Re: The New Jedi Order

Ta'ay: Ooh... I think 'em fiesty.

*She snaps her fingers and one of the clones steps forward handing her his field knife.*


Gratiir: We do not wish to corrupt the Republic, Jedi... we simply need the alliance of the Dark Jedi for a time. To help deal with your Order. Once the Jedi are out of the way of our plan we will deal with the Dark Jedi as we see fit.

Resa and her followers will raise a new Order in the ashes of the old. A better Order.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Laughs and smiles)

Anubis: That sounds like a good plan and I hope it works out for you but the way that I see it is that you will still be trading 1 master for another 1.

Anubis: (Walks closer)

Anubis: If you and your brothers join me then we can raise our own Empire where clone and non clone are equals.

Anubis: (Pulls at the collar again)

Anubis: But if you wish to serve a Master then lead as a Master then you can stay on your path.

Anubis: (Walks back to the back of the cell and sits down)

Anubis: Think about what I said.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Karvan: (Looks into the lights) "Soldier number 44,245 Republic Command..."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: "Heh... good luck with that."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Grievous: "These Republic 'rebels' can surely provide a weak point in the Republic... perhaps we can reside upon this."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Note: The following content may contain blood and gore, intense scenes of torture, and brutality. Not suitable for children 13 or under. You've been warned.

*Ta'ay proceeds to cut open Karvan's top underarmor piece, revealing his chest. She then slowly takes the blade down his upper body, making a slight gash from the top of his chest to his stomach.*


A'denn: Sir, we're approaching Coruscant... ten minutes.

Gratiir: (turns his attention back to A'denn) Good. Prepare the ship to stay in orbit and get the shuttle's ready.

A'denn: Yes, sir.
(leaves to give out orders)

*Gratiir motions towards one of the Commando Captains who have come back onto the bridge. The Captain approaches him.*

Gratiir: Tell Ta'ay to finish up with the clones. And remind her of my orders... I don't want bodies.

Captain: Yes, sir.


*The doors leading into the Prison block open and Resa comes in followed by two Jedi dressed in Sith power armor. The guards snap to attention as Resa stops in front of Anubis's cell.*

Power armor is what you see Starkiller wearing in the pictures released before the Force Unleashed came out.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks up at Resa)

Anubis: I am finished with the jedi and I WANT to join you.

Anubis: (Stands up and walks to the sheild)

Anubis: I will even wear this collar if you don't believe me.

Anubis: (Bows at Resa and lowers head)

Anubis: I will do your bidding, Master.

Anubis: (Evil grin)

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Karvan grinds his teeth, and focuses on the bright light positioned at the top of the room as Nolan can just watch... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: (Looks up) "What are you doing with my men?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Aldas: "Am I on standby then...?"


Hey, anybody know what this is: IPB WARNING [2] file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/proc/loadavg) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/amiah1:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) (Line: 57 of /sources/classes/class_session.php)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hey, anybody know what this is: IPB WARNING [2] file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/proc/loadavg) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/amiah1:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) (Line: 57 of /sources/classes/class_session.php)

It's an issue we're having with the site right now. I'm working on getting it fixed. Are you having any problems posting?

Gratiir: (smiles) Just a little something to make the Senate feel sympathetic for the clones that got captured and tortured by the Seperatists because of your... "leadership". Sadly, most of your men were lost in the assault on the ship. If it hadn't been for me sending in Resa and her squad you wouldn't have survived.


*Ta'ay hands the clone back his field knife and says something in Mando'a. The other clone that had been guarding Karvan leaves the room. She looks towards the guards who are guarding Nolan and says something else in Mando'a.*

*The clones nod and begin to take Nolan's heavy outer armor off. The clone that left earlier returns followed by another clone pushing a cart covered by a cloth. He stops in front of Ta'ay and says something in Mando'a. Ta'ay replies and the clone leaves.*

*Ta'ay reaches forward and pulls the cloth revealing a tray of grotesque  looking knives and other tools.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Kinda. I have to back out when I post (Because the screen goes to a blank page with the white text), and go back to the main Forums. It'll count my post (from me) as new (to me) for some reason - but nothing huge though.

Hovoth: (Chuckles) "Who's going to believe that?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Nolan: "Your a sick person, ya know that?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Grievous: "My droids will drop you off near a destination I want you to clear. Clones are preparing to attack this flagship... I need you to flank their backs and destroy them."

Aldas: (Nods) "It's something."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Same here.

Gratiir: (chuckles) Just wait and see, Jedi. Resa has a way with people. After all, she fooled Master Yoda and Master Windu.


Resa: Leaving the Jedi... to follow me? Anubis I'm touhed.

*The blast doors open and Aran walks in.*


Ta'ay: (slight chuckle)
Sick, no. Talented... yes.

*She picks up a hook like tool and smiles. Suddenly the Commando Captain that received Gratiir's orders comes in. He takes his helmet off and says something in Mando'a. Ta'ay replies and the captain nods, leaving.*

Ta'ay: Ah commands always got to ruin all the fun. I guess I'll let my boys have all the fun this time.

