Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector seems uneasy.

Yi'shar watches him "Something wrong master?"

Vector tries to shrug off his nervousness. "Um, nothing serious. Just a little leery about the,........history between those two."

Yi'shar, "Leery?"

Vector grins, "Call it a........protective interest."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

The cockpit doors suddenly open as Rane steps out. He looks over at Vector but he doesn't say a word. He heads off towards the back of the ship.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector and Yi'shar watch him walk away. "What was that all about?"

Vector, "I'm not sure. Wait here."

Vector walks into the cockpit, and sits in the navigator's chair. He just looks at Sara, not saying anything.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara meets his gaze. She smiles, "Wanted to ask me something?"

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Not if I'm gonna get the cliche answer that everything is fine" he says. "Anything I should know about?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She nods. "No. He was just apologizing."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "Hmmm......he looked like had been chewing on a strip of Rancor skin when he came out of here. Hope he'll be ok."

Looks at the planet nearing. "You ready for this?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She chuckles slightly. "He's the type of guy that doesn't apologize much... and when he does it leaves a wound that takes a while to heal. I made it even more difficult for him..."

She trails off, tampering with the ship's controls. "You don't worry about me," she adds.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "I can't help it. .....well, maybe not worry so much as, just concerned for you. After hearing all that you've told me, I want to protect you as much as I can. I don't know, maybe I shouldn't. But that's how I feel."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara pauses. "And you wonder why I don't like sharing my story..."

Before Vector can reply, Rane strides into the cockpit. He's wearing only pants now, rubbing his short, damp, dark hair with a towel. He is in great physical shape from what can be seen. His muscular and toned upper body now only disaplayed a few scars and even those had somewhat faded.

Sara blushes when he walks in even though she tries not to. She turns her head before either he or Vector could see it and was careful to hide behind her walls.

He places one hand on the back of her chair, leaning forward to enter something into the navicomputer. As he does, Vector can't help but notice the black Sith tattoo that marks him. It starts at the top of his right shoulder, continuing across his upper back and consuming his his left arm all the way around until it comes to an abrupt end at his left elbow.

Aparrently he left the Sith before they could finish the painful tradition.

"Don't worry about docking or anything," he says, standing back up. "I've got everything handled, but I've got to change real quick. The ship's name is now Lawmaker. If they ask you anymore questions after that just tell them you're on a dimplomatic mission for Tain Geror. That'll shut 'em up."

He looks at Sara who's still trying to hide her blush. Rane smiles. He turns to leave, diplaying even more of his obviously painful-to-get tattoo, scars, and muscles. He glances back at Vector momentarily, chuckling slighty.

He leaves. "Not a chance, Jedi." he thinks to himself.

Rane's tattoo is sorta tribal... just to help visualize it.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector turns back to the panel. "Struttin little Peacock" he thinks to himself as he studies the nav computer. Rane had set the computer to autopilot the entry and landing, and was transmitting the information he had just mentioned.

"And just where is he taking us now?"

"I don't know, Yi'shar. The coordinates only tell me so much. We're just going to have to play this by ear. Cratus may not even be here. I felt a much stronger presense as we passed the Tatooine sector than I do on this planet."

"Even if Cratus isn't here, the Noghri aren't gonna like three Jedi and a Sith has-been landing  on their planet."

"Like I said, we'll just have to play it by ear. This may be a good chance for you to put those new saber techniques into practice...............Yi'shar, your anger is growing. Don't let it guide you. Counter it, focus on something else, another feeling, another person..........."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

=p Hey, bb in about 2 hours. Maybe more maybe less.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

ight. i just happened to get on right after you posted that. lol.

love the new sig by the way. wonder where you coulda gotten that quote.......hmmmm......................... lol

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

I wonder...  big_smile

Rane walks back into the cockpit as the 'Lawmaker' lands. He is now wearing a strange mix of armor. Most of it is a type of Mandalorian heavy armor, but the rest is betrayed by its marking as some sort of Sith armoring. It covers his chest and other major 'target' areas... obviously more protective than the its Mandalorian counterpart.

He wears a dark blue one shoulder cape. It buckles on his right shoulder covering his left shoulder, drapping down to cover a small portion of his left chest and flowing to his knees on his left side.

He hands Sara a bundle of clothes.

"Go change."

Sara looks at him confused. "What's this-"

"Go change," he says again.

Sara sighs, leaving the cockpit.

Sorry about the sorta long description... if I had a pic I'd use it, but I don't so oh well.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "Expecting trouble I guess? You've made some interesting modifications to your armor. And thank you for the Cortosis weave armor Eshin got for Yi'shar and myself."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane nods. "I'm sure you're aware of the Noghri. I've got friends within their higher clans but there's always a traitor waiting to make a quick buck... and my head will fetch a pretty nice sum."

He wipes a flake off his cape. "You're welcome. You can wear it now and stay in what you're wearing. Doesn't really matter to me."

Rane looks outside the cockpit window at the beautiful night sky. "Looks like we'll have to book a night before we get trackin'."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "I'll be getting ready."

Vector and Yi'shar change into their Cortosis weave armor. It looks like fiber bulletproof vest material, covering the whole body, black and grey with yellow trim.

Yi'shar, "Nice. Not conspicuous at all. We'll blend right in."

Vector, "You could always just fight in your underwear if you'd rather."

Yi'shar laughs. "Well, at least it's less ostentacious than that thing Rane is wearing."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Hey, you've seen the Scorpion King right? The one with The Rock?

Rane stands in the doorway to the room where Vector and Yi'shar are. Despite it's heavy appearance the armor he wears seems quite flexible.

"Let's go," he says. "Sara's almost done changing but they want us outside now."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

no. i know the movie but haven't seen it

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

That's fine. I found the pic I needed. Moving on.

Rane walks down the 'Lawmaker's' loading ramp to where a group of around fifteen Noghri stand waiting.