Re: The Halo Rpg

Your post, Hovoth.

Re: The Halo Rpg

My last post... if it helps.  wink

*Ardo moves to the front of the group, to stand beside Rgis and Vali.*

Ardo: Another has passed through these haunted halls.

Rgis: (sniffs) And not too long ago.
(he kicks a nearby corpse)

Vali: Move on.

*She continues down the hallway followed quickly by Scron, Kysh, and Cado.*

*Ardo and Rgis stay were they are for a moment. The warriors glance at each other before following their leader.*

...Pelican, enroute...

Maximus: I? I was one of their greatest warriors, their greatest leaders. And like all great leaders I had a great teacher. He was more than a teacher- some wise scholar... he was a friend. He taught me everything I knew... about honor, the Code, loyalty to the Prophets.

In his old age he tried to warn me. He said that the Prophet's words were lies... that they they were not leading us to our salvation... but to our graves. I did not believe him at first... perhaps because I did not want too. Did not want to know that everything I believed in, everything I put my trust in... was all lies.

(he sighs)

The Prophets charged him with heresy. He was killed... and his body paraded through our Holy City. I did not attend... so the Prophets suspected me.

(he chuckles)

They sent me on a mission... told me that my friend had made a journey shortly before he declared heresy. They wanted me to find out what- or who- had turned such a wise Sangheili scholar.

Perhaps they wanted me to die on that mission... like an Arbiter.

(another sigh)

I found what they wanted... and I learned the truth. I... went back. Tried to warn my brothers of all the lies. But my message fell on deaf ears... so I fled.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Walks down the hallway and stands next to the others)

Grim: I don't like this.

Grim: (Looks around with rifle ready)

Re: The Halo Rpg

* The group of elites move down the corridor, looking around corners and securing the vents the line the top of the halls. Smoke seems to spit out from the top vents... *

Bel'san: (Looks up at the foggy vents) "Their stench is becoming weak..."

Thell: "I notice..."

* They make it to a very large elevator, with a large energy beam coming through the center. Near the edge is a small console, glowing with blue font and symbols... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Jay: "You mentioned an 'Arbitor'..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Ill join my chars name is vel'zereck, ill be an sanghelli if thats all right?

Umm is the sanghelli still a covenant or are they sided woith humans?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Still Covenant as of now.

I'm gonna start using full desriptive instead of normal RPG if that's okay with you guys. Makes it better I think.

Maximus looks at Jay for a moment. "An Arbiter..." he repeats himself. "Yes..." he adds. He clicks his lower mandibles, looking away. "It is a heretic's title," he says in a subdued tone. "A chance at redeemtion. A chance to wipe away your sins."

Another click, a sigh. "But what had I done wrong?" he asks himself more than the humans.


The group of Sangheili continue down the hall lined with dead Parasite corpses. Blood stains the walls. Scron growls, looking around uneasily.

"I do not like this, Field Master," he says, looking up the hallway towards Vali.

Kysh nods in agreement. "I agree, Field Master. What creature," he says looking around at the dead bodies thrown everywhere, "could have slaughtered like this and not stained these floors with any of its blood as well?" he asks, looking back up towards Vali.

Vali growls, growing impatient. Her steps quicken. "One braver than you, no doubt," she says, anger lashing in her tone.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Yah it revived am i with marines if i can join again if so i am still my character

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Okay, I know we said "no Spartans" but I desperately need to bring in two Spartans soon so I was wondering if you guys (a.k.a. Hovoth and Jest only. They've been in this RPG long enough) wouldn't mind. You guys (see above a.k.a.) can bring in two (and only two) Spartans of your choosing each if you want to but let us all know what scene of the story they're gonna be in first so there's no randomized attack of a Spartan coming out of nowhere. And Jest, no "Spartan turns to help the Covie" or "Spartan raised by Covie" stuff, okay? They're Spartans after all.

Let me know what you guys think. If you do decide to bring one (or two) in don't do it in the Heven setting please. I've got two coming up and I really don't need anymore in that scene. Two (and only two) can meet with the humans and Maximus when they hit dirt (plus my two). Hovoth and Jest... you boys figure out how you want to do everything. Let me know if I need to add characters, add new settings, etc.

