
Re: A New Begining

* Marx pulls himself together, and moves his shoulders around. And nods... *

Marx: "Right. Where do we go from here?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni)

Thor: The Darkside grows inside of Revan.

Thor: (Evil smile comes across my face)


Re: A New Begining

Revan: You use tricks to avoid what you know must come!

*She uses Force Spped to charge towards Yi'shar. Before the Jedi has time to react she slashes out at him with her lightsabers.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Rotel skids to a stop in front of Ashni.*

Rotel: (growls) Finally! You have twisted and used enough souls! You foot had slipped. And your doom is rushing upon you. You end has come witch.

*He attacks Ashni aggressively, hardly giving her enough time to bring out her own lightsabers and block the attacks. She uses a powerful Force Push that pushes him back. He staggers a bit.*

Ashni: (chuckles) You think this is my end, Rotel? This is only the beginning.

*She uses the Force to form a orb inbetween her hands. She suddenly moves her hands away and the orb disperses into a couple of tiny spears that fly towards Rotel. He manages to block them.*

Ashni: You are a fool! Blind as you always have been.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Mortis: (growls) I hve fed no lies to these. I have merely spoken the truth, unlike their Masters.

*He seems to spit the word out. He activates a single red lightsaber.*

Mortis: I have had no part in the corruption you see before you. That is the work of the Betaryer. The Mandalorians answered her call and Revan falls at her hands. Mine... mine is the Guardian.

...Malachor V; Traus Academy, near the Core...

*Zorvon easily blocks Daan's attacks, aparently more intune to the Force than he was before. The removal of his heavy armor seems to help his flexibility.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Xvan: I sense a bigger battle. Evil seems to fight against itself.

...Malachor V; Trayus Acadmy, near the Core...

*Lori attacks Thor aggressively using Force Inferno at the same time.*



Re: A New Begining

Marx: "I sense it too... we should move on."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

*Revan's sabers glance harmlessly off of Yi'shar's body, only tearing his robe. The tears reveal a type of Cortosis weave armor, but shining like crystal*

*for several seconds Yi'shar disappears and reappears, flashing back and forth around the room. He finally reappears directly behind Revan*

Yi'shar: Your force powers are strong. But what do you think, that you will never have an equal? that you can take on the entire Jedi Order? For that is what you will be doing if you continue on this path.


*Daan thrusts off of Zorvon, eyeing him again.*

Daan: You realize that you cannot win! Why prolong the inevitable? Of what consequence is it to you?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

ah i want to join but don't know where to jump into!!!  sad  sad  sad

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it's just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

jump in with my character Nur-Jii Daan and we&#39;ll tackle this Zorvan. He&#39;s an elite Mandalorian called a Kovasn who&#39;s basically untouchable, but he&#39;s going down&#33; haha, just make sure that Starr is the one who decides when he gets hurt or killed or whatever since he&#39;s her character

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

ok ok ok haha. so can i like fly in on my ship and come to the rescue?&#33;? hahha

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

*Revan faces Yi&#39;shar, growling.*

Revan: My destiny has been laid out before me. I have saved the Republic... as my Master told me I would. But now certain fractions threaten the Republic. A storm comes and they don&#39;t even know it. But I... I have seen it. I saw how to stop it... and I will stop it&#33; And nothing, not even you, will stand in my way.

*Revan uses the Force to bring up large stones from the surrounding walls and ceiling. She uses Force Lightning and the stones become surrounded with lightning.  She throws them towards Yi&#39;shar.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Zorvon: I am not weak, Jedi. Do you expect me to lie down and die at your feet?&#33; I will not&#33; I will fight till there is no breath in my body, no blood in my veins... and even then you are doomed.

