Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector also caught the smile, but said nothing. "If only I could figure out the thoughts behind that smile. If she would ever let me know what that meant. One day, she'll have to make a choice."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara turns back to the controls, ignoring Rane's glances. "If only he knew" she thinks to herself.

Rane growls but turns back to the ship's controls also. This would be harder than he thought.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector and Yi'shar spar in the cargo bay.

"You are still angry with Rane," says Vector as they fight. "The darkside will test you at this time Yi'shar. It will tell you to use your anger; it will try to lure you into using its power to hurt and cause the person you are angry to suffer."

Yi'shar's saber attacks become faster.

"Focus your anger; don't let it guide you, but use it to make you stronger."

Yi'shar attacks Vector fiercely, and the strength is evident. Vector struggles to stand against his attacks. They end in a saber lock, and thrust away to opposite ends of the room.

"Good. now, keep your focus. Remember what your anger is directed towards."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

A voice speaks to Yi'shar, crawling through his mind. The voice is deep and dark. "I sense your anger, Jedi..." the voice chuckles slightly. "Use it, feed it and you can easily strike him down."

Meanwhile in the cockpit Rane feels a shiver down his spine. He focuses, listening through the Force. He feels something... someone clawing at him.

"A Sith amongst Jedi? An awkward situation... yet they seem to sleep while the traitor waits in the shadows.

Rane growls. "I am no Sith... and I am no traitor. Never again. Leave me!"

Back in the cargo hold Vector hears the same voice. "Ah... and so I find the one I sought. Tell me how it felt, Jedi, to feel the darkside moving through your veins? To feel that all that anger? All that power?"

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar attacks Vector again. Vector can feel the anger in Yi'shar, and he uses it. But the darkside of the force begins to be felt in Yi'shar. Vector decides the test has gone on long enough, and ends the fight by disarming Yi'shar.

"Now, calm youself. The darkside is beginning to tempt you. Its calling. You're angry, and it will tell you that it has the power to satisfy your anger. Use your anger in a fight to focus your attack, but don't let it drive out your sense of compassion and justice."

Yi'shar stands panting, "I felt it master. I felt the darkside."

Vector, "I know. It was time. You had to feel it before you met the Sith. Yi'shar, in a fight, it will seem like giving in to the darkside is the thing to, the way to end the conflict, even the right way to deal with your enemy. But feel it now. Feel the echoes of the darkside and the pain that it leaves. Feel the terror and the crushing weight, the emptiness."

Yi'shar lowers his head, his eyes closed. "Yes, it's there"

Vector, "Remember that echo. And when we face the Sith, you will be ready to stand against the darkside."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

The voice is subdued for a time... but not forever. It leaves an echo within Yi'shar's mind... a question that demands to be answered.

However, even though the fight is over the voice seems to continue prying at Vector's mind... slowly passing his walls. "You let a Sith into your ranks, Jedi... a Sith! A man who has slaughtered the innocent... carved his name into the flesh of slaves..."

Even though Rane resists the voice it does not leave. "Do you think you can resist the call forever, Sith?" The voice pauses. "Perhaps... but can he? He has been tainted... it is only a time before its call becomes stronger."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector forces the voice from his mind.

Yi'shar, "Vector, I don't think I can stand against it. It was hard enough here fighting you."

Vector, "I know. You felt a small part of what I felt on Mustafar. But you will face the darkside one day; you cannot hide from it. I don't have all the answers on how to fight it, but now you have felt it's power and how quickly it can corrupt. You felt it tell you to kill me, didn't you?"

Yi'shar, "How did you know that?"

Vector, "I felt it, sensed it through your actions. Remember that. Don't let the darkside lie to you. It will turn you against your closest friends. Your emotions aren't evil, but they are one of the doors that the darkside will use. Keep a guard at that door."

Yi'shar leaves to take a shower. Vector goes to his room; he sits staring at the stars flashing by. "Sara"..........."No, focus!"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara glances over at Rane, noticing him gripping the arms of the co-pilot's chair so tight that his knuckles turn white.

"Rane," she says quietly.

He doesn't answer, only stares out into space.

She moves her hand to touch one of his. "Rane?" she asks, worried.

One of his hand moves, gripping hers, but his body doesn't budge.  His back stiffens. A tremble in the Force, a wave of dark emotions... the screams of countless innocents.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector senses the dark presense, and rushes to the cockpit.


No response.

Vector stretches out his hand towards Rane, concentrating through the force. Rane.....resist. Stay strong. Don't let it use your emotions, don't let it bring up your past, don't let it lie to you.

Vector focuses his strength in the force to helping Rane.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

There is a sudden trimmer as Rane gasps. His eyes are glazed and he doesn't seem to realize that it is Vector standing there... only trying to help him. He immediately grabs the Jedi by the throat, pushing him up against the nearest wall in a choke hold.