Re: The Halo Rpg

i think it suits them

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Vel'zereck walks upon a stage with 20000 roaring sanghelli.A holoigraphic projection of Vel comes up.
"My friends. The prophets are planning a attack on the humans. they need us. Are We Ready To do the prophets will?" Vel'zereck walks off the stage and joins his fellow commanders.

Truth hovers on. "The arbiter will meet you at the rendzous zone. Be brave, Be strong!"

Re: The Halo Rpg

I don't mind Starr, besides - the Spartans would keep the story flowing, Jester - you fine with it?

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thanks boys. ^_^

Levitt's voice interrupts the conversation:"We're approaching our target destination now. Two minutes to dirt. Lock and load people. LZ's hot. I'll do my best to clear it but we all know Covie bastards are like cockroaches."

Maximus lets out a growl looking towards the cockpit.

"Hey, you're on our side remember, Maximus. These guy's tried to kill you anyway."

Maximus huffs, ignoring the pilot.


The group of Sangheili's proceed through the gut-covered halls. They hear voices ahead...

"Humans!" Cado roars.

Rgis growls, activating his two energy swords.

"Demons," he growls.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Looks around and at Maximus)

Grim: Where the hell are we going?

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay grabs his Assault Rifle, and puts fresh ammunition inside the lock. He takes his pistol, and holsters it on his waist. *

Jay: "Alright, we need to stick together, of course. Your all trained... you know how combat feels. We're soldiers, not Spartans. They breed combat, we bleed combat!"

* Jay looks back at Maximus... *

Jay: "Well, that little speech doesn't apply to you... the first part, not so much as the second part."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "What are they doing here? And how did they survive the parasite?"

Ullono: "I heard humans can be as bad as Doberman Gators... when trapped." (He chuckles)

Thell: (Puts his hand on his sword)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

We need to catch this up seen we have loat a lot in this rpg.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Damn... I hate when this happens.  sad Okay, the Spartan (Hovoth's) just asked if this was all the UNSC could spare. Maximus respons with the following.
Meanwhile Lisa realizes they won't have enough time to retrieve what they need from the Proto-Gravemind and decides to slow the Elites down a bit.

Em glances over at Grim. Something was up

Re: The Halo Rpg

Okay... um... the Spartan (Hovoth's... sorry, forgot his name...) just said something along the lines of how he wanted to kill Maximus. Maximus approaches what everyone can only assume is a "back door" into the ancient structure and calls Em to his side, obviously needing her help to open the door.
Meanwhile, Rgis, Cado, and the other Elites attack Lisa in the narrow hallway. Guess I'll re-post.

Maximus comes to a large stone wall that seems to streach endlessly in both directions. He places his hand on the wall, over the strange symbols and begins searching for something.

The designs on the wall begin to glow a faint blue. Maximus throws his Spartan laser onto the ground beside him and looks back at the humans. He looks over at Em. "Human," he says as he motions for her to come closer.

...Ancient Structre, Lisa...

Lisa watches as two Elite rush forward with their energy swords, ready to attack. Her AI focuses on the two Elites raising their Carbines farther down the hall. She pulls the M90 from her back holster and aims it at the first Elite, one with the energy sword and fires as she uses her MA5C to open fire on one of the Elites with a Carbine.

...Ancient Structure, Elites...

Cado steps back as the round from the shotgun causes his armor's shielding to flare. He dodges the next blast, the one that would have penetrated his armor. The Demon then aims at Rgis and quickly fires twice, aware that if it slows down to see the damage of the first shot the Elite would miss the wounding shot.

Rgis steps back a few steps, purple blood slowly beginning to flow from his armor.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Sees Maximus drop the laser on the ground and trys to open the acient door)

Grim: That is a big door.

Grim: (Walks and stands next to the laser and when Maximus is not looking I bend down and take a important peice of the laser)

Grim: Can I help Maximus?

Grim: (Before Maximus can turn around I brake and throw the peice of the laser that I took as far as I can)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Again I really like this RPG and would love to continue it, we just need Hovoth to keep us going.  wink

Re: The Halo Rpg

what the heck Hovoth has to do everything doesnt he

I'm black....wait thats not right