Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Let's just start a new one, that shall not be interrupted! Just something with a fresh idea, and something that we can keep going. As for the story, we'll come up with something... actually, here are some ideas to choose from:

(1): Rise of Skarrs - 1,000 years after Luke Skywalker defeats the Empire - the dark jedi soon dissapear from existance it seems. They've been in hiding, and they finally come out when an even greater evil force arise. The new force are a race of machines known as the Skarrs and enter into the galaxy. Now it's pit against Lightside and the Machines, and the dark jedi seem to have allied with them...

(2): Abyss unleashed - Revan turns bad at the end of KoTOR, and rules the entire Sith Empire. His right-hand man is sent to a jungle terrained planet to investigate a rumored Sith Holocron called "Seras" is located... but ends up finding something more corrupt...

(3): Lost on Kyshyyk - (During KoTOR 1) A team of sith land at the base floor of Kyshyyk, and must somehow escape one of the most dangerous beasts in the System. They descover their inner beasts, and find out more about dead Sith sent to investigate there...

(4): Unknown Treasure - A Rumored Space pirate hides a large load of Treasures in the deadliest systems in the galaxy - the Orsax system. A Ship Captain takes a group of mercs and quests to purchase the treasure...

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

I really like number 4 because it is something new and I believe we can keep that one going.

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Oh yeah? I think we could. I'll see if Starr wants to join in.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Name: Hovoth Denn

Age: 26

Weapons: Triple Vibroblades, one in mouth.

Backstory: Originally worked with a gang called "Leech Tongue" but soon dropped out when he found out their true purpose. After that he fought in the Arenas spread out through out the galaxy and was soon found by Captain Jall. He joined his group.

Homeplanet: N/A


Name: Captain Jall

Age: 43

Weapons: Short Vibroblade, and Cannon built into hand.

Backstory: Not much is known about him, people only know that he started a Pirate group, and quests for the Rumored Pirate.

Homeplanet: N/A


Use this form:


Age: (Optional)


Backstory: (Optional)

Homeplanet: (Optional)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Name: Aani Teron

<Weapons Tech><Assassin>

Age: 25

Weapons: She can handle a number of weapons from advanced vibroblades to heavy assult reapers and sniper rifles. However, she is usually seen carring around two custom Sith vibroblades.

Backstory: Little is known about the very secretive Aani. She avoids questions about her past, her advanced training, or her prosperous merc days before she was hired onto Captain Jall&#39;s special group. Apparently she had very excellent training as she understands human anatomy extremly well- making her a more efficient killer- and she can speak a variety of alien languages- both attributes making her somewhat indispensable to the group.

Homeplanet: N/A

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Name: Zane

Age: 27

Weapons: Sword with 2 knifes in the hilt.

Background: Was found at the age a 2 on a dead planet and taken in by a couple and raised on a alien world. The planet I was raised on has been kept secret from everybody even the republic and can only be found be a person born or raised on the planet. I ony trust people from the planet I was raised on because that is how I have survied life.

Home World: Born on Reinvar where I was the last of my race.


Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Alright, sorry about the pause. Haven&#39;t been on in a while.  big_smile

* Captian Jall stands within his ship, looking out into the stars as his vessel, Snake&#39;s Knife, flows through the darkness. Blue lights, and bright stars seem to spit across the scene. Hovoth walks up to Captain Jall... *

Hovoth: "All shipmates are counted for, Captain."

Captain Jall: (Nods) "Let the other mates know that we&#39;re stopping by Tatooine to rest for a while, then we head into the Orsax system to start searching."

Hovoth: (Affirmative nod) "Aye."

* Hovoth walks to a window, and notices Aandi standing... *

Hovoth: (Nods) "We&#39;re making a pitstop before we leave."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: (Walks over to the Captain)

Zane: Where are we off to, Captain?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Captain Jall: (Looks at Zane) "We&#39;re stopping by Tatooine. I have a present there for me left by an old koot."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: (Places hand on my sword and looks at the Captain)

Zane: Are we going to rade tatoonie too?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Sorry I haven&#39;t been on this one guys. I&#39;ll pick up though.

Aani: (nods) Where?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

That&#39;s cool, Starr.

Zane: We can take some slaves and sell them too.

Zane: (Evil smile)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hovoth: "Tatooine. Someone left the Captain something... don&#39;t know what though. I don&#39;t know how long we&#39;ll be there, though."

(( In ships&#39; control room... ))

Captain Jall: "No, we&#39;re sticking to trade ships on the way to our destination... it will save us time, and it would most likely be more convenient."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani looks at Hovoth and pauses... as if she might say something but then decides better. She takes her finger along the small Echani blade at her hip.*

Aani: If the Captain needs me... I&#39;ll be meditating. He knows where to find me.

*She turns and heads to her quarters.*


Jedi aren&#39;t the only ones who meditate.  wink

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: (Looks down at my sword)

Zane: Can we kill, take slaves and rade tatoonie?

Zane: (Looks up with a evil smile)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

* Hovoth nods, and heads to the Cargo room, below the ship. He meets up with a rather scruffy-looking man with a vibroblades hooked to his back. His beard is rugged, and his hair is wrapped in a pony tail... *

Hovoth: "We&#39;re headed to Tatooine. So make some room, Hent. The Captain is going to be adding something here, I&#39;m sure..."

Hent: (Nods) "Aye, of course. And what of the other mates?"

Hovoth: "News&#39;ll spread."

(( Above deck... ))

Captain Jall: "Not this time. We&#39;re in a sense good pirates... well, better that the rest I guess." (He gives out a hardy laugh) "I don&#39;t want to risk anything before the big trip..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

*Aani pulls the two beautifully crafted Sith blades from their shealths and enters a battle stance though no one else is in the room. She seems to become relaxed in the stance but then with sudden grace performs a series of deadly combat moves.*

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: If you saw so Captain.

Zane: (Walks out and heads to Aani&#39;s cabin)

Zane: Aani, I am comming in to tell you the "good news".

Zane: (Enters Aani&#39;s cabin)

Zane: The Captain tells me that we are not allowed to rade Tatoonie because we are "good pirates" but he does not know me that well.

Zane: (Steps down and watches Aani for awhile)

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Hent: "Did you want to open your package yet?"

* Hent says that, pointing to a medium-sized crate. The Crate seems secure, and very heavy... *

Hovoth: (Looks at the box, and covers his necklace with a key on it) "Not yet."

Hent: "Your going to have to open it some time." (Smiles)

Hovoth: "Yeah... not now though."

(( Meanwhile, above Deck... ))

* Captain Jall walks up to the main console area. A Rodian sits in the chair, typing on the console very quickly... *

Captain Jall: "How far are we away, Kels?"

Kels: "Err... about 25-30 minutes actually... umm, sir."

Captain Jall: (Nods) "Good. And relax, and make yourself at home."

Kels: "Y-Yes sir."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: I Will Be Creating A Sith Academy Here

Zane: (Looks at Aani)

Zane: The Captian never lets us have any fun.