Sara yells at him in Mando'a before he shakes his head. The glaze in his eyes disappear as he releases Vector, stumbling back. Sara pushes him down in the co-pilot's chair before helping Vector get back to his feet.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar senses his master's life is in danger, and runs towards the cockpit. But before he can get there, Vector closes the door and locks it. Wait, padawan. I'm alright. Wait. Yi'shar stands at the door, unsure...

Vector turns to Rane. Through the force, he helps Rane calm. "It's alright, everythings fine, it's gone now. Are you ok?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane seems shaken... highly unusual for such a man. He growls, looking at Vector, not liking letting the Jedi see him at such a weak point.

"I'm sorry, Jedi." he manages.

Sara speaks to him in Mando'a, her tone somewhat harsh. He still seems angry but doesn't lash out at her. He replies gently, nodding. He looks back at Vector.

"Thanks," he adds.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector nods. "You're part of this team now Rane. You're one of us. We're here to keep each other from falling. I know that it was the darkside that brought this on. I won't let you fall, any more than I'd let Sara or Yi'shar fall." Looks at Sara. "I'll leave you now."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Another growl. He doesn't hide his emotions at all... at least from Vector. "I don't need some Jedi telling me how to wipe my own ass. I've resisted it for twelve years... it's no different now. These kinda things aren't at all new to me."

Sara returns the growl, apparently defending Vector as she speaks to Rane again in Mando'a.

He smiles evilly, replying in a dark tone.

Sara's eyes narrow and she storms out of the cockpit.

Rane watches her leave, before looking back up at Vector, that same cold threat in his eyes again.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Listen Rane, if you're gonna be here, you're going to be a part of us. And that means we work together, whether we like it or not. You needed my help, and I gave it. That's it. If you don't like it, you can take the first ship back to you station when we get to a space hub."

He turns to leave, and says over his shoulder, "Oh, and you're welcome."

Vector finds Yi'shar standing outside of the cockpit. "What was that all about?"

Vector draws Yi'shar away. "Whatever that voice was that was in your head, also tempted Rane. It took control of him for a moment, but it's alright now."

"He tried to kill you didn't he?"

Vector stops, "It's over now. I'm fine, and he is still on our side."

"No, he's on his own side, he's never been on our side. Whether he's a Sith now or not, his only reason for being here is because of Sara. He doesn't care about what happens to us! and he still is open to the dark side, and I can easily see him reverting back to it, whether it means joining Cratus or taking his place."

Vector stops him, "Enough! ......." he sighs. "You may be right. The fact that the darkside took over him, even momentarily, is not a good sign. I'll watch him, but he is still a part of this crew, the same as you. And we will work together."

Vector leaves Yi'shar and goes to find Sara. He finds her standing alone.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane gritted his teeth, standing as Vector began to leave. He touched the lightsaber barrel hanging from his belt... but he paused.

"Tempting", he thought. "But another day Jedi."

He sat back down in the co-pilot's chair, taking his fingers through his hair. He got himself into this mess now he'd have to get himself out. He had let his guard down for a second... let the voice make him think it was something- someone- else.

He could have slapped himself because of what he said to Sara... but she was defending that damned Jedi. The man made his blood boil and he didn't like it. He'd never had to fight over Sara and now he did. It was a whole new playing field.

A sigh. He needed to control himself. Sara wasn't one for rough men.

Meanwhile Sara stands alone, leaning against the kitchen door drinking a glass of juma. After her and Rane's harsh words the juma seems to help a bit.

She'd never seen Rane like that... and he'd never talked to her like that before either. She sighs. He was different... but she knew exactly why.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Sara..........are you alright?"

Vector was standing behind her. His face, usually so calm and resigned from the years of Jedi training, betrayed a genuine concern now.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She turns to look at Vector, noticing the worried look. "I'm fine," she assures him.

She lifts her cup slightly. "Want some juma? I always keep some handy," she smiles.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, ", no thanks."

Vector is obviously uncomfortable with what he's about to say. "Sara, I have to talk to you about Rane. I was willing to let him come on this journey because he's your friend and you wanted him. But I'm not sure it's a good idea. This may sound juvenille, but he and Yi'shar are obviously at odds, and I'm not sure that he has any desire to get along with me either. We're headed to the most dangerous situation any of us have ever faced, and we don't need hostility among our friends................. I suppose what I'm sayin is, I'm not sure he needs to be here."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara sighs. "Knew it was coming," she thinks to herself.

"Just got to give him time. Took Eshin two years before Rane would even crack a smile at his jokes." She chuckles slightly, putting her glass of juma down on the counter behind her.

"Rane's just not comfortable with new people. He and I have a lot in common," she looks up at Vector mommentarily. "More so than you think. He might be a little jumpy around the ship but when he's in the thick of battle..." she smiles slighty. "He's a masterpiece. You won't be disappointed."