Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara nods. "I'm fine now... just one of those weak points."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks at Sara for a moment. "Alright. We should probably go find Rane. Yi'shar?!"

Yi'shar emerges from his room. "I'm right here, you needn't yell"

Vector, "Let's head to the ship. I'm sure Rane is getting tired of waiting for us by now."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Suddenly a Noghri bodyguard slides to a stop in front of the room. He reaches out and tugs on Sara's sleve. She turns.

Though Vector and Yi'shar can't understand anything the bodyguard tells Sara she seems immediately upset and replies quickly. The Noghri nods and turns to leave quickly. Sara looks at Vector and Yi'shar.

"We must go to the medicine hut immediately. There's something wrong with Rane."

Without looking back to see if the two Jedi follow she quickly turns and follows the Noghri.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector runs out the door behind Sara. Yi'shar shakes his head. "Great, that's all we need," and follows the two down the hall and out of the building.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

...Sometime later...
...Medicine Hut...

Sara enters the small hut, followed by Vector and Yi'shar. Arvisikh quickly turns to her.

"I a-me so-re-ry," he begins in Basic so the two Jedi can understand him. "He is heal-te as far as our heal-res can tell... bu-te his bod-ie is fai-len."

Sara sadly looks over at Rane who is tied to a bed as he thrashes about in an unconscious state. She looks back at Arvisikh.

"Do they know what's wrong with him? I mean, will he live?"

Arvisikh shakes his head with uncertainty. "You can nev-er know with te-se Si-the. Som-atine th-eys go into te-se fits and-e liv-ee... som-atine th-eys don't. But we'v-e he-erd rum-ores a-bou-te what th-eys can do. Th-eys can wit-sand great de-els of pain... prol-ng their life. Some-a," he whispers "even c-one back f-rom the de-ade."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

LSM?  :unsure:

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

sorry........was gonna reply and got distracted by a bright shiny object. hahaha


Vector walks over to Rane's side. The convulsions shake the whole room, sending force tremors thoughout the entire facility. Slowly Vector closes his eyes and holds his right hand over Rane face. Rane continues to thrash about wildly, and Yi'shar looks at his master, worried. Vector frowns, concentrating; a faint light begins to glow from his outstretched palm. Rane continues his movements, though he now tries to hold his head away from Vector's hand.

"The darkside is at war within him." says Vector. "His past has risen to try once more to consume him. Sara, he will need both of us!"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Miss me?  big_smile

Cratus walks over the stomach of the Krayt Dragon, and looks down. He gives out but a fire of a frown. "Who are you?" He asks. "I'm here to aid you in your task." Cratus laughs, and jumps down infront of the blood of the beast. He gives out a sarcastic tone,"I don't know you nor do I want the... 'pleasure' of knowing you." He walks past them.

Sarlas looks back,"If you plan on betraying all forces alone, then let me kill you now." Cratus stops and looks back. "How do you know of my plan?" Sarlas replies,"All jedi know of the news. Most of us think your stupid for declaring a new term on either sides of the table... but I believe for what you stand for." He smiles. "My friend here, Phara, has the ability to rally many people who would fight by your side. Her power of persuation is... lustful. Polon is a trusted friend of mine... he'll follow me wherever I go. His strength is amazing."

Cratus smiles halfway, then looks at Sarlas. "And of you?" Sarlas grins. "With me fighting along with you, jedi, forces, groups... and planets... will be at your mercy."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

yeah, we did actually. big_smile

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Ah, you know we did, Hovoth. ^_^

Sara quickly move over to Rane's side, reaching out to touch his hand. As she does he tries to jerk away though the chains restrain him. He arches his back, his arms strain against the chains that hold him down. He lets out a low groan before collapsing back onto the bed.

Rane returns to thrashing about, mumbling to himself. Sara looks up at Vector.

"What do you think we should do?" she askes, worried.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector frowns. "The darkside is tearing him apart. We need to find the source, and attack it there. You know him best, what do you feel in him?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

lol OMG! I just saw your sig! lmao Hilarious.  wink

Sara hesitates, still afraid. "I- I don't think-"

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Hahaha, thanks. B)


Vector, "Try,... try hard. Can you feel the source, the attacker?""

