Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Mortis and has a evil grin)

Thor: What is it you have me do?

Thor: (Smiles)

Thor: Or should I say who you want killed?

Re: A New Begining

Mortis: Take Revan and Malak back to their ship... this planet is not their grave.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Atrian manages to grab the Kovasn's other wrist, however, the Kovasn does not struggle against their grip enough to break it. It almost like... he wants to die.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Xvan places his hand on Marx's chest.*

Xvan: Wait, Jedi...
(he points to Alek)

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Rotel uses Force Grip to grab Kreia and sling her into the way.*

Rotel: Fight me!


Rotel: (growls)

*Rotel uses Force Grip again to bring down part of the ceiling on Kreia.*


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "What are they doing?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Atrian: YOU HAVE NO CHANCE KOVASN!! BACK DOWN NOW!! THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!! *Atrian uses force aura and force whirlwind on the Kovasn*

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it's just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Thor: As you wish.

Thor: (runs to where Revan and Malak are)

Thor: Mortis sent me to take you two to the ship because if you stay you will die.

Thor: (Picks up Malak and throws him over my right shuolder)

Thor: This way Revan.

Thor: (Starts to walk to the ship with Malak on my shoulder and Revan be my side)

Thor: (Force to Mortis) I have Malak and Raven and we are at the ship now.

(Thor, Revan and Malak board the ship and Malak is taken to the Med Lab)

Re: A New Begining

Col. Norad: *looks at Yi&#39;shar, then turns to the pilot* Take the ship out of range of the planet. Have the fleet fall back to a safe position.

Pilot: But sir our orders...

Col. Norad: You have your orders, pilot. Make it so&#33;

*the fleet begins to move back from Malachor V.*


*Daan holds his blade to Zorvon&#39;s throat.*

Daan: Give it up, Kovasn. It&#39;s not worth it&#33;

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Before Xvan or Akson have a chance to stop Thor or Revan the two Sith manage to enter Revan&#39;s ship and leave the planet along with a now unconscious Alek.*

...Col. Norad&#39;s ship...

Pilot: Sir, we&#39;ve got an incoming message. It&#39;s Destiny&#39;s Pawn. They&#39;re ordering the fleet to ignore your commands. Violaters will be... will be destroyed.
(looks back at Norad)

Pilot 1: Sir, the fleet is standing down. They&#39;re returning to position.

Pilot: And there&#39;s a ship exiting Malachor&#39;s atmosphere. It&#39;s... it&#39;s the Prisoner of Hope. It&#39;s docking with the Pawn.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Zorvon: I am a Mandalorian, Jedi... death is my fate thus I do not fear it. But you do...

*He loosens his grip on his blades and they fall from his hands. As they hit the floor they shatter into a million tiny pieces.*

Zorvon: Revan has escaped your grasp. Your beloved leaders of the Jedi Council will soon be nothing but corpses at her feet. (he coughs up blood) The Republic army is divided... but it is nonetheless hers... and it can be rebuilt. (he chuckles) And soon... your pathetic Republic...

*Zorvon looks Daan in the eyes.*

Zorvon: Shall fall.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Rotel moves towards the wall where he threw Ashni and begins to clear the rubble away. As he does though, he finds no trace of her corpse. He turns to look back at where the two Sith, Mortis and Lori, once stood but they too are gone.*

Rotel: (growls) Damn it&#33; Sith scum&#33;

If you remember Destiny&#39;s Pawn is Revan&#39;s capital ship and Prisoner of Hope is her personal freighter.


...Coruscant, Jedi Temple...

*A man, cloaked in black, approaches the enterance of the Jedi Temple*

Going a little off what really happened, but hey, it&#39;s fanfiction. You&#39;ll need to remember what Zorvon said about the Council to realize what&#39;s really happening.  wink

Re: A New Begining

Col. Norad: *looks at Yi&#39;shar again, then walks to the main control station* Step aside Captain.

*He begins workin on the computer*

Col. Norad: Master Jedi, all of my ships are outfitted with master override command consoles. It is only to be used in extreme emergencies, and can only be activated by one person, the fleet commander. This ship alone has the controls to my fleet. Each fleet is set to a specific frequency, and none can cross control the other fleets. I&#39;m initiating an override retreat command.

*the command goes through, and the fleet pilots lose control of their craft. Norad&#39;s ship alone controls his ships now*

Col. Norad: *turning back to Yi&#39;shar* I hope you  realize that by doing that, my career as a Colonel in the Republic Space fleet is over now. As soon as the Republic command hears of this, I&#39;ll be facing a court martial.

