Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani takes a deep, relaxed breath as she enters another battle stance and calms herself.*

Aani: Killing and rading is not everything, Zane.

*She swings her blades in a swift horizontal slash. As she swings them they let out a faint, errie sound.*

Aani: And it certainly isn't fun.

*She enters another battle stance, closing her eyes.*

Aani: You kill to survive. Kill or be killed as a wise Echani once said.

*She opens her eyes to look at Zane.*

Aani: Perhaps it's time we step back and be "good pirates"... as the Captain likes to put it.

*She performs a type of half flip, dropping her two Sith blades and pulling out the small Echani blade that hung from her hip and throwing it towards the target hanging on the wall across the room. The blade hits the target dead center... were the heart would be.*

Aani: And perhaps you should try controlling your... hunger... and listening to orders. I would hate to have to use my skills on such a... fine specimen.

*She pulls another Echani blade from her other hip and throws it towards the target... hitting it dead between the eyes. She turns to Zane and gives him a warm smile.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Hovoth comes out the room and stands their... paused almost. A dark character comes infront of him. He wears black leather armor, with yellow straps coming across his chest. Four sharp Vibroblades line his waist. He wears a helmet, black and resembles a skull... *

Hovoth: "Weld."

Weld: "Jall wants you to see the prisoner. You should go now."

* Weld walks above deck, Hovoth then turns his attention to a dark door downstairs... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Okay... I'm just gonna use Sara's appearance for Aani's too: Appearance

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: (Stands up)

Zane: I will be a good pirate because you asked me.

Zane: (Smiles at Aani)

Zane: But there will come a time where being a good pirate will fade and the true pirate inside of me will come out to all to see.

Zane: (Takes a knife out from my boot and throws it at the target and hit's Aani blade dead center on the hilt)

Zane: I too know how to use blades.

Zane: (Sits back down)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: You can use them...

*She trails off and walks towards Zane until she finally stands behind him. He can feel the small point of a blade resting at the nape of his neck. Aani leans forward to whisper in his ear, wrapping her free arm around his neck so it rests on his chest.*

Aani: But can you kill with them?

*She twists the blades a little so it eases into Zane's flesh. She smiles slightly.*

Aani: As a wise Echani once said... to kill is an art. A murder... is the murderer's masterpiece.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: It takes a true artist to make a murder look like pure art.

Zane: (Smiles and leans into Aani's blade and makes the blade go deepper into my neck)

Zane: But it takes a true warrior to see the beauty in the artist's work.

Zane: (Leans even more into Aani's blade)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: So it does.

*She pulls her blade from Zane's neck, wiping away the small trickle of blood with her finger. She then uses the blood to draw a heart on Zane's right cheek before standing up and leaving the room.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: (Smiles and stands up)

Zane: Aani is my kind of woman.

Zane: (Walks out of the room)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Hovoth comes into the dark room, and is greeted by a woman. The woman whispers three words 'Don't kill him' into Hovoth's ear, and leaves. A bright light switches on above the prisoner, a bald man with tatooes engraved into his skin, it seemed to wrap around his arms and half his upper body. Both his arms are inside plasma cuffs engraved with ore... *

Prisoner: (Grins) "Heh... just getting used to my other friend."

Hovoth: "Are you ready to speak more?"

Prisoner: "Nothing you say will get me to talk."

Hovoth: "Sneaking around on this ship isn't a good idea... you should count your blessing and be glad that you didn't get killed. The Captain spared you." (Chuckles)

Prisoner: (Growls) "I could easily defeat all of you... but my orders prevent me from saying anything else."

Hovoth: (Pulls a stool infront of him, and sits on it) "Orders?"

Prisoner: "Oh- no, nope... not talkin'. You can go now, unless you have something else you want to say?"

Hovoth: (Pokes lip out) "Awww..." (Straight face) "We will squeal the truth out of you."

Prisoner: (Growls)

Intercomm: "All arms report to deck, docking of ship in progress."

* Walks out with a mean look at the Prisoner... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani makes her way to the deck and walks up to stand beside Weld. She leans against him in a relaxed position.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Weld: (Growls) "Where have you been?"

* Hovoth walks above deck, and stands in the line with other the other shipmates. Captain Jall walks out of the main Pilot Room, and walks back and forth between the lines with both hand behind his back. *

Captain Jall: "Alright, we'll leave after we get the package. Hent is calling the people as we speak, and is confirming the position on the item. I need a droid... if anybody is interested, you can fetch it for me."

* Hovoth steps infront of line... *

Captain Jall: "You know where the merchant is."

Hovoth: "Yes sir."

Captain Jall: "Aani, go ahead with him... just in case the Merchant tries to pull something. Zane and Weld, get me a speeder."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: (smiles) Practice makes perfect.

...Jall gives out orders...

Aani: (stands up straight)
Yes, sir.

*She looks over at Hovoth and using her head, motions towards the loading ramp.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Hovoth begins walking towards it... *

Hovoth: "Alright, let's be subtle if we can. I'm sure he won't pull off something that'll get him killed." (Chuckles)

* He comes off the ship, and exits the Hanger. *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani follows Hovoth.*

Aani: I wouldn't mind some real practice if he did.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* They both come inside the merchants shack, and are met by the merchant. It's an Ithorian, and he just sits there. Just then, 4 mercs come from all four sides of the room... *

Merchants: "Sorry guys, but Pirates aren't welcomed here."

* The Mercs laugh and take out Vibroblades... *

Hovoth: (Looks at Aani) "Well... he didn't run." (Chuckles and whips out his vibroblade)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani looks over at Hovoth, smiling. She slowing draws the two Sith vibroblades from the sheaths that rest on her back. As she does their is a soft sound... like a faint, errie scream.*

Aani: Maybe I'll let him live.

*In a sudden move of grace Aani rushes forward at one of the mercs.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* One of the mercs charges after Hovoth and slashes. Hovoth leans out of the attacks, and kicks him in the gut. In shock, and callapses on the floor... *

Hovoth: "Tsk tsk tsk..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Though the merc is able to block Aani's first attempt at his head, her movements are sudden and fast... thus he is unable to block the blade that eventually ends up through his stomach. Aani pulls the merc towards her, whispering something in his ear, before pushing the other blade through his chest into his heart.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Hovoth takes out the other mercs, and drags them into a corner... *

Hovoth: "Decided to spare them." (Chuckles, and looks over at the Ithorian) "Now then... how about you give us a droid free and we'll forget this ever happened?"

Ithorian: "Yeh- Yes! Okay! Please, don't kill me!"

Hovoth: "Alright then..." (Looks over at Aani) "Which droid do you think the Captian wants... or needs."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Aani: (shrugs) I've been needing a good kill on my record.

*She looks around the droid shop...*

Aani: Eh, he's got a nice HK unit here. Whatcha think?