Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rubs his neck. "I'm sure. I don't want to doubt you; if you think we need Rane, he can stay. I'm just not sure about the wisdom of it."

Pauses a moment, then says, "Do you want him here for,....personal reasons?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She turns red but only for a moment. "You wanted to know if I knew someone who could help us out. I did, we found him, told him the story... it's not my fault or my doing that he came along. But I'm not about to dump him on the next planet because y'all can't get over all the bad things the Masters told you about Sith."

She sighs. "It's been four years since I last saw him... I suppose I'd like to keep him on... if only to get back in touch. Saving the galaxy kinda brings people together."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "This has nothing to do with the Masters or whether he's a Sith or Jedi or whatever. I don't think any of us could have anticipated that he would want to come with us, so I'm not blaming you or anyone else. I'm just not convinced that he will be able to keep from the lure of the darkside, after seeing what happened just now. But I trust you, and if you say he should stay, then he stays."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"We all have our weak points," she points out. "Even you and I." She looks up at him.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Interesting confession coming from you. anything I should know about?" smiles somewhat. "May need to help you at some point."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She chuckles slightly. "I don't think so. Some sercets I actually do keep to myself."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector laughs. "Probably. .......Sara, what went on between you and Rane? you were more involved than you let on earlier, i can tell."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She looks away from him, pulling at that same string on her jeans. "You know how it is... when the guy rescues the girl..."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"I see." Reaches down and takes the hand that was fidgeting, holding it in his own. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want. ........he's not the only that would have done that for you tho. I hope you know that."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She looks up at him slighty. "At the time he was the only one... and even then it was unexpected." She chuckles slightly, dark emotions flowing. "Even his Master was surprised."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector keeps a serious countenance. "That's because I wasn't there then. Whatever there is between you two now, I will still be here for you; I won't let anything like that happen to you again."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She sighs. "I loved him for a while... but when he dumped me on Dantooine I didn't understand. I was young... the Masters made me think he'd left me... was done with me. I knew it wasn't the truth but it still hurt. So I forced myself to forget him when he was only trying to protect me... help me."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector. "The Masters were probably trying to protect you, unsure whether he would be able to control his dark side. That doesnt' make their actions right,.....and now you have found him again. ......."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Okay, well, I just kinda realized that twelve years ago Sara would have been ten so that doesn't work out for anything. So I can either make her older (like in her 30s) or lessen the number of years ago she was in slavery. Which sounds better...? Exactly.

So six years ago is when she was first taken into slavery (making her around 16 at the time). Five years ago she was first rescued (by the Jedi Master, not Rane) then somehow (I can't tell you now because it's part of her life story  ^_^ ) she got back into slavery. Four years ago she was rescued by Rane and later that year dropped on Dantooine to continue her Jedi training (which obviously she got from the Jedi Master that rescued her).

She nods slightly. "Things are different than they were four years ago... he's changed, I've changed."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

oh well, who cares about


Vector "Sara......."

Yi'shar comes in. "Rane says we're getting close. You should probably get to a secure spot soon before re-entry."

"Thank you", says Vector. Yi'shar leaves, and Vector turns back to Sara. ".......we should, probably go. I hope you're right about Rane............. we, need to talk later."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

I do.  tongue

She smiles faintly. "He's just a little rough around the edges." She nods slightly. "We can talk but later." She heads back towards the cockpit.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector follows her back.

"Heard we're getting close, Rane?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane quickly stands up as Sara comes back in. He seems somewhat torn. He glares at Vector. "Yeah," he says curtly. He glances at Sara who seems to be trying to ignore him as she sits down in the pilot's seat again. He looks back at Vector.

"If you don't mind, Jedi, I need a moment alone with Sara," he says politely.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector nods. "Alright." He walks out to Yi'shar.

"Something wrong?"

Vector looks back at the now closed cockpit door. "I hope not."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane rubs the nap of his neck, avoiding Sara's gaze. "I'm sorry, karta."

Sara places a hand on her chest. "What? I don't think I heard you right. Could you repeat that?"

Rane holds down a growl. "I'm sorry... for my behavior... for my words." He looks up at her slowly.

She chuckles slightly. "I can't believe this. The great and tough Rane Soral is actually apologizing."

He frowns. "You're not making this easy."

"I don't plan to," she replies.