Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay and Em start walking up a hill, and are greeted by a marine... *

Jay: (Waves)

Marine: (Comes down slope) "Am I glad to see others!"

Jay: "What's your status?"

Marine: "I landed with a stray pod... I was able to drag myself behind a rock and... a group of Elites surprised the rest."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: (Crosses arms) "Let's go now then... I don't fancy waiting on this."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Em: Damn... this ain't going well so far. (sighs) Let's keep going though. We got some Covies tailing us. Let's try to find some other survivors.

...Phantom, controls...

Vali: (nods)

Laus: May the gods be with you.
(he crosses his arm over his chest as the comm screen goes black)

Vali: (looks at Thell)
How many warriors do you have?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Who wants to take over LSM 's characters?

Grim: (Moves in so close that I can hear everything that is said even at a whisper)

Re: The Halo Rpg

I will Jester, let me take some time to analyze his character. Just stall untill I think of something.

* The group eventually comes to a valley, with two hills beside eachother showing a passage between them... *

Marine: (Tosses rock into Passage...) "MC's Nav point is across this bearing."

Jay: "Then let's move then... what's your name, marine?"

Marine: "Private Links, sir."

Jay: "Okay - you can walk? Set your boots on the line."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Thell: "Five skilled warriors whom I would die by in any battle."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

You got it.

Grim: (Stands up and walks to the group of Covenant soldiers)

Covenant Soldier: HOLD!!!!

Grim: (Stops in tracks)

Covenant Sargeant: Soldier you stand down.

Grim: Sarg, The soldiers are crawling all over this planet and they are after the ring.

C. Sarg: (Walks closer to Grim and places hand on my shoulder)

C. Sarg: It has been awhile since I have seen you and since you have seen you family.

Grim: (Looks up with pride in my eyes)

Grim: Yes, It has been awhile but it is good to see you Uncle.

C. Soldier: (Looks at me and laughs)

C. Soldier: How can this human be family?

C. Sarg: He was 1 of the 2,000 human babies to be raised and trained in our ways and life style and he is the only one to live. His name is Grim and I am the 1 who gave him that name after he killed everyone that faced him in combat.

C. Soldier: I could kill him before he cou.........

Grim: (Before the C. Soldier can finish his sentence I have done crossed the room and slit his throat open and returned to my place)

C. Sarg: That is why I named him Grim and let that be a lesson to the rest of you to watch what you say around my nephew.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Name: Anthony Rhyykol

Gender: Male

Rank: Spartan

Background: Created in a secret covnant lab to study a human... They injected him with serum to be a super soilder. Escaped the lab and fights the aliens.

Specialty: Rifles

Nationality: Welsh

Re: The Halo Rpg

Sgt. John: Anthony? where you been?

Anthony: Sleeping sir.

Sgt. John: Its no time to be sleeping! Now I am promoting you to sargent you got me?! You are now sgt. Rhyykol.

Sgt. Rhyykol: Sir Yes Sir!

Sgt. John: meet up with Jay in the valley. Heres your gun.

Sgt. Rhyykol: For me? A Present? Its my birthday heh

Re: The Halo Rpg

No Spartans Rhyykol. Read what we posted at the start.

Em: Hey, I'm getting something here.
(puts her hand to her ear, trying to listen to the comm)

*Suddenly a Sangheili ambushes them from behind but neither Em, nor Jay, nor Links sees him. He runs towards them wielding an energy blade, however, as he moves his blade to kill Em it is blocked by another blade.*

*Em, Jay, and Links turn to see a strange looking Sangheili deactivating his camoflague and pushing the other Sangheili back, stabbing him through the gut. The strange Sangheili then turns to face the group, deactivating his energy blade. He begins to fade back into camoflague.*

*As he does only Em hears him whisper: Fear not thy follower... for you and I walk a similiar path.*

*Then he is gone.*


Vali: (nods) Good. I assume they can keep up with mine.
(looks at the pilot)
Duesee's ship should have sent you what you need. We should have already left.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: I must get back before they notice that I am gone.