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

My corruption cookies are sugar-free.  wink We can't have our minions getting fat... then you guys could kill them.

Sara reaches forward hesitantly. At first Rane tries to move away as he did with Vector but she eventually places her hand on his forehead. His thrashing stops for the moment.

Sara closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. Vector watches. Though her eyes are closed he can see her eyes moving rapidly behind her eyelids as if she was sleeping... dreaming.

For a minutes or two everything is silent... still. Suddenly Sara opens her eyes, terrfied. She gasps and moves her hand quickly away from Rane's head, backing up until her back hits the wall. She slowly sinks to the ground, folding her arms over her knees and hiding her face in them.

Rane remains calm, his muscles now relaxing to reveal the cuts on his arm wher he strained against first the Noghri bodyguards and then the chains.

Arvisikh takes a step forward, worried. "Cyar'ika..."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector quickly leaves Rane's side and moves over to Sara. "Are you alright? What did you see?"

Yi'shar looks on, first at Rane, then at Vector. His face betrays his concern, fearing for his master's safety.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara shakes her head, not looking up. She manages to keep from crying. "I- I... can't..."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Zhoe walks up beside Cratus. "We need to hurry, sire... something tells me that bigger beasts may stalk the valley now that we rallied noise." Cratus signals the rest of the group to follow, and they head back...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector turns back to Rane.

"Yi'shar... come here."

"What?" Yi'shar replies cautiously as he steps forward.

"I need your help with Rane."

"Help Rane?! Are you insane?!" Yi'shar frowns.

Vector turns to him. His face is not angry, but firm and set. "You are going to help me save this man. And perhaps you will gain a better understanding of him by doing so."


"You are going to do this, Yi'shar. Now come here!"

Yi'shar walks slowly to the table opposite Vector. They both place their hands over Rane, and begin concentrating, working together through the force. The battle was still raging inside Rane, though he was less violent than before.

A light glows from their hands as they work together. Yi'shar at first puts little effort into it, then slowly begins to concentrate harder. He senses the darkside within Rane. It was grasping, burning, consuming. It hid from him, and he had to work to seek it out. Yi'shar and his master slowly began to work their way to the center of the shadow, searching for the root cause.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Slowly Vector and Yi'shar penetrate his walls. Visions flash before their eyes. A bloodied man on the floor. Though the words are somewhat distorted they can still make out the man's begging for his life. Suddenly a child runs to him, holding the man, sobbing. The man tries to push the child away but the child clings to him. A look towards a hooded figure behind... a Sith... then a look back towards the man and the boy. The swift movement of a lightsaber... two dead bodies.

Rane struggles againt the Jedi but they continue to move deeper.

A man... a woman. Yi'shar and Vector can hear the two talking about how they never imagined their boy would join the Jedi. A look towards a hooded figure behind... though it appaers to be a Jedi now. Then a look back towards the man and woman still smiling and talking happily. The hesitant, slow activation of a lightsber... A rush of fear and pain. Another look towards the hooded figure who nods. A look back towards the man and woman, fear now gripping them as their faces reveal their horror. A short aplogy to his mother and father. A swift movement, a scream, then silence.

Rane now arches his back again letting out a loud groan. His arms strain against the chain and they can hear the slow bending of metal as the table begins to bend due to the Sith's strength.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector works hard to soothe the violence of Rane's movements, but with limited results. The two continue concentrating on Rane.....and then they find it. The coldness....the lies....the fear and hatred....the resentment....the agony. It was as if Rane's former Sith Master still had his hand wrapped around Rane's heart. Something, someone was trying to take Rane back to the shadow, dragging his mind and soul kicking and screaming into the black abyss of the darkside.

"Now, fight it. Fight it with everything you have! You can conquer, as I did. You can severe yourself from it!!! It is not omnipotent!!!"
Vector concentrates harder.

"Sara!!! We could use your help here!" Yi'shar says, straining hard.

I Am Jedi