Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Hovoth walks over to the HK and looks into the eyes... *

Ithorian: "Take it! I've been meaning to take that droid out..."

* The HKs eye's light up... *

HK: "Model number 563-0002... at your service."

Hovoth: "Alrighty then... let's take it."

Ithorian: "Wise choice!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: (smiles, tapping the HK)
Always wanted a Hunter-Killer. Hear these things work beautifully.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: (Walks in and joins Aani and Hovoth)

Zane: I see that you have had a little fun and bought a very nice HK unit.

Zane: (Walks over to a Merc that is still alive and kills him with my sword)

Zane: I blade finally bathed in the blood of fun.

Zane: (Smiles and bends down and cuts the ears off the dead Merc)

Zane: Can you hear me now.

Zane: (Laughs and hangs the ears on my belt)

Zane: Where are we going to next?

Zane: (Walks back and joins Aani and Hovoth)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: "I was hoping to not make a fuss of us around here like that... but whatever. Are you done with your blood thirst, Zane? Now let's head back, I'm sure the Captain has the package now."

HK: "Question: Captain? My remarks of such the word make me double-check my admission logs of you being my Master."

Hovoth: (Looks back at Aani) "Master?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani stands beside the HK.*

Aani: HK's are very advanced droids and sometimes become hostile towards "Masters" they don't like or that they feel or too weak. He must like you... to log you as his Master.
(she smiles)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: "Augh... never liked anybody trailing me. Alright lets go... you too HK-56."

HK-56: "Reply: Of course, Master."

* The group moves back to the ship and realize a loading in process. The crate is rather large, and is being slowly loaded onto the Ship... *

HK-56: "Remark: One might wonder what is in that box."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: Don't ever wonder about something that could get you in trouble.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: "And if you have scanners built into you, don't even think about it."

HK-56: "Agreement: Of course, Master."

* The group gets in the lift and stops onto the top deck... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani follows, wiping the blood off her blades with a rag before putting them back in the sheaths.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Captain Jall walks up staring at the HK unit for a while, then turning his attention to the rest of the group. *

Captain Jall: "Good, I see you've gotten the droid. Hopefully, you guys didn't run into too much trouble... Zane and Weld already brought back the speeder I needed and the package is loaded. We'll leave as soon as we can..."

HK-56: "Question: Who is this meatbag, Master?"

Hovoth: (Sarcastic) "This is the 'junk' masher. He's in control of destroying any droids that get on his nerves."

Captain Jall: "Hovoth, it seems to have taken attachment to you. Your in control of the robot. Make sure it doesn't get into trouble."

Hovoth: (Nods)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani stifles a chuckle.*

Aani: (whispers to Hovoth) Have fun... HK's get edgy.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Hovoth smiles scratching the back of his head... *

Captain Jall: "Hovoth, your dismissed."

Hovoth: (Nods) "Let's go, HK."

HK-56: "Affirmative: Will do, Master."

* Hovoth leaves with HK-56... *

Captain Jall: "The Prisoner downstairs is still not speaking. We had him below deck for three days now. Would you like to speak to him? Hovoth couldn't get anything out of him, but perhaps you can."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: (nods) Well, I might be able to get him to talk... but that all depends on what I can do to him.
(she smiles faintly)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Captain Jall: "Whatever is necessary... just don't kill him. Hovoth was afraid he might accidently kill him if he fully interrogated him... Jazz is watching him. She will apply some serums to get him to talk or you can physically make him talk. That depends on how you want."

* Captain Jall turns around and walks. He pauses... *

Captain Jall: "He was sneaking around for a reason. I want that information."

* He walks away... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani gives a lazy salute.*

Aani: Yes, sir.

*She walks off.*


*Aani walks downstairs into the dark room where the prisoner is.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Jazz looks back with here arms crossed... *

Jazz: "Captain sent you? He still hasn't been talking... dunno what to think."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: Never send a man to do a woman's job.

*Walks into the room, pulling up the stool in front of the Prisoner and sitting down on it. She takes a beautiful Echani blade from a sheath on her hip and takes her finger along the edge. She looks up at the Prisoner.*

Aani: You know... some factions of the darker Echani were ranked by how much pain they could inflict on someone... while keeping them alive for the longest amount of time possible.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Prisoner: "Heh... you can kill me, yet I will say nothing."

(( Meanwhile, in cargo hold... ))

* Captain Jall walks into the room... *

Hent: "What is it, chief?"

Captain Jall: (Smiles) "Something that can get us to our destinations faster. Inside this crate is a Hyperspace Dualed thruster that is run on raw Nova. It makes us faster than any ship I've seen... and I've seen some fast ships."

Hent: "Is it a mod?"

Captain Jall: "Basically. We just interface this with our existing engine and then viola... we have on fast hyperspace accelerator."

Hent: "Interesting, I must say sir."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: (chuckles) Killing you would be too painless...
(she smiles) I'm a girl who likes pain.

*She takes her finger along the edge of the blade again, cutting her finger this time so that the blood drips down the sword's blade. She reaches forward and draws a heart with an arrow through it on his right cheek, smiling.*

Aani: And killing you... is exactly what you want me to do.

*She taps his nose, leaving a blood mark there, before wiping the rest of the blood on her pants.*

Aani: Now you have two options... (A) You talk, I don't hurt you. We're both happy. Or (B ) You don't talk, I torture you... and you talk anyway. You're left in excruciating pain... I leave a little cheerier.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Prisoner: (Grins) "Do your worste."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Captain Jall begins walking out, and looks back... *

Captain Jall: "Has he opened the package yet?"

Hent: *Shakes head 'no'*

Captain Jall: (Walks out)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?