Re: The Halo Rpg

(The Foehammer meets up with the Erudite)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Infection forms are the small little squid-like ones. Combat forms are the ones that are infected humans or Elites (i.e. the ones that can use weapons). Tank forms are the infected Hunters that a Pure form can transform into... usually only when the enemy is at close range.

*Ardo and Rgis charge forward easily slashing through the Infection forms with their energy blades. They attack the pure form as it quickly transforming into Tank form. Ardo grabs it's attention as Rgis jumps on it's back and quickly decapitates it.*

*Vali looks at Kysh and makes a motion with her heads towards an advancing group of Combat forms. The two Sangheili advance towards the line. Vali moves ahead with her energy sowrds, slicing through the Combat forms while Kysh watches her back and destroys the Infection forms.*


Martinez: Yes-

*Suddenly Foxe interrupts, walking back into the room.*

Foxe: No they can't... not yet at least.

Martinez: Sergeant, this is my operation. I our rank you and-

Foxe: And Command out ranks you, Martinez.

*Martinez seems a bit confused and pissed off at the same time.*

Foxe: I talked to Command and they said I've been a good leader. So... they're allowing me to send two of my soldiers along with your "special team" Doctor.

(he looks back towards the door)

Bring 'em in.

*Two soldiers escort Grim and Xavier into the room.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

* A Combat form, Elite, runs up alongside them with an Energy sword. Delch charges his Plasma Pistol and shoots it's damaged Shield destroying it. Thell then runs up and slashes the Parasite into green fog... *

Delch: "Sorry Brother."

* The rest of the flood are soon destroyed by the entire group... *

Delch: (Breaths) "They just don't seem to stop..."

* A small Infection form jumps on Delch's back... *

Delch: "Gah!"

* The Form quickly takes over Delch's body, and in little's time he turns into another Combat form... *

Bel'san: "Delch!"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Xavier and Grim walk up, and give a salute... *

Jay: (Salutes) "I hope it's not your first time pulling a pin."

Xavier: (Chuckles) "No sir, we both have had a terrible time down below fighting alot of Covies..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: Sir, We found only 10 soldiers that made it.

Grim: (Hands over a homming device)

Grim: I found this in my pod but I don't know how put it there.

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Foxe grabs Grim's shoulder.*

Foxe: You'll be escorting this three and there... um, friend to a classified location.

*Suddenly Aurum- now Maximus- walks back into the room, holding two inactive energy swords in his hands.*


*Cado quickly moves up behind the newly formed combat form, stabbing it through the chest. He pulls his blade from it and lets it fall to the ground.*

Cado: (growls) Another brother lost to the Parasite.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Pulls away from Foxe)

Grim: Take your hands off of me.

Grim: (Faces Foxe)

Grim: What have I done?

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Xavier's eyes light up, and quickly jolts a pistol from Jay's Holster - and aims it at Maximus - but Jay quickly pulls up his hand - Xavier fires at the wall... *

Jay: "Stand down, soldier!"

Xavier: "What?! Are you guys blind - he's a Covie!"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* The group finishes off the small forms, after Thell kills the last infection form - he gives out a battle cry... *

Thell: (Growls) "By the Prophets..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Maximus's muscles flex ever so slighty and the blades slowly emerge from his gauntlets, covering his fingers once more. He growls.*

Martinez: A rogue Covie to correct you, soldier. He's working for us now.


Scron: The Parasite will regroup and form their numbers again.

Vali: We should move out then and watch our backs.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: What am I being charged with?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Xavier: (Growls) "When you said 'Elite' sir, I thought you were joking."

* Jay grabs the pistol back, and holsters it... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: (Nods) "I agree."

* The group of Elites walk through the greyish surrounding, watching about. A faint humming can be heard but slowly drowns out... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Looks at Xavier)

Grim: What is going on?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Foxe: You'll receive intel once you're in the birds. Now move out. We don't have a lot of time to spare in war gentlemen.

(he looks at Em)

And ladies. (he smiles)

Maximus: Let us move. The Prophets will more than likely send a squad to destory the Oracle to prevent others learning what they call heresy.

(Maximus leaves followed by Em and Martinez)


*Rgis pauses, sniffing. He looks back at the other Sangheili, sniffing again.*

Rgis: Someone... bears their mark.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: Yes Sir!!

Grim: (Follows Foxe)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Xavier: (Nods) "Aye- aye, sir..."

Jay: "Right."

* Jay, Xavier, and Links move over to the Hanger bay... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Ullono: "What's that?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*They enter the hanger where a Pelican waits for them.*


*Rgis growls and quickly moves through the group of warriors. He stops in front of one of the Sangheili ((one of the unnamed ones)). Another growl.*

Rgis: You are wounded.

*The Sangheili doesn't reply. In a quick movement Rgis reaches behind the Sangheili, pulling something from his back. The Sangheili lets out a low, faint groan. Rgis pulls his hand back around to reveal a Stalker's spike. Rgis tosses it to the ground and it disappears.*

Rgis: You would have let them follow us?! Let its posion sink into your blood until it made your body do its will?!

*Though Rgis is angry he does now raise his voice. The low tone he uses is even more effective. The Sangheili keeps Rgis stare, however. Rgis growls again and activates his energy blade. The Sangheili looks down at Rgis's blade then slowly activates his own.*

Rgis: Fight well... and your honor may still remain.

*The Sangheili nods and then slwoly turns and leaves. Rgis watches until the warrior disappears and then turns back to face the group. He looks down at his blade and sighs. Ardo steps forward.*

Ardo: It is the way of honor, brother... a drawn blade demands blood.

Rgis: (growls) You would cite the code to me, Ardo?

*Ardo takes a step back as Rgis lifts his blade to his hand and cuts his palm. He then deactivates his energy blade and proceeds back to the front of the group.*

Rgis: Let us move on.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: where are we going?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "To help him." (Points to Maximus aka the Elite)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "We must move faster... the parasite is gathering."

Bel'san: "Brothers... up ahead. I see the out line of a structure..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Maximus: To help mankind, human.

*He walks onto the Pelican.*


Vali: Good.

*They move forward.*

Cado: Once inside we should be able to close the gate.

Kysh: In doing so we could keep the Parasite out-

Vali: Yes, but in closing the gate we would trap ourselves with whatever is already behind the wall.

Scron: As Sator always said... a cornered animal is always more dangerous than one that is not.

Rgis: What do you suggest Vali?

Vali: Shut the gate.

*They arrive at a large gate. Scron and Kysh proceed forward to the gate's controls.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: I know that but where is the location that we are heading for?

Re: The Halo Rpg

(Jay walks inside the Pelican)

Jay: (Smiles) "I guess we'll find out."

* Xavier comes inside the Pelican as-well... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Thell's group come's in... *

Thell: "Is the power alive in here?"

Ullono: "I hope so."


Ever seen an Elite Smile? Me either.  lol

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?