Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Sets rifle against the rock and leans back)

Grim: Yeah, We need more soldiers before we move in now because of thoes 2 ships that just landed.

Grim: (Looks at Xavier)

Grim: It would be fun if we just went in now but we would not last long.

Grim: (Grins)

Grim: There is no telling how long it will take until we get back up because we were spread out all over during the drop.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: (nods)
A few years after the war started we had two Spartans on Corin. Their Pelican had crashed and after dealing with the Covie forces sent to deal with whatever might still be alive they were- well, how should I put this- rescued by an Elite.

They were ambushed, trying to reach one of the few still-operational bases we had there. A large Elite, wielding an energy sword, came out and saved one of their asses from certain death. Then he disappeared with only a short message.

Since then we've been getting all kinds of reports about UNSC troops being saved by this famous Elite. We know there's only one because most of them come back with their helmets intact... and we can just get the vid off that.

And everytime he leaves the same message. (sighs) We've been hunting him for about five years now... hoping we could find him and form some kind of alliance. According to what information we do have on him he was of very high rank within the Covenant military... and that could come in handy in a lot of ways.

Em: But he's killing his own kind to save humans... I mean, something just isn't right.

Martinez: Well, we'll just have to ask him about that when he wakes up won't we?


Vali: Ardo had been... captured (she growled at the word) and was on the ship. We went to rescue him but the damn humans activated the ship's self-destruct sequence. We barely made it out alive.

The Prophets, however, reported to the Council that he along with Rgis and two of my other men had disappeared in the explosion... persumed dead. It was a mask.

(she looks out one of the windows) Some of the humans did things, he told me afterwards, that still make him scream in his sleep. He wears that armor (she looks back at Thell) to remind him not to let them take him alive again.

(she sighs) I have spoken too much. I must leave.

*Vali crosses her arm ovre her chest, in a Sangheili war salute, turns and leaves.*

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay looks at the elite being placed inside the Pelican, with a fixed look. A questioned look seemed to bleed through his eyes, and looked away with his eyes closed. He then looks back at the Doctor. *

Jay: "We need to worry about now -- who's headed this Pelican?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Thell pondered on what Vali said, and was snapped out by Pahv's voice... *

Pahv: "What's the plan?"

Thell: "We're parting from here now. You heard; let the rest our brothers know what we're doing." (Looks over at the Pilot) "Are you ready to go?"

Pilot: "Yes sir."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xavier: "We need to find a hill around here, and set up a communication. I heard some Pelicans have been dropped over a stray signal. We need to contact them if we hope of getting of this Covie dump."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Vali walks away only to be joined by Ardo and another Sangheili.*

Ardo: They do not know of what lies behind that wall as we do Vali. They are unprepared.

*Cado speaks up, however, his deep voice is nothing but a whisper.*

Cado: You know what the Parasite is capable of, Commander. If this warrior and the ones who follow him are unprepared... our allies could very quickly become puppets of our enemies.

Vali: (growls) The Prophets gave strict orders. Would you have me go against their will?


Martinez: The pilot?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: I agree and we can set up a base camp there too.

Grim: (Looks through the sites on my sniper rifle and sees a hill that is north of the buildings just behind a roll of trees)

Grim: There is a hill just north of here about 2 clicks and it has a roll of trees for cover.

Grim: (Grabs secondary rifle and places the sniper rifle of my back)

Grim: We need to move now while we still have a chance too.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Right."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "This task is important - we mustn't blunder it."

Pilot: *Nods*

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xavier: "Of course - let's move!"

* Xavier began walking... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: That would be me.


Vali: (sighs)
We cannot go against the Prophets commands... even this small one.

Acies: (growls)
We slaughter our brothers, our sisters... the very Covenant itself! And for what?! To keep the knowledge of the Parasite unknown?!

*For the time Ardo stands in silence. Watching... waiting.*

Scron: (sighs) If the Prophets were as wise as Sator they would let all of the Covenant know of this plague on the universe.

Kysh: You are our leader Vali... the closest to the Prophets. Is there something they are not telling us?

*Ardo now step forward, his hand going to the inactive energy blade hanging from his hip.*

Ardo: Your words are close to heresy, brothers. You should learn to control your tongues... before they lead to your demise.

Sator 'Dmadee is a very renowned Sangheili Supreme Councilor (fanon rank) but will not be appearing in this RPG... only referenced every now and then.

Supreme Councilor- Head of the Honor Guard and the Prophets' personal advisor... so to speak.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Do you know where Foehammer is, or what the status of her actions are? More Marines are spread around this sector."

Links: "The Chief is one zero ground also. He's most likely blowing something up." (Laughs)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Bel'san: "What's our status?"

Thell: "We're going to leave in a little bit." (Speaks out to all his soldiers) "Make sure your Plasma Rifles have a fresh power cell, and your Carbines have fresh ammunition. You know how to fight in battle, and give your life for our brothers."

Ullono: "What are we facing? I have this thing about going headstrong into a hail of bullets, sir... I mean..."

