Re: Taris Restoration Project

Hovoth: "I guess we'll head to the east side of this town."

Alan: (Growls) "Of course."

** Leaves with Alan. **


** The lady in the black robe takes a ship off of Manaan, and heads through the stars, scanning for the Hyperspace trail... **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: Okay Creed, I guess we are going West.

Jester: (Picks up lightsabers and hooks them on my belt and grabs 3 flash bangs and puts them into a pouch)

Jester: Okay, Let's get moving before the second sun comes up.

Jester: (Walks off the ship and waits for Creed)

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Creed: Alright lets go.

*the two begin working their way thru the city.*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Hovoth: (Walks up to a Twi'Lek Trader with Alan trailing him)

Trader: "Coming to buy an Energy Shield? They'll protect you from any blaster bolts!"

Alan: "Can it, tails, have you seen this Rodian?" (Holds up Data Pic)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Stops at a shop keeper and show him the picture)

Jester: Have you seen this Rodian?

Shop Keeper: Yes, He sets up shop at a camp site 5 miles east of town between this city and the one in the west.

Jester: Thanks for the help.

Jester: (Uses mind wipe on the shop keeper)

Shop Keeper: May I help you?

Jester: No thanks.

Jester: (Walks over to Creed)

Jester: He sets up shop at a camp site between this city and the other one to the west and it is 5 miles east of here.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Creed: He's not trying to keep a low profile in town then, is he? That's to our advantage. We should let Hovoth know.

*Creed transmits the information to Hovoth*

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Looks at Creed)

Jester: I guess we are the only ones looking for him and that is good too.

(Creed and Jester walk to the edge of town and wait for Hovoth's reply)

Jester: If we get there the same time as Hovoth and the others then we will have the edge.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Hovoth: (Looks at Holo-Pad) "It's Creed."

* Just then a blaster bolt dashes from the rooftops to Hovoth's feet. *

Hovoth: "Woah!" (Takes cover)

Alan: (Takes cover too) "Aww... to bad." (Looks at Hovoth) "He missed."

Hovoth: (Punches Alan) "Get serious!" (Comm) "Creed, Jester - we have stray bullets hitting my six - follow my signal!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Com) We will be there in 30 mins.

Jester: Creed, Hovoth and Alan is under attack and they want us there now.

Jester: (Runs and jumps into a speeder that is sitting outside the town)

Jester: Creed, Jump in and you drive.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Creed *jumps in and grabs the wheel* Hang on, this is gonna be a wild ride!

*the speeder blasts off and Creed rockets down several streets, dodging pedestrians, buildings, and other speeders.*

Creed: Hope Hovoth doesn't have to hold out too long!

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Hovoth: "Who's attacking us?"

Alan: (Sticks small mirror slightly up) "That wasn't a standard blaster shot... it was a sniper... I can see the scope reflection."

Hovoth: "Dang... snipers aren't the best."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: (Com) Hovoth, We are on the way so hold on as long as you can.

Jester: PUNCH IT CREED!!!!!!!!!!

Jester: (Com) We are 5 mins out and we will be in the speeder that will be fling in like a bat out of hell.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Creed: I think she's got a little more, but this will be rough!

*Creed reaches under the control board and unplugs the restrictor wires. The speeder gains velocity and begins to shake and the engines start getting hot*

Creed: Hang on, this will be close!

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

* The area seems quiet. The only sound is the wind, the sniper gets up. *

Sniper: (Yells) "Put your hands up, scum!"

Alan: (Yells) "Put a cherry on top, and we can work out a deal!"

Sniper: (Points gun) (Yells) "Next shot goes in your head - now put your hands up!"

Hovoth: (Talking to Alan) "This Sniper didn't mean to kill me on the first shot. He's bluffing." (Stands up)

Alan: "Dude - get down!"

Sniper: (Points gun) "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!"

Hovoth: "No."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

(The speeder flies to Hovoth's location and right before the speeder hits the building that has the sniper on it Jester and Creed jumps out)

Jester: That was a hell of a ride.

(Jester and Creed run over to where Hovoth is standing)

Jester: What's up?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Creed: You got that right. Now, did we take care of whoever that was?

I Am Jedi

Re: Taris Restoration Project

* Alan stands up, looking over at where the sniper was... *

Alan: "He's... gone!"

Hovoth: (Walks over to Creed and Jester) "Some sniper attacked me and Alan... he didn't really intend to kill me... strange."

Alan: (Brushes himself off) "What did you guys find out anyway?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: The target has a camp set up in the middle of these 2 towns.

Jester: (Hands the data to Hovoth)

Jester: This is the location of the camp.

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Hovoth: (Nods) "Good, let's just collect the bounty so we can leave."

Alan: (Growls) "And what of the sniper?"

Hovoth: "What of him?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Taris Restoration Project

Jester: I have a feeling that the sniper is either working for the target or he is tring to collect on the bounty too.