: The New Jedi Order


*The recorder is silent for a minute a then a holographic recording of Resa appears.*

Resa: It’s been a while since I talked to the Jedi Council… too long. (she shifts and then continues) The Republic is in ruins… it doesn’t have a war or even a battle to blame it on. No, but it has you… the Jedi. Your weak pathetic Order has failed to protect the Republic time and time again. You… your Order… has survived long past its time. It has evaded its fate… but it will not survive the oncoming war. (she pauses)

This is all… for the good of the Republic. Let the Empyrian Age… begin…

*The recorder is silent for a minute.*

Resa: Chaabar…

*There is a click from the Force collar around Hovoth’s neck. It suddenly unlocks and falls to the ground at his feet.*

Vanisher, en route to hanger…

*Ta’ay seems to chuckle and scoff at the same time. Her grip on Anubis’s arm tightens.*

Ta’ay: Zeta Company is well… bad ass to put it mildly. They’re our most undisciplined soldiers… but they kick ass like you wouldn’t believe.


…Confederacy HQ; undisclosed location…

*A fleet jumps out of hyperspace…*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Grins Evilly)

Anubis: I think Zeta Company will be fun to be apart of and I know we will have much fun and the blood will fly.

Anubis: (Laughs Evilly)