Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay gives out a smile, and holds out his hand... *

Jay: "Jay Garlan."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Bel'san: "They're coming."

* Bel'san looks back at them... *

Bel'san: "Continue on. Perhaps I can slow them down."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Aurum look down at Jay's hand then back up at his face, obviously curious.*


Vali: (growls) No we will not sarcifice another to save our skins. We move together. Kysh, Ardo take the back. Rgis and Scron the front.

Ardo: (activates two energy blades)
It will be an honor.
(he moves to the back of the group, followed by Kysh with two plasma rifles)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Oh yeah... forgot."

* Jay wipes his hand on his vest... *

Links: "So what upgrades have you given his armor?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: (Growls) "I would like to know why you withheld information from me."

* Bel'san nods, and pulls out his Carbine... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Vali: The Prophets ordered such information withheld from... ranking Sangheili. Why they never told me.


Martinez: (points to his neck)
The Sangheili armor is usually weak near the neak due to the fact that it has to be bendable and the Sangheili aren't as advanced in armorment as we are. We've replaced the thin armoring with durable titanium alloy... the same we used to make the Spartan armor's abdominal area.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Nice."

Links: (Looks on his collar piece) "Built in flashlight?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Several Elite Flood forms jump across the trees, and right behind the group. They all roar, and charge after the Elites... *

Ullono: "Incoming Parasites!"

* Thell gives out a battle roar and slices a jumping Flood form with his energy form... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Walks away from everyone and plants a Covernant homming device behind a rock)

Grim: It is time to take these soldiers out for good.

Grim: (Walks back and rejoins the group)

Grim: Have you found anything yet?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: (nods) Of course.
(she points to his eyes which now appear red)
Sangheili armor usually leaves the eyes open and vulnerable but of course we're not that naive. We've covered his eyes with a colored glass. On the outside it looks red but on the inside it's clear. The same material we used for the Spartan armor's helmet visor.

He's got blast shields on his back and he's got a few surprises for anyone that thinks that can sneak up on him while he's unarmed.
(she looks over at Aurum

*On que the Sangheili flexes his muscles, releasing a roar. Suddenly his armor moves. Two four inch blades erupt from his armor shoulders, slating outwards. Two more of the same length erupt from his armor's elbow joint. And then three five inch blades slide up over his fingers, making it appear like he has blades instead of fingers.*

Martinez: (looks back at Jay, Em, and Links)
(she smiles)


*Ardo slashes through Flood form after Flood form with his energy blades as Kysh takes out the ones he misses and the smaller forms. Rgis and Scron slowly move forward. Cado, armed with a blade, and Acies, armed with plasmas rifles, move to the rear of the group to help keep back the oncoming forces. Vali pushes forward,ahead of Rgis and Scron, killing with ease the Flood that stand in her way.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

Links: "Augh..." (Smiles) "You science nuts."

Jay: "Interesting. Well, with the advances we can slide through with ease."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xavier: "Nothing. Alright, we should go... no telling what might come back."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "We must hurry ahead."

* Thell motions his hands and spreads his group outside the rest, covering the gaps. Ullono trails to the back and tosses Plasma grenades on the ground, destroying the small Floods into dirt. Suddenly, it gets quiet... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

lol Typo. Fixed.

Martinex: Like I said... amazing what science can do in less than half an hour.
(she smiles, looking back at Aurum)
You're free to go. Pick your weapons up and Foxe will lead you to the ship.

Aurum: (bows his head, resepctfully)
I thank you for the kindness, human.
(he looks over at Jay, Em, and Links, moving towards them)

Is this all?


Vali: (growls) The Parasite is regrouping to form a better attack. We should move.

Ardo: (nods)

*Vali and her team move forward, careful to watch their back.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: Where are we going now?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Links: "Be happy with us."

Jay: (Nods)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xavier: "Hopefully a hill where we can get clear signal to contact Foehammer... then we get have to think of something to do next."

Marine: "We've got Scout Elites on ghosts incoming."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Thell and his squad do the same. They eventually make it to a bridge... *

Bel'san: "This would be a perfect surrounding for a ambush..."

Thell: (Looks ahead)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Rgis: (nods, looking back at Thell and Bel'san)
You are right, my brothers, and at the same time you are wrong.

Vali: The bridge will allow the Parasite to flood us from two sides, trapping us here.

Cado: However, the narrow passage only allows a few to attack us at one time.


*Aurum bends his neck to the side slightly and his blades retreat back into his armor.*

Aurum: I did not say I was not pleased... but then again, I did not say I was either.

*He brushes past them and heads towards the other room of the armory.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: Sounds good to me.

Grim: (Keeps walking)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Thell: (Looks at Bel'san) "They're right. It should make their attack easier to defend from. Just stand your ground, and cover each other."

Bel'san: (Nods)

* The group comes to the mid section and hear a roar of a Parasite... *

Ullono: "I hate it when bad things are right."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Links: "Hmph."

Jay: (Looks at Martinez) "Well, we're ready then."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

I am running out of ideas so we need to meet up some where and get this going really good.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Have Foehammer bring you in to the Erudite. I'll have Martinez give you a message to investigate with us... for safety measures of course.

Martinez: (nods)

*Another scientist walks into the room.*

Scientist: We're changing the Sangheili's name... for safety reasons. If the Covenant ever cracks one of our frequencies and finds out we've got one of their ex-war leaders working for us they'll probably go insane. Who knows what they'll do to prevent us from learning what else he's keeping from us for now. His codename's gonna be Maximus.


Rgis: The Parasite moves. (listens)

Vali: Be prepared.

Re: The Halo Rpg

(The Foehammer lands up ahead and everyone gets aboard)

Grim: Take us to the Erudite.

Corp: Yes Sir.

(The Foehammer takes off and heads for the Erudite)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Links: "Maximus? Sounds ancient."

Jay: "Alright, sounds good. This'll be good."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* A Pure form Parasite climbs up on the side, and gives out a scream. Suddenly, many small forms climbs up alongside it... *


Pure Forms are the huge things in Halo 3 that can transform into another form that shoots.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Scientist: *shrugs* It's Latin. Something the Covenant will never break.


Vali: Only use your ammunition against the larger forms.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Pure Form: "Food..."

* Thell activates a plasma grenade, and launches it over to a Pure Form, thoug hthe pure form is quickly able to yank it and absorb the blow... *

* Bel'san and Ullono fire at the small forms with their Carbines... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Jay: (Nods) "Alright. We can leave?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?