C. Sarg: I was great to see you Nephew and I hope to see you again.

Grim: We will see each other again.

Grim: (Leaves out the back door and gets back into postion)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Sorry can i changed from that to a normal marine?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Xavier: "Where's Grim at?"

* Fires over at two Elites... *


* Jay lifts weapon, and points it around. With his eyes wide open, he looks over to Em and sends a message of 'did you see what I saw' straight into her eyes *

Links: "This day keeps getting stranger and stranger..." (Rubs eye) "No, wait - I'm in the Marines."


Thell: "Pahv."

* Pahv comes out of cloak, standing right there beside Thell... *

Thell: (Looks over) "Ready?"

Pahv: "Always, sir."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Over com to Xavier) The back is clear and waiting for orders.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Sure. Normal Marines and pretty much everything else is accepted.

*Em doesn't move a muscle since the strange Sangheili first appeared. She looks over at Jay, her breathing heavy.*

Em: It saved me... us.

*She looks down at the other Sangheili as a static voice comes over the comm again.*

This is- (static) Martinez. Any survivors- (static)


*A Sangheili in very worn and scarred armor comes to stand behind Vali. He crosses his arm over his chest.*

Commands, Vali?

Vali: Tell the other to prepare, Ardo. Send a message to Rgis and tell him to met us with our weapons.

Ardo: At once, Vali.
(he leaves)

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Looks and see 2 ships landing outside the line of buildings)

Grim: (Com) We have incomming of 2 Covenant Ships landing at the edge of the builds.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Xavier: "Great - let's give them a warm welcome then. We need to signal for help from Foehammer! We won't last for long..."


* Jay snaps out of shock, and answers the radio... *

Jay: (Comm) "This is Sargent Jay Garlan, where's your position?"

* He lowers the radio... *

Jay: "What just happened?!"


* Thell looks down with his eyes closed, and gives a small chuckle... *

Thell: "How did he survive...?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Com) We need to see what they are up to before we attack them.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Anthony: (over com) Sarge! Im in radio Range. What are my orders?

Re: The Halo Rpg

*Vali growls at Thell's chuckle, holding her head with pride.*

Vali: Who?


Em: (shrugs)
I guess we could put it as a rogue Elite saving our asses....
(she sighs)
But why us? I mean... why humans?

*Em looks over at Jay again, her eyes full of questions. Suddenly her eyes widen and Jay can feel an Elite breathing on the back of his neck. He feels the heat of an energy blade near his arm but it is stilled. As Links raises his weapon to fire a Pelican appears almost out of nowhere. There is a muffled shot that can be heard just over the roar of the Pelican's engines. Jay feels the large Elite fall forward onto him, bearing him to the ground. Em rushes forward as Martinez speaks up over the comm.*

(chuckles) Right here.

*The Pelican lands and a few soldiers exit, rushing towards the group as Em helps Jay out from under the unconscious Elite. Jay stands to watch as the Elite's camoflague completed fades revealing it to be the same strange Elite that saved Em... and to see a woman in a white doctor's coat approaching them. The soldiers poke the Elite with their rifles before picking up it's body and hauling it off to the Pelican.*

*The woman smiles at them.*

Martinez: Well, well. We come to rescue you and we bag the famous rogue Elite.  Congrats.

Re: The Halo Rpg

Grim: (Com) We need any soldiers in radio range to report to this location and be ready to fight.

Re: The Halo Rpg

* Jay get's up, and gives a fake chuckle. He pokes his tongue through his lower cheek. He gives a sigh, then smiles... *

Jay: "So, do you mind telling what that's all about Doctor? Didn't hear anything about a rogue elite in my memo, excuse me."


Thell: "I seem to recall a brave soldier with the war name of Ardo vanishing in the explosion of a UNSC ship called the... how humans call it... 'Texas Spades'? Unless I'm talking about another soldier..."


* Xavier comes over to Grim, and rests on a small rock. He takes out some gum, and tosses one in his mouth, chewing it consistantly... *

Xavier: "I'm assuming we are holding this position untill we get some boots rounded over here?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?