Yi&#39;shar: The Jedi council will be on your side, Norad. Revan has fallen to the darkside, and her orders are now meaningless. She has been stripped of her authority, though not of her power. You have done the best thing for your men. We will need them again very soon, I&#39;m afraid, and that&#39;s why Revan wanted them dead.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Atrian: i don&#39;t believe you Kovasn. I&#39;m going to have to end this.

*ignites saber and runs swiftly to the Kovasn only to see that the Kovasn is helpless and slices him three times in the gut and uses the force to pick him up and slam to the ground hearing bones crack.*

Atrian: (whispers to Zorvon) You are so lost.....


is that ok?? -_-

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

...In orbit around Malachor V; Destiny&#39;s Pawn, bridge...

*Revan walks onto the bridge, a new essence in her step that makes everyone&#39;s hair stand on end. She looks out the bridge&#39;s observation window.*

Revan: Report&#33;

Captain: The Mandalorians are still putting up a fight, mi&#39;lady. They-

Revan: (waves her hand to silence him)
Tell the fleet to move towards the planet. Tell them we have a trap for the Mandalorians... that we can end this war.

Captain: But, mi&#39;lad-

*Before the Captain can get another word of protest from his mouth his feet are lifted off the ground and he grabs at his neck, trying to stop choking. Revan holds him in the air with the Force, slowly choking him. She growls.*

Revan: I gave you an order, Captain.

Captain: Ye- mi&#39;lady... I... I sha- see it... it don- at... once.

*Revan smiles, releasing her choke grip. Revan turns back to look out the observation window again. The Cpatain falls to the floor but doesn&#39;t get up. Instead he rubs his neck starring at Revan- as do all the other crew members. Another growl escapes her throat as she turns to face the Captain. He quickly backs up getting to his feet.*

Revan: Norad&#39;s fleet is retreating, Captain.

*Before the Captain can answer another Captain, this one obviously higher ranked somehow, walks onto the bridge. Revan smiles as she senses something... different about this one.*

Revan: Orak.

Orak: (smiles) Yes, mi&#39;lady. (he bows respectfully)

Revan: (returns the smile)
My patience grows thin.

*She looks over at the other Captain to get her point across. The other man backs down. She looks back at Orak.*

Revan: Perhaps you can tell me why Norad&#39;s fleet is retreating.

Orak: He gave the order to retreat to the entire fleet but I ordered them to stand down.

Captain: You did?

*With a quick move of her hand, Revan throws the Captain across the room, into one of the metal walls. The impact kills him instantly.*

Orak: (looks back at the Captain&#39;s corpse before looking back at Revan)
It would seem he overrided... his fleet&#39;s command.

Revan: (growls) I will not allow traitors or cowards to live, Captain. (she turns once again to the window) Blast him out of the sky.

Orak: (evil smile) Will pleasure, mi&#39;lady.

...Col. Norad&#39;s ship...

Pilot: Sir, the Destiny&#39;s Pawn is charging her weapons... (he falters) as is Revan&#39;s... entire fleet.

Re: A New Begining

Go ahead and stab him too LSM. He&#39;s hard to kill after all. ^_^

...Coruscant, Jedi Temple...

*With swift grace the Sith kills the guards at the enterance. However, instead of entering the Jedi Temple he uses Force Jump to quickly jump up onto one of it&#39;s balconies.*

Re: A New Begining

so did you like what i said Starr?? -_-

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Fine.. might want to change the "lays him down slowly part". Not really the type of death fall I had planned.

Re: A New Begining

is that better starr?? -_-

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Better. Though I&#39;ll take out the "cries in pain" part for you. He&#39;s Kovasn after all.  wink

Re: A New Begining

i tried to get brootal haha. did i succeed.

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Very nice. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

...In orbit around Malachor V; Destiny&#39;s Pawn, medbay...

Private: (looks up at Thor)
Lord Revan wishes you stay here for now... with Lord Alek. She will be back momentarily.

...Coruscant, Jedi Temple...

*Masking his presence in the Jedi Temple the Sith easily sneaks through halls and vents while the Jedi remain sleeping peacefully. He drops down out of a vent shaft and turns to face the door behind him. He smiles.*

Re: A New Begining

Atrian: Hurry Daan&#33;&#33; we need to finish him off so we can get to Revan&#33;&#33;&#33;


is that right??? -_-

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Sounds good. Now we wait for LSM, Hovoth, and Jest.