Bel'san: "Ullono -- shut it. We'll know when we hit ground."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: Foehammer's working on picking up Marines now. Master Chief is working on clearing LZs so Foehammer can get in and get the Marines without getting shot down.


*Vali and Ardo are now alone.*

Ardo: (growls)
I would not admit this in front of my brothers, Vali, but they are right. We murder the innocent to keep the Parasite a hidden fear... but why?

Vali: It is the will of the Prophets, Ardo. Who are we to question them?

Ardo: I care not for the Prophets in this matter, Vali. The blood of my brothers stains my armor! It is not right...

*Vali touches the inactive energy blade at her hip.*

Vali: Dare you speak heresy, Ardo?

Ardo: (growls)
Who are you to say what is heresy, Vali? Have you forgot your father already?

Vali: (clenches her fists) I am not him.

Ardo: You hide secrets as he did, Vali. You know why the Prophets give us these missions... order us to kill those we fight alongside yet you have not confided in your own men. It is something I do not understand.

Vali: It was the Prophets wish... that I not speak of it.

Ardo: The Prophets are not here, Vali... as the saying goes: what they don't know, won't hurt them.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Reaches the hill and steps up a base camp)

Grim: When my pod crashed I saw 3 other pods with tracks leading away from them in all directions.

Grim: (Hands a map to Xavior)

Grim: I marked the locations of the pods and the directions of the tracks.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: "Right... is there any word on Captain Keyes? Word has it that he didn't take an escape pod... and the Captain... has survived much worste, but still..."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Ullono: "I'm still concerned... call it my gut instinct."

Bel'san: (Growls) "We do this stuff all the time, Ullono! What is the big concern?!"

Ullono: "Instinct, Bel'san!"

Thell: "Alright, cut it you two. I'll radio in to Vali and see if their ready."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xaveir: "Nice tracking skills, Grim! Feeling like Luis and Clark here! Haha!"

( Grim looks at Xavier with a complexed look... )

Xavier: "Oh, well that was a loooooooooong time ago, something from history." (He chuckles, and continues to walk)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Martinez seems to hesitate.*

Martinez: We don't know anything yet.


Ardo: Have you lost all your honor, Vali?!
(clenches his fists)

Vali: (growls)
They made me... told me it was my last chance to regain what my father had thrown away.

Ardo: An Arbiter in a sense. (sarcastically) How flattering.

*Vali lowers her head a bit, her pride and honor stung. She hated admitting what she'd done. But all those years ago, she'd been desperate. Honor was something different back then.*

Vali: It wasn't just for me, Ardo. (she looks up at him) They told me I would be helping others... others like me who had lost their honor.

*Ardo staggers back a bit. The others. He went over their history through his mind. Rgis... Acies... Kysh... Scron... Vali... him. Did they know? That they were all Arbiters... in a sense. Sent out in the dark to do the dirty work the Prophets didn't want the Council to know they were involved in. He felt betrayed. But it was all for honor...*

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: We need to stay sharpe because there are creatures that live on this place and that hate both sides.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Jay: *Nods* "Well, then where do we lead this off?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Thell's radio transmission interrupts them... *

Thell: (Comm) "Where in the green over here."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Xavier: *Nods*

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Martinez: Master Chief and Forhammer are almost done here-

*A static voice comes over Martinez's comm. She puts her hand to her ear. She nods.*

Martinez: On it, sir.
(she looks over at Jay, Em, and Links)
You three can hitch a ride with me back to The Erudite. From there we're going to Trajan where you'll receive new orders. Commands got need for you... skills (she smiles) as some like to put it.

(she holds out her hand for them to shake)

Well, well. Welcome to ONI S1.


Ardo: (sighs) You should tell the others, Vali. If... I (he hesitates) understand, I'm sure that they will. After all... it is for honor. To be an Arbiter... of sort... it is a honor.

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay shakes her hand, so does Links... *

Jay: "Alright then."

Links: "Haha, sweet."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Bel'san grabs a Carbine, and loads a fresh battery pack into the hull. Ullono does the same for his Carbine... *

Bel'san: "For the Prophets."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Em also shakes Martinez's hand.*

Martinez: Well, let's move. Command's not patient.

*She heads back towards the Pelican where the soldiers are strapping down the "rogue" Elite.*

Em: Image that, boys. From Infantry to S1. (she smiles) Good day on the job.
(she heads towards the Pelican)


Vali: We should prepare for the mission. Should we survive this I will tell them... they deserve it at least.

Ardo: (nods)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: We need to move if we are moving because it will be dark soon and that is when the creatures come out to hunt.

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay runs up behind Martinez... *

Jay: "About the rogue Elite... I want to know... what he was doing."

* He jumps into the Pelican... *

(( Meanwhile... ))

Ullono: "Hope we get a Hunter on this mission..."

Bel'san: (Growls)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

(Suddenly there is a sound 200 feet infront of the group)

Grim: Listen, Can you all hear that?