Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rpg? Cool im in

Name: Darth Rhyykol

Age: 21

Alliance: sith

Weapon: Heart of the guardian single saber

History: A great commander in the Battle over tatooine but turned to sith when told he coulden't join the order.

Species: Human

Ship: Ravenger

Class: Dark Lord

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

(meanwhile on planet Lehon)

Darth Rhyykol: Heh, Its been so long. my farther was rumored to be here. I was born and raised here. Heh Cant wait to see my farther... Revan!

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

You will have to wait until Starr returns because she is a main part in this rpg.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Ok sos about that

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Waiting on Hovoth.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Alright, I'll try to triple these.

Lightside Master,May 17 2009, 12:29 PM wrote:

Vector looks down at her, and brushes the hair away from her face. "What can I do? What was it?"

Starr,May 17 2009, 06:57 PM wrote:

Sara shivers a little. "The darkside can do- does," she corrects "terrible things. It makes your own mind your cage... your prison. It takes all your hopes and dreams and shatters them before you eyes. It takes the ones you hold close and turns them against you."

Vector's eyes go cold in another direction... the dark realm of evil seemed to smack him across the face. He then looks back at Sara. "I'm not letting you go, Sara. It's okay..."

Hovoth,May 18 2009, 09:07 AM wrote:

After sending out the fake transponder readings, the Score's Eagle lands on Tatooine. Cratus returns to the cockpit. "Now, the plan is as follows: Atrox, you will find the Jedi here. Do it discretely, and tell me if you locate any masters through the watch radio, as I feel our telepathy is underdeveloped. Jester, you shall try to locate a Republic Pilot who lives here. He is supposedly very unloyal to the Republic due to their failure to help his home planet of Parmic. He owns the loyalty of many other Republic Soldiers as well. Do not use the fore to persuade him to our cause, as false loyalty is not what I require. I myself shall seek the ancient holocrons hidden in the Dune Sea with my Padawan. Shi'Ki shall stay here with younglings. Now, disperse." Cratus said and left with Zhoe to the Dune Sea...

* Atrox and Jester nod, and leave the hanger... *

Cratus: (Looks at Shi-Ki) "Are you ready, Padawan?"

Shi-Ki: "Yes master, always."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Sarlas comes out the hanger, and enters into the Cantina, a small room is located in the back. After looking at his datapad, he enters the room with Phara right behind him... *

Sarlas: "Kars... you here?"

Cratus walks across the hot sand, not breaking a sweat. He comes over to a stalag formation, and comes into the shadow, with Shi-Ki trailing behind him. "I feel the Ancient Artifacts nearby... we're very close."Cratus states. A large grin comes across his face, and ceases it when he looks at Shi-Ki. "Let's keep moving."


Kars replies,"Of course..." he comes out of another doorway "Where else would I be, Sarlas." Sarlas replies to Kars with a nasty frown. "Here it is." he states tossing the metal case infront of him, then pushes it over to Kars with his foot.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

The sound of a door opening causes Sara to pull away from Vector. They turn to see Rane walking towards them, wearing nothing but the pair of pants. Sara takes a small step back, away from Vector... knowing that being too close to him would only cause problems now.

At the sight of Sara alone with Vector, Rane's emotions flare and he does nothing to hide them... at least from Vector. He walks up to Sara, placing one hand on her shoulder and using the other to grab her chin, forcing her to look at him.

He sighs. "What's the matter, cyar'ika? Another nightmare?"

Sara simply nods, holding back her tears now. Rane frowns. After all these years, he thinks to himself.

He gives Vector a quick glance. And he's pulling her even further back away from me.

He snakes his arm around Sara, pulling her close and staring into her eyes. "Stay with me tonight," he whispers to her in Mando'a. "You know I'll keep you safe. You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

Sara smiles faintly, nodding again. She felt safe with Vector, yes... but she felt safer with Rane. Perhaps because he'd been there all those long, cold years ago.

Rane looks at Vector. "I'll take it from here, Jedi, go back to bed." He heads back into his room, Sara by his side.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector's eyes turned cold, and his teeth gnashed together. The hue was blue in the room, he watched them both walk out the doorway. Vector's rage become a flaming beast inside his heart, and stabbed Rane repeatedly in the back.

He took his hand and rubbed it across his head, and close his eyes. The room become cold, and whispers of the wind seemed to echo through the corridor. He wanted Sara to be safe... and felt helpless for some reason. A wall seemed to close around her.


Cratus and his padawan came across the dreaded hot sands and closed on to the outside of a Krayt Dragon Lair. "I sense the artifact inside these caves." Cratus' eyes burned with the desire of the object, and was covered up by a serious face of default.

He feels the sand, and picks up an ammount and let's it drain through his fingers. "Let's move inside... the dragon shouldn't be back until another hour. Shi-Ki asks,"How did you know?" With a reply of a smirk, he heads into the caves.


Kars' eyes light up, and he bends down to open the case. Sarlas looks at him with cold eyes. Kars opens it up and gives an excited laugh - then drops his eyes on Sarlas. "Thank you, brotha. You don't know how much these mean to me." Sarlas replies,"And do you have what I need?" Kars, dissappointed in response simply kicks a green metal box back to Sarlas. Phara silently watches.

"Your going to have to talk to some jedi master - or even medical doctor about that thing inside of you." Kars shoots,"I'm sure it's difficult with a burden residing over you... waiting to take you over." "Thank-you." Sarlas simply states, and walks out of the room. Phara follows with a purplexed look.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector wakes up the next morning to pounding on his door.

