Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: (shrugs) Tried to tell ya.

Gratiir: (looks at Nolan) Correction... not our brothers. In case you haven't noticed we're different. Maybe cloned from the same man but we are advanced.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: (Growls) "But still... what's your purpose?"

* Hovoth says that, still waiting for a reply of empty meaning... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: (sighs) That Jedi you found on the ship.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Karvan: "Why is he of use to you?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: He's a Sith.

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Hovoth looks back... *

Hovoth: "There was something dark about him..."

Karvan: "Sith are useless... they're power hungry addicts."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: Exactly.

Resa: And it seems this Sith has picked up a unique trait.

Gratiir: I sent two of my ARCs after him. They had him handcuffed and ready for transport when their ship was attacked.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "And he got away?"

Karvan: "Attacked by the Nevergost, am I right?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: Right. They took him and my ARCs a prisoners. Gonna sell them back to the Republic for a heafty cost no doubt.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: (Looks at Gratiir) "What's his... special 'trait'?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: (chuckles) He has a few... but you'll have to see for yourself.

*Two commandos come out, one of them carrying the Dark Jedi. They are followed by the two ARCs who are obviously just waking up from whatever drug they were given.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

Karvan: "What will you do with us?"

Nolan: "Feed us to a Rancor or something..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: (chcukles) No, no. We'll use you as moving targets.

Aran: (takes a nearby clone's blaster and aims at Nolan's head)
Good. I get to go first.

*As Aran pull the trigger Resa uses the Force to pull the blaster away from him, making the blaster bolt miss Nolan's head by a few inches. She uses the Force to crush the blaster.*

Resa: No we will not. They are to be treated as Republic prisoners. When we get to Coruscant then we will decide what to do with them.

Gratiir: Feed them to a Rancor?

Resa: (sighs) No.

Aran: Party pooper.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "You've explained yourselves clearly..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Gratiir: Take them to the holding cells... but bring the Jedi to the bridge.

Commandos: Yes, sir.

Commando Captain 3: (pokes Hovoth in the back with his blaster barrel)
You heard him. Move Jedi.

*The other Commandos usher Karvan, Nolan, and the other clones down to the next deck.*

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Hovoth moves with the guards up to the bridge, Nolan and Karvan do the same to the holding cells *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Sorry that I have not been in this one that much but I have been working more hours, So can you catch me up?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Alright Jester... let's see:

We've been captured by unknown Republic-looking soldiers. Their intent was to look for a prisoner on the Nevergost ship, the prisoner turns out to be a Sith with a special ability...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hehe... I'm so creative, I know.  tongue jk.

...Vanisher, bridge...

*Gratiir, Resa, a Commando Captain, Gratiir's personal guard, and the other Captain with his squad walk onto the bridge. Though the first Commando Captain seems to have higher rank than a Captain his armor still bears the Captain's insignia and color.*

*Gratiir and the second Commando Captain walk up to look out the bridge's view window while Resa and the first Captain stand behind with the sqaud. He makes a motion with his hand back toward Hovoth.*

Gratiir: Restrain the Jedi to A'den's chair. Make sure you use the Force restraints.

Commando Captain 3: Yes, sir.
(he makes a motion with his hand towards the squad)

*The Commandos pull Hovoth forward, and using Force restraints, tie him to a chair right next to the Commander's own chair. He now sits only about ten feet behind Gratiir and the second Captain.*

Gratiir: You may leave, Orar.

Orar: Yes, sir.

*Orar turns and leave, his squad following him.*

...Vanisher; lower deck, Prison Block...

*They approach a large, bulky blast door...  but only one Commando guards it.*

Commando Captain 2: Ta'ay, how's it going?

*The Commando replies... but it's a woman.*

Ta'ay: The usual. You know the drills, Kal.

Kal: (nods, grabbing Karvan and Nolan by the shoulders and pushing them forward) Got some more for you.

Ta'ay: (sighs) Oh, goody. You know I just enjoy torturing people.

Kal: Well, you know... you can torture me anyday. After seeing what you call torture when you-

Ta'ay: K'uur, Kal. Before you say something that will get you in trouble.

Kal: (chuckles) All right, all right. Where do you want these guys?

*The blast door opens as Ta'ay hits a button on the wall.*

Ta'ay: Anywhere you can fit them. I'll deal with them later.

Kal: All right.
(he makes a hand motion with his hand, saying an order in Mando'a)

*Though Karvan, Nolan, and the other clones do understand some Mando'a they do have trouble translating sentences and such due to the fact that they weren't taught how. They are quickly pushed through the door into the Prison Block, the blast door closing behind them.*

K'uur is Mando'a for shut up.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (looks around at all the people in the cells)

Anubis: The jedi really trained us well to get caught like this.

Anubis: (Starts laughing)

Anubis: Hovoth, I will kill the one who has my lightsaber.

Anubis: (As I keep thinking of my lightsaber the rage, anger and straight out blood lust starts feel up inside of me)

Anubis: I WANT MY LIGHTSABER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!