Re: A New Begining

Thor: I see that your power has grown but not by much.

Thor: (Looks at the walls binding in on me and uses Force Statis on the walls to hold them where they are)

Thor: I think you should try harder because if this is the best that you can do then you should kill yourself and save me the trouble.

Thor: (Laughs evilly)

Re: A New Begining

Rotel: I want to make your death slow and painful. Besides why waste my energy on a roach like you when that witch waits for me?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: It's as I feared. She's fallen. Stand ready, I've got an idea.

*As Zorvon nears, Daan crouches, waiting. Nearer, nearer; finally, Daan runs forward and jumps to the side. Swinging his feet out to the side, he runs along the wall and then kicks off and over Zorvon's head, landing behind him.*

*Rather than pulling out his lightsaber, Daan force blasts Zorvon in the back using the power from the crystal*

Daan: I see Revan just can't keep from using you the way you were meant to be, killers and betrayers.

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "This may be a challenge."

(Runs at Zorvon with lightsaber up)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Zorvon: (quickly regains his balance, but doesn't turn to face Daan)
(instead he deactivates his blades)

*He looks as if he holds some unbearable weight as his arms spread and his hands open. Then suddenly clinch into fists. At the sudden, small movement the walls in front of him to bend, making it where Marx, Xvan, and Akson can't reach them.*

Zorvon: (turns to face Daan now)
Now it is just you and me, Jedi. I shall end this here and now.

*Zorvon uses a massive Force Push, pushing Daan up against the wall. He jumps towards Daan but as he nears him he suddenly stops in mid-air, forming a large orb of energy and then thrust it towards Daan as he lands back on the floor*

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Xvan: (tries to open the gap) Damnit! It won't budge.

Akson: (taps his shoulder)
We have bigger problems than that now, Xvan.
(he looks down the hall)

Xvan: (turns to see Kilax)

Kilax: (chuckles evilly)
Well... it seems my prey is cornered.
(activates two Kovasn blades)
I've been waiting for this for a long time now... and I will thoroughly enjoy it!

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Revan: (holds her lightsaber extremely close to Vemor's throat as Alek kills off the last Sith Assassin)
(she smiles evilly)
What now, Sith? Anymore words of opposition?

Okay, Hovoth, you're can't get past Zorvon's blockade until after he 'dies'. In the meantime you'll have to fight off Kilax who will eventually 'die' (again not permanently) in the end but not after a awesome battle.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Rotel with a evil grim across my face)

Thor: You want to fight Ashni but what you do not relize is that there are only 2 ways off this planet. The 2 choice are either join us or die with the others.

Thor: (Steps aside and laughs)

Thor: Rotel, If you want to fight Ashni then go ahead but you will find that not everything that you once thought is the same now.


Re: A New Begining

* Marx turns around looking at Kilax... *

Marx: "I take it this isn't a friend of yours."

* He ignites his lightsaber... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: You're right, but it will be your end, not mine Zorvan!

*a light flashes from Daan's hand, absorbing the orb and transforming it into a shower of harmless sparks that fall around Daan where he stands*

Daan: Your force powers are no match for the power of the light. And you will not survive long if you resort to a saber. So I suggest you give up.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Zorvon: (growls) I am of Mandalorian blood, Jedi. We never surrender!
(his Kovasn blades float into the air and activate)
(chuckles)  The witch... taught me well. You still have so much to learn.
(he makes a motion with his hand and the blades attack Daan while he throws balls of fire and lightning towards Daan)

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Kilax: A Jedi.
(he smiles)
I'll add your lightsaber to my collection!

*Kilax deactivates his blades and inbetween his hands he forms a small purple and black orb. The orb emitts a shield around him and suddenly a whispy black spear appears.*

Kilax: (smiles)
You know nothing of true power!

*He reaches back and grasps... nothing. However, the spear outide the orb's shield seems to respond. Kilax them take a step forward, thrusting his arm forward in the direction of the group. Again the spear responds by lunging towards Xvan.*

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Rotel: You are not worth my time... but I cannot allow you to live.

