Re: The Halo Rpg

* The Pelican travels through, a few bumps occur, but then settles again... *

Jay: "So... what's your story? 'You suddenly have a nak with the Covies and betrayed them?"

(( Meanwhile... Planet Heven... ))

* They come into another opening, another hallway. One side has openings along the top half, with warm smoke shooting through a pipe... and on the other side is a blue - almost watery - looking energy light. Many of them repeat on the left side. The shadows of the Parasite crawl alongside the walls, and go into cracks... *

Thell: "This place smells of death." (He looks on the ground) "And seems mopped with Parasite blood and..."

Ullono: "Slime?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Ardo moves to the front of the group, to stand beside Rgis and Vali.*

Ardo: Another has passed through these haunted halls.

Rgis: (sniffs) And not too long ago.
(he kicks a nearby corpse)

Vali: Move on.

*She continues down the hallway followed quickly by Scron, Kysh, and Cado.*

*Ardo and Rgis stay were they are for a moment. The warriors glance at each other before following their leader.*

...Pelican, enroute...

Maximus: I? I was one of their greatest warriors, their greatest leaders. And like all great leaders I had a great teacher. He was more than a teacher- some wise scholar... he was a friend. He taught me everything I knew... about honor, the Code, loyalty to the Prophets.

In his old age he tried to warn me. He said that the Prophet's words were lies... that they they were not leading us to our salvation... but to our graves. I did not believe him at first... perhaps because I did not want too. Did not want to know that everything I believed in, everything I put my trust in... was all lies.

(he sighs)

The Prophets charged him with heresy. He was killed... and his body paraded through our Holy City. I did not attend... so the Prophets suspected me.

(he chuckles)

They sent me on a mission... told me that my friend had made a journey shortly before he declared heresy. They wanted me to find out what- or who- had turned such a wise Sangheili scholar.

Perhaps they wanted me to die on that mission... like an Arbiter.

(another sigh)

I found what they wanted... and I learned the truth. I... went back. Tried to warn my brothers of all the lies. But my message fell on deaf ears... so I fled.

Re: The Halo Rpg

I was trying to lightin the mood.

Grim: What happened here?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: So this is the Pelican.

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Looks at Thomas)

Grim: No, This is just a rundown pizza shop.

Grim: (Starts laughing)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thomas: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha dont me angry

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

I think this rpg is dead.

Re: The Halo Rpg

never no nevver no

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

It is dead.

Re: The Halo Rpg

ahh monkeys... i started to like halo

Re: The Halo Rpg

now whos fault is it?

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

This rpg died when Starr and Hovoth stopped comming to the site.

Re: The Halo Rpg

yah but now starr, u, me, LMS, atrox are on one at a time somewhat

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: The Halo Rpg

True but I am tired of this rpg so I don't thing I would be in it if it starts back up.

Re: The Halo Rpg

I can't continue this one without Hovoth.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Hovoth has not been back since this the forums messed up.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Darth Jester,Sep 15 2009, 08:28 PM wrote:

Hovoth has not been back since this the forums messed up.

Yeah, it wasn't letting me log in for awhile... also I was busy with a whole lot of stuff and such... we can continue on though. This RPG was too good to let die.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Where are we going to start it off?

Re: The Halo Rpg

I guess where we left off some posts up.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

ill join themn. if thats alright?