Re: Do I Live For Nothing

* Sarlas' ship comes out of a small dust cloud, it's surface sparks with the intact with star reflections. He pulls down thrusters, and slowly drifts over near the space station. *

Phara: "You wouldn't think..."

Sarlas: "I doubt he would be here."

* The ship nears the station, and docks in section 4-8. As the ship exhausts hot steam from the engine, a few men come into the docking bay. *

Sarlas: (Looks out window) "Security."

Phara: "Great... shall I?"

Sarlas: (Smiles) "If you want to."

* They both come out of the ship, the 3 men look to be security personel, the one in the middle is set different from the other though. Parla comes out the ship, and walks over to them with Sarlas right behind her. *

Security Guard: "Eh, your docking codes?"

Phara: (Waves her hand) "I don't need any docking codes to pass beyond this area."

Security Guard: (Eyes wide open) "You don't need any docking code to pass beyound this area."

Phara: "Leave."

Security Guard: "Carry on, Civilians."

* All three guards leave the Hanger... *

Sarlas: "Alright, the guy I'm meeting with should be somewhere around here. I'll try and contact him via Data communication."

Phara: (Nods)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Alright, someone needs to take over Cratus's character. Boys?

Sara turns and takes a small step back, surprised to see Vector up.

"Vector.... I-" she didn't know what to say but in the dimly lit hallway her eyes betrayed all her fear.

She struggles to find something to say. She hadn't thought this far ahead. "You're... up...?"

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"I haven't been able to sleep. Just restless I guess. But are you ok?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara sighs. "I tried sleeping... but then I got a fresh reminder of why I don't sleep well."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks into Sara's face, seeing the pain and fear that still remain. Slowly, he walks over and holds her in his arms. "It's alright. You're safe, no one can harm you here. Whatever happened before, it's over, I'm here."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara tenses up for a moment but then relaxes into Vector's arms. She leans her head against his chest and for that moment her walls crumble... her unbreakable armor shatters. All the pain, all the fear... everything comes out.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector senses what is going on inside her, and in a moment of decission turns from his Jedi teachings and admits to himself that he loves this person and wants to help her. "I won't let anything hurt you, it's alright. Let everything go."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara takes a deep breath. She couldn't cry... at least not in front of someone. It meant she had a weakness. Another deep breath. She shouldn't be here... she shouldn't let him close...

She knew she should pull away. She was causing both of them to falter. But she couldn't. She felt as safe as she'd ever felt. She felt loved.

Her heart jumps. That was it wasn't it? She looks up, staring into Vector's eyes, searching them.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yeah, I'll take control of his character.

Sarlas: "Did you want to come with?"

Phara: "Of course."

* Sarlas picks up a metallic brief case and takes it through the hanger doors... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks down at her, and brushes the hair away from her face. "What can I do? What was it?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara shivers a little. "The darkside can do- does," she corrects "terrible things. It makes your own mind your cage... your prison. It takes all your hopes and dreams and shatters them before you eyes. It takes the ones you hold close and turns them against you."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

After sending out the fake transponder readings, the Score's Eagle lands on Tatooine. Cratus returns to the cockpit. "Now, the plan is as follows: Atrox, you will find the Jedi here. Do it discretely, and tell me if you locate any masters through the watch radio, as I feel our telepathy is underdeveloped. Jester, you shall try to locate a Republic Pilot who lives here. He is supposedly very unloyal to the Republic due to their failure to help his home planet of Parmic. He owns the loyalty of many other Republic Soldiers as well. Do not use the fore to persuade him to our cause, as false loyalty is not what I require. I myself shall seek the ancient holocrons hidden in the Dune Sea with my Padawan. Shi'Ki shall stay here with younglings. Now, disperse." Cratus said and left with Zhoe to the Dune Sea...

* Atrox and Jester nod, and leave the hanger... *

Cratus: (Looks at Shi-Ki) "Are you ready, Padawan?"

Shi-Ki: "Yes master, always."

(( Meanwhile... ))

* Sarlas comes out the hanger, and enters into the Cantina, a small room is located in the back. After looking at his datapad, he enters the room with Phara right behind him... *

Sarlas: "Kars... you here?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Whoa. LSM just disappeared huh?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

I thought I would tell you all that LSM has got himself a girlfriend and that he will not be on here as much. He said that he would try to get on here but to tell everyone in rpgs with him to either start over or some one can take over his characters.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Starr,May 26 2009, 11:58 AM wrote:

Whoa. LSM just disappeared huh?

sorry Starr. yeah, i won't be on much anymore. ya'll have fun! it was cool to meet you all. i'll try to drop by every once in a while.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Good luck LSM and I hope you stop in anytime that you can to say hi.  big_smile  B)

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

You have fun, LSM. ^_^ Stop in and say hi when you can. We'll miss ya, vodwink

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Alright... *Sigh* haha... give me some time to cover LSMs character.

BTW I will be busy tommorrow and most likely Sunday. Friend of mine is having a very special day. Wedding.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

I can make the relationship with Rane and Sara work out instead if that makes you more comfortable about anything. Let me know what you want and we can jump back in.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

sorry i had to drop outta this one Starr. it was pretty fun, but I'm not sure when i'll be getting on and for how long any more, so....ya'll have fun!!! B)

I Am Jedi