Re: The Halo Rpg

*Martinez sits down in the pilot's chair and gets the Pelican warmed up. She looks back at Jay.*

Martinez: Saving your asses apparently. (sighs) In my position you see a lot but him (she motions her head back towards the strapped down Elite to get her point further across)... he's new, unique. One of a kind... and we're planning on using him as much as we can.

*She turns back to the controls as one of the soldiers, a Sergeant Major, comes up behind Jay. His nameplate reads Joseph Foxe.*

Foxe: (rests his MA5C on his shoulder)
Package is secure, Doc. Let's get out of here.


*Vali makes her way into the room where Thell is followed closely by Ardo.*

Vali: My team is ready.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Holds up rifle and points it to the tree line)

Grim: The sound is getting closer.

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay looks over at Foxe, and nods. *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: (Nods) "We're set also. Your Pelican will lead us to the location."

Ullono: "Ahh... trailers."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

(As the sound in the trees get closer the soldiers get ready to fire)


(A hurt soldier comes out of the tree line with 4 more soldiers behind him and head for us)

Grim: DOC, Go and check out that soldier and see if you can help.

Doctor: Yes Sir.

(The 5 soldiers meet up with us and the Doctor patches the soldier's wounds and the 5 soldiers join our group)

Re: The Halo Rpg

*The Pelican lifts off and a few minutes later settles into [i[The Erudite

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: Soldier, Have you seen anyother soldiers before you found us?

Soldier: We found plenty of dead soldiers of both sides but you are the only ones that we have came across still alive.

Grim: (Looks at the soldier)

Grim: Did they kill each other in a battle?

Soldier: No, They were torn with what looked like claw marks and teeth marks.

Grim: Did you see these creatures?

Soldier: No Sir.

Grim: (Check's rifle)

Grim: We need to keep a look out for these creatures or we will end up like the soldiers that you found.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Duece. Well then, hope you guys find out something... with information like that, it could really aid us in combat situations with them."

Links: "Wouldn't that be better?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: (Gives out a wireless Communication Link) "Here, Private link makes sure nothing can pick up the talk wave."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Looks up and sees a escape pod fly over head and hits the ground into the trees)

Grim: We need to see if there is anybody in that pod before the Covenant or these creatures get there first.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: Yes, indeed. We'll need your help in the interrogation process.

Em: Wha- Why?

Martinez: He was saving you for a reason.


Vali: (takes the comm link from Thell) Thank you. I will be but a moment.

*She leaves, however, Ardo stays. At first the Sangheili's presence is not noticeable...*

Ardo: Why have the Prophets chosen you P'haux?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Xavier: "Your right. We should move now. After that we need to contact any Pelicans that are not on standby... hope we can make it off this ring."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Links: "Well, whatever his reason was: It looked like he didn't agree on Covie terms."

Jay: "It seems that way. Now then, was there something we were supposed to do?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Thell thinks with uncertainty... *

Thell: "The Prophets judgements are hard to follow... I don't know the answer to that. I'm still unclear on their terms of picking soldiers to undergo special tasks... perhaps it's my battlefield skills? Or something I may have done in the past... Or this all may have been invisioned by them."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: Just sit and watch for now. Foxe and I will handle him at the start. If we need you, we'll call.


Ardo: The Prophets pick warriors to undergo... special tasks because they are unable to do them theirselves... and perhaps unwilling. However, whether or not the Council knows of such "tasks" is a mystery...

*Vali walks back into the room before any of the other Sangheili realize how close Ardo came to speaking heresy. She hands Thell back the comm piece.*

Vali: Our target is the Cosin System... a planet called Heven.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Aye... sitting and watching."

* Jay walks over to two metal stools, and sits down. He lays his Assault Rifle ontop of the toolbox and puts his pistol infront of him at his feet. *

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Thell is still thinking about what Ardo said, and snaps out. He nods... *

Thell: "Okay. We'll trail, since your ship has the proper destination course."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: This way.

*She walks off down the hall, They pass the room where Em saw Foxe and the other soldiers take the Elite. As she, Jay, and Link pas the door they can see through the small window Foxe and four other armed soldiers standing around the now n*ked Elite. The Elite is now strapped down to a metal interrogation table standing straight up so the Elite is almost face-to-face with Foxe.*

*Martinez opens the door to the room that is next to the interrogation room.*

Martinez: You can watch from in here. You can seem all that goes on but he can't see you.


Vali: (nods)

*Suddenly a Supercarrier exits slipspace a little ways off from them.*

Pilot: Im- impossible. The ship... it's Inciting Judgement. It was reported destroyed by the humans-

Ardo: Nothing is ever as it seems, brother.

