Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas clone: no we dont
(then forms an ice ball)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: Then what do you want to do?

Jester: (Looks at Thomas's clone)

Jester: Should we attack their HQ?

Re: Heroes Rpg

Atem: Me and Jester will infiltrate the base. Ryo, Tom.. you two will create a distraction giving us a way in.

Re: Heroes Rpg

Clone: sure i can do that

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

(Another clone appears right next to the other) Both: we both can do it

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Looks at Atem)

Jester: I can teleports us in there and we can get the killing started there and then move to the rest of them later.

Re: Heroes Rpg

Atem: ohhh... you took the fun out of it

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: How did he ruin the fun out of it

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Atem: i wanna rush it

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (Looks at Atem)

Jester: By the time that you rush it I can already kill everyone inside their HQ and be back by the time you get your running shoes on.

Jester: (Starts laughing)

Jester: If you want to rush it the we will rush it.

Re: Heroes Rpg

Thomas: hold it just let me check something
(Thomas picks up handful of dirt and blows)
See lasers

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Atem: you win. lets teleport

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: Good.......Hold onto my arm.

Jester: (Looks at Thomas)

Jester: If you are comming then grab my other arm.

Re: Heroes Rpg

Atem: Thomas... you in or out?

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: The longer we wait the more they will be ready for a attack.

Re: Heroes Rpg

Atem: leave him lets go.

Re: Heroes Rpg

Jester: (I teleport Atem and myself into the HQ's in a small room at the back of the building)

Jester: Okay, We will make our way through the building clearing room by room.

Re: Heroes Rpg

Guards: Get the alarm there is are intruders
(A lightning bolt flies out of no where and knocks out the guards)
Thomas: that should hold them for a while as Jester and Rhy get through the building

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Heroes Rpg

Im not rhyykol remember?
Atem: Come on jes

Re: Heroes Rpg

well sorry
Thomas: (Teleports next to ATEM)
They are sending People like us so come on hurry i will try to stall them
(Teleports out)

I'm black....wait thats not right