Re: Taris Restoration Project

Rhyykol, Are you still in your ship?

Jester: (Hacks into the doors systems and starts to override the doors)

Jester: Two more steps left.

Jester: (Starts working on the last step of the door systems)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

no... im on that planet oron.
Rhyykol: what is it you want.

Shadow Judge 2: You know what we want.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Finishes the final system and the doors open)

Jester: Where the hell is Rhyykol?

Jester: (Searches Rhyykol's ship and finds a mesage that said that he is on the planet)

Jester: It looks like I am going to the surface.

Jester: (Get's back into my ship and flys to the surface of Oron)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Wait wait wait. back track. why would i or them leave a note lol
Rhyykol: you have to tourte me first.

Supreme shadow: tourte.. that.. that.. sounds like a good idea

Re: Taris Restoration Project

If was video recorded by a systems camera in your ship so that is what I meant to say.

Jester: Faster!!!!!!

Jester: (The ships docked together hit top speed and reach the orbit around the planet)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

( a solaris warrior walks up to the judge)

Warrior: fuh vhewivh rvowjh vhsh cwhgq*

Judge: dhgjac hecqib nvjhj wtf bcab mpyo cfsft

Rhyykol: I know what your saying. i do understand 12,000 diffrent languages.

Judge: It seems like your friend has tried to save you. he will have a hard time. GIVE US THE LEGENDARY SABER OR HE WILL DIE!!!

Rhyykol: I gave it to someone for safe keeping.

Judge: Yes jester. NOW. fjdshnwb hdcwhb vfjibq vhia nvh vbsiob vbowvbib wvihjwvhbv vhav vhaiy vrhuwy vrhiyquriwytr fgvuregh!!!!!

Rhyykol: No!!!! Jester Run!!!

* Solarian

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (I undock with Rhyykol's ship in orbit and land just outside the jungle)

Jester: Now, It is time to find Rhyykol.

Jester: (Stands up and walks to the ramp and walks off the ship)

Jester: What the hell kind of tree is that?

Jester: (Turns around and locks the ship up which only I know how to get it unlocked)

Jester: Alright, Time to find Rhyykol and kill the ones that have taken him.

Jester: (Starts walking into the jungle with my 2 Black lightsabers out and ignited)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(five solarian white nights run through the jungle hunting thiere prey.they are lead buy a black night in pitch black armor.)

Solarian w/knight 1: (solarian) we will kill him. he will perish. (ignites beam sword)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Sences that a group of warriors are comming and turns off lightsabers and puts them away)

Jester: If they want to fight then I will make it far and not use my lightsabers.

Jester: (Laughs and sits and starts to meditate)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Rhyykol: (mind) jester im speaking to you through the force. The warriors have the abillity to cancel out force powers. dont go so easy on them.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Force to Rhyykol) I am not going to go easy on them but I do want to have alittle fun before I kill them.

Jester: (Stands up and walks towards the warriors)


Re: Taris Restoration Project

Solarian knight 1: bfgeu hvwub hfw hsuq nfjcwb fgwug fgwug fjgejeg gqfg bfkh.

Rhyykol: (force) i can decipher the launguage. Umm they said " he has the shining blades of terror. send in the omega knight"

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Force to Rhyykol) Are they talking about that lightsaber you gave me?

Jester: (Keeps walking and starts to laugh)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Rhyykol:(force) Yes. the lightsaber i gave you is the key to beating them. Listen to what i say. (starts mumbling)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Force to Rhyykol) I don't know where you got that saber but it is not the only one because they made 2 of the same sabers. 1 was given to the most powerfull lightside master and the other was given to the most powerfull Darkside Master.

Jester: (Looks at the saber)

Jester: You gave me the ont that belonged to the lightside master and I already had the one that belonged to the Darkside Master.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Rhyykol: (force) yes... i am the lightside master... you are the darkside master.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Rhyykol) They will come to fear me and my Saber of the Darkside.

Jester: (Keeps walking and sees a fire which looks like a camp)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Rhyykol: (jester) dont go its a ritual fire!!! if any non-solarians go within 20 feet of it... well you might guess what.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Stops at 22 feet from the camp)

Jester: (Rhyykol) Where are you at?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Rhyykol: (force) im at the prison cell.