Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Cratus picks up the object, and light seems to spit out from underneath it. The rocks crumble into the place the holocron was at, and everything turns silent. Cratus gives the holocron to Zhoe, and looks at the exit.

He picks up his stuff, and begins walking out. "What is it?" Zhoe asks. "The Krayt Dragon is back. Put the Holocron in the backpack, and let's move."

(( Meanwhile... ))

The ship comes into the docking bay, and lands on the dusty hot surface. The ship purrs, and finally turns off with the three coming out. Sarlas presses several buttons on the outside panel, and locks the ship. A Docking Bay officer comes and greets them,"Hello..." he looks at their lightsabers,"Jedi. Admission fee is about 50 credits per person... so do the math."

Polon crosses his arms and looks at Sarlas, and seems to smile. Sarlas looks over at the officer, and frowns. The officer, seeming to be affected by Mind Trick, nods at them all and walks away silently. "Okay then." Sarlas says,"I can sense Cratus' power residing over near a cave." Phara replies,"Dune Sea?" Sarlas nods.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Glad to have ya back LSM. ^_^

Rane touches the lightsaber barrel hanging from his hip. The boy was irritating him. He didn't know why. He felt Sara's hand on his arm and looked down at her. He sighed and removed his hand looking up at Vector.

"Noghri did. I had my suspicions about where he was but I wanted to make sure. Besides I had some business to take care of. While they looked I had time to get a few more hands and weapons."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Cratus comes to the last open cave, with the exit just to the north. The Krayt Dragon comes from around the corner and growls at the tresspassers.

(( Meanwhile... ))

"It's nearby, I'll go ahead and grab a speeder." Sarlas says.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Hands?" Vector asks warily. "I suppose by that you mean soldiers and team members? Do you think that is wise? The more people we have, the less chance we have at secrecy. We will not only be more open and visible with numbers, but also more open to deception and betrayal."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane growls. "I know what I am doing, Vector." He winces slightly at the Jedi's name as if even the sound of it disgusts him. Sara looks at him, surprised somewhat by his hostility.

"I have brought on only two more members. They will go on a seperate ship... disguised as two normal married citizens so as not to attract attention. Should we require their assisstance they will come in handy." He pauses. "And I can give you my word that they are very trustworthy... perhaps more so than other members of the... team."

Rane glances at Yi'shar to get his point further across. Though Yi'shar does not see the side glance Rane makes sure Vector does.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector frowns. "That was uncalled for Rane. Yi'shar is still a padawan, but you are a former Jedi. You should be above such petty squabbles. But regarding these two new members, I wish you had consulted the rest of us before making such a decision. You joined us, and not at our request either. So you should have shown us the courtesy of talking to us before bringing in two more people that we don't know. But what's done is done. Where are they now?"

Yi'shar shifts uneasily as he feels the tension growing between Rane and his master.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

lol Just noticed I called Rane Rector instead of Rane. Fixed that.  tongue

Sara watches the exchange. She, as well as Rane, knows Vector is right... at least about some things... but Rane always was stubborn.

Rane returns Vector frown. It was already a bad day and they hadn't even been up an hour. Something about these two Jedi made his blood boil. He felt challenged... why really he didn't understand. No way Sara would fall for a boy or even his shell of a Master.

But then she'd been in Vector's arms last night. He had been watching them... even if they hadn't known and it hurt him to see her cring in that Jedi's arms. He had hoped coming along he could win back her heart... but so far he was losing the battle.

However, even if she harbored some deep feelings for the Jedi it was obvious she felt safer with Rane around. He used that to persuaded her to sleep in the room with him so he could watch her in a sense. She ended up sleeping in his arms... but nothing serious had happened. He didn't dare touch her. Not yet.

Perhaps that was the start of all of it. That was what made him so edgy.

Rane pulls away from his thoughts, pushing away a voice in the back of his head. "I did consult the team. I asked Sara this morning. They're old friends and we trust them."