*Suddenly two Force Wraiths resembling large, nightmarish wookies appear*

Rane: (chuckles) You think you know what power is, Sith?
(shakes his head)
You know nothing.

Okay. Now the Force power Zorvon uses is Telekinesis and is the exact same thing that Kreia did when she faced the Exile. You know, with those three floating lightsabers chasing you around.  tongue

The Force power Kilax uses is called Spear of Midnight Black and although the spear is supposed to inivisble, it's gonna be visible for now.

The Force power Rotel uses is  Create Force Wraith. Now, Jester, since you're fighting him you cannot use the same Force powers. What kinda fun would that be?   wink

Re: A New Begining

*Daan dodges the first blast of fire and jumps up. Flippin, he uses the force to stand on the ceiling, facing down the Zorvan. Still not activating his lightsabers, Daan uses the crystal to create a force blade and defends himself from the Kovasn blades. Another crystal drops from his sleeve into his left hand, and he holds it up; as the fire blasts up towards him, it turns into steam and disappears.*

Daan: She didn't teach you enough.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Zorvon: She taught me enough!
(suddenly a 'clone' of Zorvon appear beside him)

*Both Zorvons briefly close their eyes, lean forward, then suddenly straighten, thrusting their arms forward and letting out a massive wave of dark energy)

Zorvon is using the Force powers Doppleganger and an advanced, more damaging type of Wave of Darkness


Re: A New Begining

* Marx quickly whips his lightsaber into the swift stance, and dashes into Kilax's way. *

Marx: *Thinking* He's killed other jedi... I'll have to be careful here.

* He then force pushes Kilax... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Okay, I understand but am I going to kill Rotel or let him fall to the Darkside?

Thor: (Grins at Rotel)

Thor: I was hopping that you were not going to run from this fight like last time.

Thor: (Laughs)

Thor: I see that you have picked up some new things but I also sence that you are falling to the Darkside.

Thor: (Uses the Darkside within the Academy to light up the entire Academy)

Thor: That is better and I must say that you have got ugly Rotel.

Re: A New Begining

*Daan jumps back to avoid the force wave, landing on the floor again.*

Daan: Two can play at that game.

*Daan holds up one of the crystals and another shade/man appears. He is the image of Daan's former master, Tarren Al-Zarr.*

Daan: You remember Al-Zarr of course? You are not so powerful.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Rotel is already more darksided than the other 'good' Kovasn, but no he isn't going to completely fall and he isn't going to die. Just wait and see.  wink

Xvan: (uses his blades to block the spear, throwing it into the wall)
(one of his blades glows a faint white as he throws it towards Kilax's shield)

Akson: (sends out a type of devestating shock wave)

*The shield around Kilax falters but absorbs the force of Akson's shock wave. He then puts his hands out in front of him which somehow blocks the force from Marx's Force push*

Kilax: (growls, reactivating his blades)

*For a moment his hands flash with lightning which quickly crawls up the barrels of his blades until it consumes the entire thing, making what once resembled a lightsaber now a lightning blade. In a brief second he makes one swift movement before his blades bare down on Marx's.*

Kilax: You cannot win, Jedi. Surrender now and you may live...

...Malachor V, near the core...

Daar: (looks at Vemor's headless corpse)
But... but he yielded.

Revan: (deactivates her lightsaber, growling)
He said it himself. 'The Sith always betray. It is their way.' What assurance could he give me that when we faced Kreia he would not turn and fight with her against us? None.

We have enough to deal with in the coming battle, Kovasn. We do not need another person to waste our energy on.

*She steps over Vemor's corpse and uses the Force to open the doors, heading towards the Core.*

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Ashni: (through the Force to Thor) This one... is mine. His soul and mind are willing. Let him come.

...Malachor V, near the Core...

*Zorvon's clone disappears and suddenly a dark shield surrounds him. He enters a stance as if he's praying and begins chanting in ancient Sith. Suddenly a ghost of Freedon Nadd appears. The shield around Zorvon disappears.*

Freedon: Light against dark. Good against evil.