*She says something in Mando'a and a clone steps forward with a strange gun. She wipes away the blood from the still fresh wound and squirts a foam-like liquid into Karvan's gash. Though it seals the wound for now it causes burning pain. She looks over at one of the guards that had been holding Karvan.*

Ta'ay: You know what to do. Just try not to hit the wound. If it reopens it would cause further damage... and Gratiir would pefer if they were still both alive when we reached Coruscant.

*With that she leaves.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Oh, forgot - when I quote - it stays forever. I have to delete it everytime I reply because it comes back.

And You said ' Karvan ' instead of ' Nolan '.  big_smile


Hovoth: "The darkside... can be decieving... but so can the jedi." (Referance to KoTOR)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Nolan: "Stop this bloodshed, soldiers. What'll this prove?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

lol Where?

Gratiir: (slight chuckle) Now you know exactly why we're doing what we're doing.

*The Vanisher approaches Coruscant.*


*The two guards that had been holding Karvan proceed to untie him.*

*The two clones finish untieing Karvan but then one raises his blaster and hits Karvan in the face with it, causing Karvan to slip into unconsiousness. One of the guards releases Nolan, the other grabbing his now loose arm. He raises the end of his blaster.*

Guard: Orders... are orders.

*He hits Nolan in the head with the butt of his rifle. Then everything's dark.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Oh, nvm.

Hovoth: (Doesn't speak)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Waiting on Jest again I guess.  :unsure:

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: If you let me out of here I will gladly kill every jedi and republic soldier that gets in my way.

Anubis: (Stands up)

Anubis: I will do it in your name.

Anubis: (Grins evilly)

Re: The New Jedi Order

*Aran shouts something in Mando'a. The guards proceed to shut down Anubis's cell's energy shield. Aran steps forward into the cell and grabs Anubis by the back of his neck, picking him up but managing not to choke the Jedi.*

*He walks out of the cell with Anubis, the Jedi's feet dragging the ground behind him. Anubis tries to use the Force to get away from the clone's grip but it appears Aran is immune to Force powers.*

*Aran looks at Resa.*

Resa: To the bridge. We shall see if he can prove his loyalty.


*A'denn walks back onto the bridge.*

A'denn: We are preparing for slow orbit. Your ship is ready. Five of our Republic fighters will take you in to avoid any confrontations.

Re: The New Jedi Order

(( Meanwhile... ))

Grievous: "After that, you'll await any orders Dooku might encase."

Aldas: (Nods) "Of course."

* A droids comes up... *

Droid: "Sorry sir, but the clones are near here. They set up small fighter ships around this vessel. There are two groups in all."

Grievous: "Prepare the ships, and follow Aldas to the Hanger."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: Good. Take the Jedi to my ship. Tell Ta'ay to put the two clones with him.

A'denn: Yes, sir.

*A'denn leaves again.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks at Aran and Resa)

Anubis: I will prove myself and more.

Anubis: (Evil grin)

Anubis: I will bring back their lightsabers or heads to you.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: We shall see.

*They arrive at the bridge, Aran still holding Anubis by the back of his neck. Gratiir looks back at them.*

Gratiir: (he smiles) Good. Aran leave the... um, Sith here. My guards will make sure he doesn't cause any problems. Take the Jedi (he motions towards Hovoth) down to the ship to await transport.

*Aran drops Anubis, letting him fall to the floor. He then takes the Force collar off his neck and then moves towards Hovoth. He places th Force collar on Hovoth's neck and then unlocks his Force restraints. He grabs him as he did Anubis and leaves the bridge, dragging the Jedi with him.*

*Two Sith ((obviously not Sith but their "New Order" name has not be learned yet)) grab Anubis, each grabbing one of his arms. They help him up and then hold him in place.*

Gratiir: (looks at Resa) Joren has just informed me that our fleet and army are both complete. It seems both the Sith and the machine were more powerful than we ever hoped.

Resa: Yet it was not unexpected.

Gratiir: Indeed. I had high hopes.

*He turns around, looking out the bridge's main window towards Coruscant.*

Gratiir: We have to make a choice now, Resa. We could attack them while they are unprepared... (he clenches his fist) crush them in an instant. The Republic would be ours.

Resa: Or...?

Gratiir: (he looks over his shoulder back at her) Or... (he turns to face her) we could let the Jedi go free as we had planned. Let him warn the Jedi Council of our plan... let them convince the Senate to prepare for war. We attack when they are preparing. The planet will be somewhat undefended... but redy for a fight.

We move and attack the Temple... attack the Jedi when they are ready... at their best. Once the Temple has fallen... all of Coruscant... all of the Republic... will follow. It will be a battle- a victory- remembered for ages to come.


...Vanisher; hanger, aboard Shuttle 02-176 awaiting transport to Coruscant...
...Cell 02...

*Karvan and Nolan slowly regain consciousness... the harsh beating they had not felt earlier now felt in even greater force.*

Obviously the "machine" is another Star Forge. It would appear the Sith has some power which allows the Star Forge to produce more powerful armies and armadas in a shorter amount of time .

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "C'mon big guy... how about you take this collar off, and I can show you what the force can really do..." (Chuckles)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Karvan: (Coughs) "Where are we?"

Nolan: (Rubs his head) "Not to repeat you... but I don't know..."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Droid Pilot: "Roger Roger."

Aldas: (Looks up at Grievous) "I shouldn't be long..." (He leaves, following the Droid Pilot to the Hanger)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?