Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: We don't have time for games. Everyone to the hanger, you and your prisoners. NOW!!!!

*Sev fires a warning shot beside Aran's head, obliterating a security camera*

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

*they hear blaster fire down the hall*

Resa: (smiles)

*the four black ops. commandos from the first squad run down the hall towards Hovoth, Nolan, and the other clones. One of them shoots Sev's blaster, another shoots Nolan's*

Aran: You boys are in deep s**t now.

Commando Captain 1: (aims his blaster at Nolan's head) I've got a good mind to shoot you right now. Tell them to put the weapons down or your brains are gonna be all over this damn hall.

Commando 3: (aims his blaster at Sev's head) Tell them to put the weapons down! Do it now!

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Looks at a soldier standing next to the ship)

Anubis: Soldier, Get on the ship and start it up so we can leave as soon as everyone is on.

Soldier: You got it.

(The soldier runs up the ramp and starts the ship up)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Whoa. Which soldier? Which ship?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: Not deep enough to keep me down!

*lunges, grabs the Commando's arm, and slam it against his shin guard. The gun clatters to the floor, and Nolan spins the Commando around, holding him as a shield with his arm-blade under his chin and throat. in his left hand he hold the Commando's grenade, armed and ready to go off.*

*Sev remains where he is*

Nolan: We've reached a stand off. You kill Sev, I'll blow the whole thing up.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Karvan: "On what authority? Clones busting Clones? Which side do you reside?"

(Looking at the Black armored clones)

(( Meanwhile... ))

Hovoth: (Points lightsaber at the Commandos) "What is going on here, clones?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

I thought their was more then 1 ship in the hanger.

Re: The New Jedi Order

There is. I was just wondering.

Commando Captain 1: You aren't in the position to ask the questions. Now drop your weapons or your buddy here (he motions towards Blorr) gets another warning shot... and I assure you, he won't survive this one.

...Prison Sector...

*As Nolan grabs hold of the Commando Captain Aran quickly draws another blaster from a holster attached to the back of his leg and aims it straight in Sev's face*

Aran: Got anything else to say, smart ass?

Commando 4: (aims his blaster towards Hovoth) Sorry, Jedi, we don't share details.

Commando 5: (sighs) Just put your weapons down; act like we, that Jedi (motions towards Resa), her Null, and their baggage were never here and we won't have any problems.

Re: The New Jedi Order

I sent the soldier that came with me and Hovoth on the first ship.

Anubis: (Walks to the ramp of the ship)

Anubis: (Com) Hovoth, The ship is ready for take off.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: You go ahead and to that Aran, and we're all going to be star dust. I have no problem letting go of this detonator. I don't know what kind of game you Jedi and your cronnies like to play, but this is a Republic Commando mission, not a Jedi caper. So back down!

Sev: I knew it was a mistake not to eliminate you Nulls when they had the chance.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Hovoth remains still with his lightsaber ready... *

Hovoth: "Does the council know your doing this?"

(( Meanwhile... ))

Karvan: (Looks at Blorr)

Blorr: "I'm a clone, sir... we are expandable."

Karvan: (Drops weapons and raises hands) "We're still brothers, though."

Blorr: (Looks down, dissappointed)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Commando Captain 1: (seems pleased) Good. Now if you cooperate we won't have any problems. I want allof you to kick your blasters this way and put your hands on your head.
(he aims his blaster towards Blorr's head to maximize effect)

...Prison Sector...

Aran: (looks at Nolan briefly)
What and kill all your men? Kill the Jedi? I don't think you've got the guts hut'uun.

Resa: (whispers to Aran) Don't antagonize him, Aran... we have enough problems as it is.

Aran: (growls, but lowers his weapon)

Commando 4: (stands his ground) As I said before, Jedi, we don't share details.

"Hut'uun" is Mandalorian for "coward". Although Mando'a was not fully taught to clones except for Commandos, and the ARC series, clones could understand some Mando'a... at least most insults.

Hut'uun is the worse poosible insult in the Mandalorian language. In other words, you call someone this and your ass is getting shot... or killed.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: *the safety clips off on the grenade, and the warning beep lets everyone know its been activated.* Try me.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (growls) Aruetii...

"Aruetti" is Mando'a for "traitor". Again, an insult.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Walks over to the second ship that the mandos came on)

Anubis: I have seen this ship before.

Anubis: (Looks over the ship)

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Hovoth remains where he is... *

Hovoth: "Looks like we're at a standby here, banthas. I'm not about to lay my arms on the floor. I'm a jedi."

* Looks at all of the group, and squints eyes... *

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: *to Aran* I'm not the one that left the team and turned his comm device off, so don't give me that crap.

*through all this, Sev has been standing calmly, placidly, staring down the barrel of a gun. Not once did he flinch, and tho his helmet covers his face, he almost acts as if nothing were going on around him*

Nolan: *begins to press the blade harder to the Commando's throat as the beeping of the detonator continues* Now, we're all going to get off this ship, we're taking you back to Coruscunt with your prisoners. The Jedi will deal with their own, but a courtmartial is awaiting the rest of you.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

* Karvan kicks his gun over to the Commando... *

Blorr: (Continues to hold his wound)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (growls) You don't get what's going on here do you?

Commando 5: (raises his blaster to aim towards the Commando Captain's face)
Technically we don't exist. Not us, not that Jedi, and not that Null...

*Although Nolan's blade pushes into the Commando Captain's neck and now he has a gun to his face he doesn't move. It's possible he could get away but he remains calm. If things got out of hand, his men knew what to do.*

*He watched the Jedi with the man slung over her shoulder. All this for him. Oh he couldn't wait till they let him have a go at getting some answer out of the man.*

Commando 4: We're doing this to save your skins... not ours. Either way we go back we never existed, never have... and we were never here... but it just causes a few medium sized problem for our people.

Aran: And trust me, you don't want to be the one to cause their problems.

Commando Captain: Already they're deleting any evidence of us being here. Files, logs, communications, transportaion... everything.

Aran: (nods) Take a look. Scan your logs, your comm and everything. Anything about a Jedi or a Null in there?


Commando Captain 1: Good.
(makes a small motion with his hand)

Commando 6: (pulls Blorr and few feet away and begins to administer him bacta)

Okay, so the logs won't be completely blank but anywhere in any of the logs there is information about Resa, Aran, or the commandos... or when their names were mentioned via the comm is suddenly not there. Like they never existed.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Walks back to the front of the ship)

Anubis: Commando Captain, I wish to speak to you.

Anubis: (Waits at the ramp of the ship)