"Wake up, Jedi! We found him!" he hears Rane shout.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector sits up, and rubs his eyes - focusing on the bright mood that seemed to seep from under the door. He get's up, and puts on some clothes, then exits the room.


The caves are dark, and are held by dry vines, and hot dirt. The inside of the cave seemed to glow with unknown light, and cries of monsters and creatures echo inside the cave. Cratus comes through a series of large corridors, that had seemed to be burrowed and finally comes to a well dug-out room with a glowing piece in the middle. It was blowed beneath three stones, smoke and dust spat out of the cracks. "Found it." Cratus states.


Kars runs up out of the room, and catches Sarlas before he leaves. "C'mon buddy, no cold looks next time." he throws. "Polon is down on Tatooine." he adds. Sarlas smiles a little at the edge of his mouth, and nods. "Thanks." And straightens his face as he leaves.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Cratus is still on Tatoonie right? Or did I miss something?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yeah, and I just realized that Zhoe was supposed to be with him and not Shi-ki so just replace the two. big_smile

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane and Sara are waiting patijust outside his room, leaning against the opposite wall. Rane frowns, Sara smiles.

"Your Padawan's too stubborn for his own good. You wake him up," Rane motions towards Yi'shar's room with his head.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector opens the door, and walks through with the door shutting behind. He sees Yi'shar looking inside the water tank with a few fish inside. "Sleep good?" Vector chuckles. "Not really... restless night." Yi'shar replies. They both come out of the room, and Yi'shar nods.

(( Meanwhile... ))

Cratus signals Zhoe to hold on and he walks over to the object to examine it.

(( Meanwhile... ))

Sarlas comes into the Hanger with Phara to be met with an Ithorian. The Ithorian stands at 7 feet, and golden bronze eyes. He wears cold silver armor and has a scar across his left eye.  "Sarlas?" the Ithorian asks. Sarlas,"Polon? I thought your were down on the surface...".

Polon states,"I was... but... I found out some rather... interesting news I thought you might want to hear in person." Sarlas crosses his arms and nods to Polon. Polon shoots "I found him."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane scowls at the younger Jedi. "You like pissing me off on purpose don't you?" he asks in a bitter tone.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks at Yi'shar with a funny look. Yi'shar replies,"What did I do?" Vector chuckles a little bit, with one hand on his waist leaning on the doorway. "Okay, you said you found him, right?" Vector states.

(( Meanwhile... ))

"So what is it exactly?" Zhoe shoots. Cratus just gives out a small chuckle, and continues to look at it. "It's an interesting object with interesting properties. I originally thought it had been lost a long time ago, and questioned it being here before I landed here... but I felt it as soon as my foot touched the planet."

Zhoe nods, and asks,"So how do we move it?" Cratus stands up. "We don't move it..." He looks at the Crystal,"We remove it."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Polon enters onto the ship and is greeted by POX. He just steps around it, and looks back with a strange look. He comes up to the main console, and sets up the controls for takeoff. Sarlas and Phara enter on after. "Can you take us down to Tatooine? I need some time back here." Sarlas asks Polon, with the reply from Polon of 'yes' he goes into his quarters.

"Your significate structure is interesting I must say. Over the years, I've seen you battle countless enemies... their inferior design couldn't even ammount to your noted skills." a voice seems to echo in Sarlas' head. "What do you want?"

"Your body of course. Since I can't do that, I might as well help you. If you die, I die... now we can't have that can we?" it replies. "Your nothing but trouble, you know that? I should have removed you a long time ago." Sarlas state. "Hahahahaa... you know you can't 'remove' me, Sarlas... I'm imprinted in your mind - incrypted into your DNA... but of course, I'm forced to serve you."

"The force can..." Sarlas states, but is cut off. "The force can't remove me... I'm forced to help you... you should be grateful, shel'dar. You don't even deserve my help... you have potential... your not on the light, and you hope to serve some fool that thinks he can unite his own Empire, and claim a title as Sith Lord? Hahaha... fool! I'll leave for now... I'll let you quarry... but eventually, I will have to step in, and feed you."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rotel growls. "I knock for almost half an hour and you ignored me."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

'Voth, you want me to take back over Vector and Yi'shar or not?

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yeah, you should take them back.

Cratus comes over to the crystal again, and stares at it. Zhoe trails over and touches the object, and quickly jerks back the hand, feeling the power enforced inside the glass crystals.

Cratus "It can also be used as a lightsaber generator crystal."

(( Meanwhile... ))

Sarlas comes out of the door, and strains to stand. He gathers himself and gets back to his feet. "Got your sea legs?" Polon asks. Sarlas simply smiles at him, and walks over to the window and asks,"Where was he headed?"

Polon tightens his eyes, and stares into Tatooine's surface as if he was trying to see one small sand on the planet. "Dune sea... specific cave... I can't say." He says. Sarlas looks at the planet,"I'll sense him when we try to track him."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar grimaces at the challenge. "Well maybe you should have knocked with your head. There's nothing in there, so it would have been like ringing a bell. Anyway, last time I checked, you weren't in charge of this whole shindig anyway! So don't mess with me before breakfast Rane."

Vector places his hand on Yi'shar's shoulder, warningly. He then turns to Rane. "You mentioned that you found Cratus?"

I Am Jedi