*Zorvon uses a alternate form of Force Inferno forming balls of fire in his hands. He then throws them towards Daan but as they near the Jedi they disperse into flamed spears. He continues to throw the fire balls, non-stop.*

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Rotel raises his blade and slahes horizontally, though not at Ashni. With the swift movement he releases a devestating shockwave that send Ashni into the nearest wall.*

Rotel: You still think I&#39;m weak&#33; Well, I&#39;m here to prove you wrong.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Xvan: This way. If all of us focus we should be able to break through Zorvon&#39;s wall.


Re: A New Begining

Atrian: (com to Daan) Hey Daan&#33;&#33; i&#39;m on my way&#33;&#33; just tell me the coordinates and i&#39;ll be there as soon as i can&#33;&#33;

"Come to the Darkside, we also have 1% milk."

"We kill because it&#39;s just." -Darovit.

"[size=14]<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>I don&#39;t understand, Master Vodo

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Steps foward and uses Force Lightning on Rotel knocking him to the ground)

Thor: Ashni, Quit playing with him and finish him off.

Thor: (Walks back and stands to the side where Ashni and Rotel can finish there fight)

Thor: If you would of let me kill Rotel when I had the chance then we would not be having to deal with him now.

Thor: (Uses the Force to create a Darkside Force Feild that surrounds me from any kind of attack)



Re: A New Begining

* Marx nods... *

Marx: "Right."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Waiting on LSM...  :unsure:


Re: A New Begining

Okay, I can wait.


Re: A New Begining

sorry, had a long weekend then got sick.......ick.

I gotta figure a way to get Yi&#39;shar out of the way without killing either him or Revan.


*Yi&#39;shar remains standing, and the debris crashes against him. As it strikes his body, all the rocks turn to a cloud of blinding dust and shower to the ground behind him. As the dust clears, Yi&#39;shar can be seen standing, the light still shining from him*

Yi&#39;shar: You cannot claim to fight for good when you make an alliance with evil. If you choose to use this weapon of the enemy, you will become the enemy yourself. Revan, this is your path, you must choose. I have been forbidden from interferring; but know this, choosing this path will lead to only pain and death.


Daan: Atrian&#33; Here&#33;

*Daan dodges the first of the fiery darts, then creates a shield with the crystal in front of him*

Daan: But what does this have to do with you, Kovasn? What claim does either side have on your allegiance?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Revan)

Thor: Join us and all the power can be yours only if you fall to the Darkside.

Thor: (Evil grim)


Re: A New Begining

That&#39;ll be a feat.  wink

Oh, and Jest, you&#39;re supposed to be fighting Lori. Just so ya know.

Revan: The pain and the death of my enemies... so be it&#33;

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

*Xvan and Akson lead Marx to where a wall of stones block their way furhter into the Academy.*

Xvan: (looks at Akson)

Akson: Ask the Jedi... not me.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the Core...

Zorvon: I have sworn my allegiance. Only the strong shall survive... and I can assure you that the Jedi will not. If Revan holds true... all will fall before her.


Re: A New Begining

Daan: Die then, i&#39;ve done with you&#33;

*With a great effort Daan stops the remaining projectiles and turns them all hurtling back against Zorvan. He then leaps forward, the crystal saber in hand*


*Yi&#39;shar begins moving around the room, flashing in and out of sight, traveling so fast that he actually appears to be in several places at once. The light grows to a blinding, searing white*

Yi&#39;shar: Then you will become your own enemy.

*the force of Yi&#39;shar moving around the room so fast causes the ground and walls to shake, and cracks begin to form*

Yi&#39;shar: Mark my words, Revan, you will achieve all that you seek, but at the cost of all that you love and hold dear. And in the end, you will hate all, including yourself.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Okay, Starr.

Thor: (Points lighsaber at Lori)

Thor: It is your turn to join us or die along side you fellow jedi dogs.

Thor: (Laughs evilly)



Re: A New Begining

* Marx looks around the large, dark, and cold building and looks ahead... *

Marx: (Nods) "I&#39;ll try to be prepared for the worst."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?