Rane notices Yi'shar's shift, though he mistakes the uneasy feeling as something different. However, he doesn't say anything in order to avoid anymore flare-ups. Sara had already fed him the riot act.

"They're on their way to Tatoonie as we speak," Sara concluded. She also noticed Yi'shar's shift but understood it. Rane was ready to explode and Vector looked like his anger might get the best of him.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sarlas comes beside a building, and eyes a speeder sitting there. He smiles, and begins walking towards it... he takes a few steps and stops. "Come out now." He states. Just then four Gamorreans come out of the shadows, and snort at each other, laughing in alien tongues. "What brings a snotty human near the Ski'nic gang's grounds?" one of them snorts.

Sarlas only gives out a chuckle,"Gang? Wow... your lesser alien race is so dependant on each other to survive, it humors me." The Gamorreans stop laughing, and mellow. One finally states,"T-That's it!" and whips out his axe. They all follow by lead, and whip out their axes. They sit there for a couple seconds, and finally charge after Sarlas. Sarlas laughs and whips six lightsabers into place. Igniting them - One in mouth, two in both hands,  two under both arms, and one under knee.

A flash errupts, and all the Gamorreans run past Sarlas. They look back. Motionless, they show no look. They all fall over in a domino effect, and Sarlas puts all six lightsabers away, and takes the Speeder back. "Found one."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Waiting on LSM...  :unsure:

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Oh, okay. What's the fragile Alliance thing, Starr?  big_smile  Got me curious...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

sorry guys. back.....


Vector studies Rane. He couldn't figure this man out. He gave them every assurance that he was no longer a Sith, and yet anger eminated from him like the heating core of a hyperdrive. At every turn he and Vector had crossed each other; neither was willing to give up the leadership of the group. He could sense the distain that Rane felt for him; it dripped from every sylable that left Rane's mouth. Well, if he wants to fight me for the top spot, he'll get more than he bargained for.

"Sara hardly qualifies as the whole team." Vector said coolly. "Although I trust her judgement, leaving myself and Yi'shar out of the decision was uncalled for. I trust it was just an oversight on your part. In the future do not make a decision of this great an importance without consulting me as well."

Yi'shar watched his master. He held such poise, such control. Yi'shar wondered how he could hold back an outburst at Rane's subtle insults.

Vector turned and walked back into the room, gathering his things. Yi'shar followed him.

"Master, how could you let him do a thing like that?"

Vector looked up at Yi'shar. "I want to work with Rane, for Sara's sake. If it had not been for her, we may have come to blows. But she is here, and she trusts Rane. And so I will not raise my hand against him unless I feel he has seriously endangered us."

"But we don't know a thing about these two that he's brought along"

Vector sighs. "Yi'shar, to raise my voice or hand against Rane would not have helped the situation. He is used to taking charge and doing things his own way; I can make allowances for him. If he continues to act in this way, I will have to confront him. But right now, it was not the right thing to do."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Okay, well you know the Halo RPG has a

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector shakes his head, trying to clear it and free himself from the voice. This is for Sara. I trust her, and she trusts Rane. I will keep my eye on him, but that is all, I will not be the one that divides us.

"Master?" Yi'shar looks at Vector quisically. "Is something wrong?"

"A ... disturbance in the force. But it is past. Think nothing of it. You should go get your things."

Yi'shar leaves and Vector finishes gathering the last of his gear. As he turns he sees Sara, standing in the doorway.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were there." Vector says quickly. after a pause, "I'm... i'm sorry that you had to see what went on just now. I felt very uncomfortable with Rane's decision, but I am glad that he checked with you before making it. That at least counts for something."

Meanwhile, Yi'shar was in his room, gathering his things. A battle raged within him as he tossed his clothes and remaining items into the case.

This Rane is not worth the blaster energy it would take to put a bolt between his eyes. He's Sith scum, and always will be. We should kill him before he kills us.

"Master is patient with him. I should learn from his example. He has such control, never letting his emotions carry him away."

He is blinded by his feelings for Sara! He won't kill Rane because he is Sara's friend. It will be only end in the death of us all, or worse!