*Vali looks back at Ardo, a low, warning growl escaping from her throat. Ardo nods politely, taking a step back. Vali looks back towards the Supercarrier.*

Vali: We have good reason to keep such ghost ships, brother... now follow their wake.

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay walks up to the glass and looks at the elite, then looks back... *

Jay: "I've only been present to one interrogation... and I was the one strapped down."

Links: "Bad experience?"

Jay: "Ha, oh yeah."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Ullono: "This is bad... real bad."

Bel'san: "By the prophets... if they shot through slipspace... then surviving...?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Em: At least you two skipped the special training my squad got.

*Martinez leaves and walks into the next room. Foxe steps back from the Elite, whispering something to Martinez, and handing her a clipboard that was sitting on the bearby table. She nods and then looks at the Elite.*

Martinez: 'Exiee...

*The Elite doesn't reply... instead it just hangs its head.*

Martinez: (steps closer) 'Exiee.

*The Elite looks up, growling. His voice is deep and ragged.*

'Exiee: The "Prophets"... give my kind... such a title. I will not bare the blessing of liars.


*The Supercarrier suddenly enters slipspace, emitting a blast that shakes the Phantoms lightly.*

Vali: Follow them. We will be fine. Rgis has slowed his engines so we can keep up.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Looks like he really isn't on equal terms with the covies."

Links: "Tsh... who is?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* The phantom accelerates and follows the Super carrier... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Foxe: 'Exi?

'Exi: (chuckles somewhat) You humans certainly know your Covenant traditions.

Martinez: (nods) Your name?

'Exi: Aurum 'Exi.

Martinez: Any other info you'd like to share with us?

Aurum: (growls) You tell me.

Martinez: Why are you saving humans?


Em: He's got a rather strange... attitude for an Elite.


*The Phantoms exit slipspace in the Cosin System shortly after the Supercarrier does.*

Pilot: Incoming message from Fleet Master Rgis Cruo 'Maisee.
(looks back at Thell)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: LET"S MOVE IT OUT!!!!!

(The soldiers head for the crashed pod and when they reach it they find both soldiers and Covenant soldiers inside it dead)

Grim: What the hell is going on?

Grim: (Looks at the soldiers and makes hand signs to tell them to take up positions around the pod)

Grim: There maybe some clue inside the pod to tell us why both sides are in this pod.

Grim: (Starts looking on the dead soldiers and Covenant soldiers)

Grim: Nothing on them and I mean nothing, No weapons, no ammo, no food, no water, just nothing at all and that is very strange.

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay nods... *

Jay: "Yes, very strange..."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "Channel it to my screen."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Xavier comes over to the crashed site and looks into the escape pod... *

Xavier: "Your right... perhaps the rest of the Elites raided their ammunition before they left? But... I'm sure their not familiar with our weapon statistics."

Marine: "Some elites have studied our Weapon machanics and have been trained to use them also... but most of the time, they prefer their own weapons. I mean, I've never seen one of the elites."

* A Fuel Rod shot is seen shooting into the sky about a mile from them... *

Xavier: "Hunters. We need to avoid them."


Hunters are beasts of Armor, and Marines will have a baaaad time with them. Usually heavy weapons: MGs or SPNKR Rocket Launchers would be used to face them when no Spartan is present.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Aurum: The Prophets believe this ring... this Halo is the key to our salvation. Whoever controls it... controls the fate of the universe. (chuckles) If only they knew the truth...

*He trails off on the last word... a pause.*

Aurum: (quietly) But maybe they do...

Martinez: Know what?

*The Elite looks up but doesn't reply.*

Foxe: (growls) Know what?

*Aurum looks over at Foxe but again, no reply. He looks back at Martinez with a growl.*

Aurum: For too long I was a pawn of the Prophets... a pawn of liars. My brothers did not believe my message. They charged me- me!- to have spoken heresy. I was their brother, their leader... but my message reached deaf ears.

Martinez: What message?

*Aurum hangs his head.*

Aurum: You will not learn truth from me... only from the Oracle will you find the answers you seek.


Pilot: (nods, turning back to the controls)

*An Elite, wearing light blue and black armor, appears on the comm screen. At first he is seen talking to a lower Elite but his attention is quickly turned to the screen and he ushers the other Elite away. He crosses his arm over his chest in a Sangheili salute.*

Rgis: Vali... it is an honor to serve you again.

*Vali returns the salute.*

Vali: It is an honor to have a warrior such as yourself by my side.

Rgis: (chuckles) You flatter me, 'Nexoee.

*Rgis looks over at Thell, giving the Sangheili salute, but it is obvious he does not respect Thell as much as he does Vali.*

Rgis: Thell... I have heard of you.