Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector and Yi'shar follow. Their lightsabers are concealed, but within easy reach.

Yi'shar, "Nice, more of your friends Rane?"

"It would be better if you remained quiet for a time, padawan. Use the force, stay calm and controlled."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

A Noghri, obviously a Matrakh, approaches Rane followed by three Noghri bodyguards. He says something in Honoghran. It sounds like a slurred version of the Trandoshan language.

Rane replies in the same language, smiling as he and the Matrakh enter the Noghri's version of a hug. He looks at Vector and Yi'shar, tilting his head.

Rane looks back at them momentarily and says something. The Matrakh smiles, nodding. He looks back at Vector and Yi'shar.

"Jed-de-i, cor-rect?" he asks in slurred Basic.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector and Yi'shar bow in the Jedi fashion. "Correct" replies Vector. *slowly* "I am Master Vector Farr. This is my follower, Yi'shar."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

The Matrakh nods. "A-h. It-is a pleas-sure Mast-ter Jed-de-i." He bows slightly in return. "An-nd gre-eat-tings to yo-ou as we-ll Jed-de-i," he adds motioning towards Yi'shar.

Suddenly all the Noghri look towards the ship as Sara can be heard coming down the ramp.

Vector, Yi'shar and Rane turn to see Sara coming down the 'Lawmaker's' ramp.

Sara's outfit looks sorta like this but some of it is leather. You got to go down a bit. It's kinda a bad pic but it's the best I could find.  tongue

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector watches her coming down the ramp. She seemed a completely different person than the one that wore the traditional Jedi robe.

Yi'shar turns back to the Noghri, but Vector's eyes continues to follow Sara.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara notices Vector's stare. She smiles, giving him a quick wink.

Rane notices the wink but doesn't say anything as Sara comes towards him. He take a slight step forward, wrapping one of his arms around her waist to pull her close to him. At first it looks like he might kiss her but instead he bends, whispering something to her.

She blushes, but quickly hides it with a smile, placing her hand on his chest. She turns slightly, leaving Rane's arm around her, to greet the Matrakh. "Arvisikh," she says pleasantly. "It's been too long."

The Matrakh, obviously Arvisikh, 'smiles'. "Four ye-ears I-m a-fra-aid," he replies.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Hey, bb in about 2- 2 1/2 hours.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing



Vector, "Focus". Vector turns and waits for Rane to proceed. But as the conversation goes on, he finds his attention continually returning to Sara. He had to admit now that his feelings for her were more than just that of a protector. "So lovely, yet so cold and distant. Like a flower which has chosen to hide in the midst of a thorn bush. What will it take to get through to her?!"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Arvisikh reaches out towards Sara with a scaly arm.

Rane moves his arm from around Sara as she loops her arm in with the Matrakh's. "You've been working on your Mando'a right?" she asks, prying.

Arvisikh nods and says something in Mando'a. Despite his slurred Basic words the Noghri speaks the Mandalorian language without a stutter.

Sara's smile widens. "Very nice. How 'bout I teach you some more... in exchange for some more lessons from Zluan'alm."

Another 'smile' from Arvisikh. "It-is a de-eel, cyar'ika." He looks back up at Rane, speaking in his native tongue.

Rane nods and replies as the large group of Noghri turn to leave. Arvisikh pulls Sara along with him as she starts speaking to him in Mando'a.

Rane looks back at Vector and Yi'shar. "You can do what you like. Walk along behind Arvisikh or explore on your own..." He pauses. "Just make sure you don't do anything stupid. Mess with any of their religious relics and it could be hell to pay." He looks up as the two suns begin to set on the horizon.

"I'll work on getting us rooms for the night," he adds and then leaves.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar. "Well, they seem like a real tight group, now, don't they? What are we going to do?"

Vector, "I don't think it would be wise to wonder far on our own. We'll stay with the ship for a time."

"There's something in this I don't understand master," Yi'shar says, leaning against a crate. "There's a slight feel here, as if something were wrong, but I can't sense a dark presense like Cratus or a Sith Lord. Are my senses that off?"

"No, I feel the same way. I felt a much darker presense as we passed Tatooine, but there is no way of knowing right now. The dark side is very capable of hiding its presense, even in the most obvious places. Cratus could be here now in secret, concealing his powers until he finds the right time. Or he may be somewhere completely different. Hopefully the Noghri will be able to point us in some direction."

Yi'shar, "Well, I'll tell you one thing, Rane sure was using Sara as a show piece. Some idea, puttin her in that outfit to impress the Noghri."

"I'm not entirely sure that that was his motive Yi'shar. We will so find out though."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

About an hour later Rane and Sara walk back onto the ship.

Rane smiles. "Let's go boys. No way I'm sleeping on this uncomfortable piece of metal. I got us rooms at a nearby place."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar, "I hope...." he catches Vector's warning glance, " didn't go to too much trouble. Thank you."

Vector, "I assume the Noghri will allow us to stay for a time then?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane nods. "They're old friends... but we're only staying the night. As soon as the first sun rises we're going down to the docks to pick up that Sith's trail."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Assuming there is one Vector thinks. "Alright. Lead on."

They follow Rane and Sara as the two make their way to the new quarters.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

They walk into a large circular building which obviously recently had the two long wings-one to it's left anf one to its right- recently added on. Inside there is only one room which takes up the entire circular area of the structure. The walls are painted in a tan color, the ceiling a pure white. A small osasis surrounded with exotic plants and even a few harmless creatures lies in the center of the room.

Sara looks over her shoulder back at Vector and Yi'shar. "I'm sure you were expecting hostility when you came here, but you'll find no such thing here anymore."

Rnae nods, glancing over his shoulder at the two Jedi. "A few spacers came here not to long ago and convinced the Noghri they could make a fortune off tourism. They opened their docks and found out it was true." He smiles. "It's off season now though. They only allow few tourists in and for only a short time. We won't have to worry about much."

Sara smiles. "This actually used to be the dukha before tourism epanded the village. They had to build a newer, larger one in the center so they made this into a place for tourists."

"Hence the two wings," Rane adds.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "Interesting. Glad to here  the Noghri are on somewhat friendly terms.....for now."

Yi'shar, "Just show me where to lie down, I'm beat."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"This way," Rane says as he leads them down the left wing.

He stops at a door marked with the number eight. He looks at Sara. "You'll stay in this one. I'll be in number seven. Yi'shar," he throws the Jedi a key, "you'll be in oh-nine. And Vector," he throws Vector a key, "number ten."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Appreciate it....." Yi'shar and Vector both walk to their rooms.

Vector doesn't even try to sleep. He can't focus, all he can think of is Sara. Even his Jedi training is no use to him now.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sometime in the middle of the night Sara wakes up suddenly. She sits up, bringing her knees to her as she tries to force the memories away... tries to subdue the nightmares. Her pulse races as she walks to her door, opens it, and walks into the hall.

Before she knew it she is standing in front of Vector's door. He said he'd protect her and now all she wanted was for someone to hold her... to tell her the nightmares weren't real. That the screams were all in her head.

She touches the doorknob. "Vector..." she whispers through the Force.

All too suddenly she realizes what she's doing. She steps back, taking her hand off the doorknob. "What are you doing?" she asks herself.

It was asking for trouble... big trouble. She starts to walk back down the hall.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Yes?" Vector had still been up pacing and heard Sara's thought. He opens the door, standing in the doorway. "Sara, is something wrong?"

He moves out into the hall closer to her.

I Am Jedi