"But he is older and wiser. He should know best."

He should but he isn't thinking clearly

"He doesn't trust Rane anymore than I do!"

And yet he allows him to remain here! His love for Sara has made him lose focus

"Is it love?"

Yi'shar stops and looks at the closed door, knowing that Vector and Sara stand on the other side. He wondered if Vector felt the same way for Sara as he had for the young woman in Rane's office. Then it came back to him again. Where had he seen her.... he knew he had met her somewhere else, but where.....

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Oh, okay. Sounds sweet.

Sarlas drives the hovering vehicle over to the other group, and stops it. He jumps out, and gives an affirmative nod. "Alright, let's go... we can still catch him before he leaves." The group jumps in, and head for the caves.

Sarlas seemed to frown, his eyes bellowed with dark aura. He closes his eyes, but images of a great beast flash before his bright vision. His pupils turn small, and his eye color begins forming red and blue.

But, he is snapped out by Polo asking,"Can you still sense him?" Sarlas, rubs his forehead, and then his eyes. He finally looks up, and nods.

(( Meanwhile... ))

A large beast, the Krayt Dragon, crawls up the hot sand and nears the cave. It pauses, and smells the ground. It's mouth drools with blood of mauled prey, and it's mind is set to kill anything else that dares to invade it's 'territory'.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Thanks. Hoping it works out.  wink

The voice lets out a low growl as Vector tries to force it away. You cannot outrun the inevitable, Jedi... in the end you must comfront the Sith. And then it will be only a matter of who can draw his lightsaber quicker... you or him.

The voice fades and is gone but as always it leaves an echo of pain. Sara senses the trimmer in the Force but ignores it, thinking it is something else. She nods instead.

"I'm used to it," she replies. "Rane has... authority issues. Always has. He's used to doing whatever he wants to do without getting rode about it... you have to make allowances for his past." She falters on the word a little but quickly picks back up. "But I'm with you on the subject. He should have asked you and Yi'shar as well as me... however, knowing you two like I do I somewhat understand why he didn't ask."

She looks Vector in the eyes... searching. "Why don't you like him?"


Rane moves away from the bench and begins to walk towards the dock,  trying to keep the prying voice out of his head. He comes around the corner of a building to find Arvisikh talking with a few other Elders.

The Elders turn suddenly to face Rane as their bodyguards, two for each Elder, step forward to take their places as guardians. Whatever conversation their was abruptly ends.  Arvisikh looks at Rane.

"Rane... are you ready to leave?"

"Not yet," Rane replies in an oddly slurred voice. "Waiting on the Jedi..." he trails off.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Oh yeah.  big_smile

Cratus comes out of the cave, and is greeted by the Krayt Dragon. It gives out a large roar, and charges after Cratus.

(( Meanwhile... ))

"I sense something else with Cratus..." Sarlas states,"Something huge." Polon gives out a nod,"Let's just hope it's his allies." Sarlas nods back, but bites his tongue about what he's sure it is.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"There is something about him that I don't trust" Vector says slowly. "It's more than just the fact that he used to be a Sith. He's unpredictable in many ways, and I'm afraid of what he will do. It's, .... it's something I can't put my finger on. Something dark and menacing in his eyes."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to speak badly of your friend. But I'm worried about what he will do."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara sighs. "Rane is... unpredictable but he won't do anything stupid and he won't try to get you killed... even if it seems like he doesn't like you." A pause. "Rane is like me in a lot of ways. He has trust issues and for better reasons than I do. He doesn't like new faces, new people... and he doesn't like it when they're close.

"But still... he's not like he used to be. He won't do anything without good cause."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

The speeder come in right before the cave, and stops. Sarlas jumps out and looks into the caves. "Where's the Krayt--" Just then a full-sized Krayt Dragon falls ontop of the ground, not far from where they were. Sarlas looks back, surprised.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"I hope you are right." Vector throws his pack over his shoulder and walks out of the room to Sara. "Are you alright? I was very worried about you last night."

I Am Jedi