Re: The New Jedi Order

*Suddenly the blast door leading out into the ship opens and in walks Ta'ay and Kal. The two clones are talking to each other and don't notice Karvan, Nolan, or Anubis.*

...Vanisher, bridge...

Gratiir: You're wrong, Jedi... it will work. The old Republic will crumble and give birth to a new, more powerful empire. Nothing will threaten us.

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Karvan and Nolan quickly take postition on either sides of the door, and wait... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: "Ha! Your pride will be your downfall!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: An old wives tale does not scare me, Jedi.


*The two clones continue towards the cell. Suddenly Ta'ay looks away and notices the open cell and the two dead gaurds. Before they reach grabbing range of Nolan and Karvan she moves back and presses the alarm.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Karvan and Nolan jump on Ta'ay and Kal, wrestling them to the ground - throwing punches and other melee attacks... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

* The alarm rings throughout the ship. Hovoth is able to pull his lightsaber from Gratiir's belt, and slices the Force Straps off of him... *

Hovoth: "Surrender and maybe we can work this out with your soldiers!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

*Ta'ay and Kal's armor suddenly glows with an energy shield, preventing any damage.*

...Vanisher, bridge...

Gratiir: (growls) You threaten me?! On my ship?

*Suddenly a group of about twenty clones or more surround Hovoth. Two turrents drop down from the ceiling and aim at the Jedi. Resa walks back onto the bridge, her hand on her lightsaber hanging from her hip.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (After getting my lightsaber back I cut off the Force collar from my neck)]

Anubis: That feels better.

Anubis: (Rubs neck)

Anubis: I see that there is going to be a fight.

Anubis: (Looks at the jedi and sits down)

Anubis: I will not fight with you because I have had enough of the jedi telling me what to do and when to do it.

Anubis: (Force to Resa) The jedi are at my location and you may do what you want with them because I am a jedi nomore.

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Karvan and Nolan are punched to the ground... *

Karvan: "Darn - shields?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: (Smiles) "Well, it was worth a shot."

* Drops his lightsaber on the floor, and raises his hands... *

Hovoth: "Kill me now, no sense keeping me prisoner."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* A ship treads to a Confederacy Ship... *

Pilot Droid: "Sir, I see the Generals ship." (Looks back) "I'll request docking."

Dark Jedi: (Nods) "Good..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: (chuckles) And why would I kill you? Personally I want you to be freed and go back and warn that little Jedi Council of yours that they've got an invasion force three times the size of the Republic's trying to take over.

I don't want a swift win really... I like an enemy that thinks they have a chance of winning. That puts up a little fight.


*Ta'ay and Kal get back to their feet, their armor still glowing with the energy shield. Another failsafe apparently.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks at the jedi)

Anubis: Come on, I know the jedi trained you better then that.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: (Growls) "You guys are really full of yourself."

* Two guards grab Hovoth's hands and put restraints back on him... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Karvan back up, but more guards come through the doors with their weapon drawn. Karvan and Nolan have no choice but to surrender... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: (ignores Hovoth) How long until we reach Coruscant?

Gratiir: Twenty minutes tops.

Resa: Good. (leaves again)


*Six turrents comes down from the ceiling and aim towards Anubis. Three guards proceed to put the FOrce collar back around his neck before the Jedi can do anything about it.*

Ta'ay: Nice try, boys, but you underestimated us.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks at the guards)

Anubis: Why do you always put the Force Collar on me and not anybody else?

Anubis: (Stands up)

Anubis: I wish to speak with your learder.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Sorry, Internet went out for a while...

* The ship docks inside the hangers and positions itself beside several other Droid fighters. The Dark Jedi comes out accompanied by two other droids, they meet with General Grievous himself... *

Dark Jedi: (Bows) "They crumble."

General Grievous: "Details?"

Dark Jedi: "Someone inside the Republic... a force... is staking an independant claim it seems. The fools are all going to blow themselves up."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Karvan: (Growls) "We should have thought this through..."

Nolan: "You think?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: (looks at A'denn)
Have you heard any word from the... (he pauses, remembering Hovoth's presence and speaks in Mando'a)

*Though Hovoth doesn't understand most of the words he does pick up one: Dar'jetti... Dark Jedi.*


Ta'ay: Put the Jedi back in his cell. I'll have Resa come and deal with him. Put the two escape artists here (she motions towards Karvan and Nolan) into the interogation room.

Guards: Yes, ma'am.

*The guards shove Anubis back into his cell. Five guards stand guard, three facing the cell's shield. Four heavy armed gaurds lead Karvan and Nolan into a room where the only real light is focused on a blood stained table in the center of the room.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks around the cell and then at the guards facing the cell)

Anubis: I can see you.

Anubis: (Starts laughing)

Anubis: You guard, Why am I the only one who gets this Force collar and stuck back in the cell?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Guard: To answer your first question... you're the only Jedi we captured.

Guard 1: To answer your second question... because you'll have to be dealt with my a Force weilder.

Guard 2: Clones aren't- can't- handle Jedi interogations. We don't do well with tricks and such.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks at the guards)

Anubis: You should join me and not be my soldiers but be my equals.

Anubis: (Walks closer to the sheild)

Anubis: I know you are clones but you could be so much more then soldiers. You could be great leaders and have your own soldiers under you and we could start our own Empire.

Anubis: (Pulls on collar)

Anubis: What do you think?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Dark Jedi?" (Chuckles) "Don't tell me you've bought wand of their will, and bought some."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Karvan: (Looks at the bloody table) "Cute."

Nolan: "Now what, might I ask?"

Karvan: "There is really nothing I can do... these 'clones' are better than us by default it seems. They've got numbers. We are expendable - it's alright if we die."

(( Meanwhile... ))

General Greivous: "Something odd... is going on inside the Republic. Their fragile alliance is becoming weaker it seems..."

Dark Jedi: (Looks up) "Would you like me to do something about that?"

General Greivous: (Growls) "Stay on pause, Aldas."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

*Ta'ay walks into the room, taking her helmet off and making a motion with her hand.*

Ta'ay: Take their armor and helmets off.

*The clone guards proceed to do as instructed ((clones have a two piece underarmor. Upper body and lower body sections. Two guards then lead Karvan to the blood stained table where he is chained down. Nolan remains where he is, a guard on each side of him.*

*The two clones move away from Karvan as Ta'ay moves towards the table.*

Ta'ay: I doubt you have anything of value to tell me... but I always like some practice. (she smiles)


Gratiir: We have gained the support of most the them... however, some still do prefer to serve the Seperatists under Count Dooku.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Karvan: "Torture? Ksh - bring it on."

Nolan: "Wait - what are you doing with him?!"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: "Heh... this 'new' republic is starting to sound like Seperatists-like achievement. If you wish to turn the republic into corrupt government - why no just join Count Dooku?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Aldas: "Dooku isn't concerned... shouldn't we be?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?