Re: A New Begining


Thor: (Force to Ashni) As you wish.

Thor: (Turns off lightsabers and puts them away)

Thor: Ashni wants you for herself, Rotel.

Thor: (Uses the Darkside to vanish and reappear right beside Ashni)

Thor: Ashni, Rotel is comming this way.


Re: A New Begining

* Marx rubs his wrist... *

Marx: "Fat chance."

* He uses a force pull at Kilax, and charges at him with his lightsaber positioned, his speed soon increases, making himself very fast... *


Force Speed.  big_smile

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni)

Thor: What are your plans for Rotel?

Re: A New Begining

Hey, Jester, you can start bringing Darth Sion and Nihlius into this but they don't appear to anyone yet. Not Revan, not Alek, not the Kovasn, not Thor, not the Republic... not anyone. Just somewhere off torturing poor people, etc, etc.

But I'm gonna bring in a new character... a new Dark Lord.

Gentlemen... may I introduce Darth Mortis, Lord of Fear.

Gender: Male
Age: Unknown... a great Sith Lord at the time of the Hundred-Year Darkness
Appearence: Here's a image so you can picture sorta what his body looks like
^ From the previous picture I'm sure y'all can use some imagination and come up with a... scary face for him. wink
But since the darkside has corrupted much of his features he wears a mask most of the time resembling something like this.
History: Unknown
Species: Unknown... at least half human

Rotel: (growls)
(through the Force to Thor) After the witch tastes her death at my hand I will not spare you the same punishment. My face will be the last thing your pathetic eyes ever see.
(heads towards the Core)

...Malachor V, Core...

Ashni: Rotel is a willing vessel. His mind is tainted... undecided. He fights for the Jedi but- (she smiles) he can be easily broken.

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Daar: (growls)
More Dark Jedi up ahead.
(he looks at Revan)
I will take care of them, mi'lady. You move towards the Core. I fear that we may already be too late.

...Malachor V, Core...

*A figure cloaked in a black robe circles Lori, the sound of its boots hitting against the floor echoing throughout the Core. Lori lies on the floor; hurt, bleeding, too weak to move. The figure stops in front of her face, some five feet away so she can see it clearly. It removes the hood of its cloak reveiling a horrid mask. It speaks to her in a deep, raspy voice.*

She thinks she can hide her plan from me... thinks she can betray me. (chuckles)

*It steps closer, squatting in front of her. It grabs her by her chin and lifts her face so her eyes meet its masks hallow black ones.*

You have so much potential. The Force is indeed very powerful within you... but she plans to use that against all of us. Against me.

*It pauses, searching her eyes.*

I can give you such power, Jedi... that you could rule the galaxy, crush everything in your path with only the slighest lift of your hand... if only you would yield to me.

*Lori stares into the figure's hallow eyes. mesmerized as she sees within their darkness visions of conquest.*

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Kilax: (growls, bearing down his weight against Marx's lightsaber)

*He manages to use Force push, pushing Marx down the hall. He then turns using the Force to bring in the walls, trapping Xvan and Akson so they can't reach them.*

Kilax: (turns, smiling)
Let's see how you fight without your bodyguards, Jedi.

...Malachor V, near the Core...

Akson: (sighs, shaking his head) Should have seen that coming.

Xvan: (uses the Force, straining to move the walls back in place)

Akson: How come we always end up getting stuck somewhere?

Wow... anyone notice that the way we type in Cratus's RPG is much more fun that the "Person:" and the "(she did this)".


Re: A New Begining

Starr,May 21 2009, 04:32 PM wrote:

Wow... anyone notice that the way we type in Cratus's RPG is much more fun that the "Person:" and the "(she did this)".

Haha, yeah? I switch between them both in that RPG.

Marx: (Bears his balance) "We shall see then."

* Marx looks up and sees hanging stone on the ceiling. He uses the force to weaken it, and it drops towards Kilax... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?