Re: A New Begining

Rotel: (watches Marx suspiciously)

Xvan: (plugs Xvana back into his suit)
Xvana if you wouldn't mind.

Xvana: Already done. They're just east of here in a large structure...
(she pauses)
Be careful.

Xvan: (chuckles)
Aren't we always?

Akson: No. You always end up getting shot.

Rotel: (huffs)
Or stabbed. Remember when we were on Quast?

Akson: (grimances)
Ooh, yeah, that was ugly.

Xvan: (shakes his head) I still feel it every day.

Xvana: Quast?

Rotel: (nods)
Before the Jedi.

Xvana: Oh.

...Malachor, Trayus Academy; near the core...

Ashni: Consider them souvenirs... from the ones that called themselves Sith.

...Malachor, Trayus Academy; outer facilities...

Revan: No, let's leave them be. If they survive the journey into the Academy we'll burn their bodies with the witch's.

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni)

Thor: What are these about?

Thor: (Closes eyes)

Thor: I can sence that the jedi and the republic are close.

Thor: (Opens eyes)


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "My co-pilot stayed behind..."

(Gives a strong frown)

Marx: "Confusion is the downfall to many."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Alright, lets go. Marx, good to see you here. I don't have time to introduce everyone, we have to find Revan and Ashni.

Jasen: Let's move; I have an idea that Revan's not gonna waste time waiting for us.

*the group heads off to the Sith academy*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Walks over to Ashni)

Thor: The jedi are heading for the academy.

Re: A New Begining

Ashni: Of course they are.
(she smiles)
But do not worry, pupil, it is all part of a much grander plan.

...Malachor V, Trayus Academy; middle sectors...

Daar: I don't like this...

Zorvon: I agree, mi'lady... I feel something here. Every moment I fight in this witch's place I feel as if something digs its claws deeper and deeper into my soul... and not only mine.
(he looks over at Revan)

...Malachor V, Trayus Academy; near the enterance...

Xvan: (pulls his blade from a Sith Assassin's corpse)
Wow... I didn't know we were gonna be fighting wussies. I thought they were supposed to be, ya know, "The Sith".
(he chuckles)

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Stay on your toes, tho. It would be just like the Sith to leave one of their own as a trap, making us think they were being defeated, and then ambush us.

Jasen: This place gives me the creaps. There's something dark and menacing about it, more so than anywhere I've ever been.

Daan: It's the darkside of the force. This is Ashni's stronghold; the darkside will be extremely strong here. Be on your guard against it.

*the group moves to the entrance.*

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "Yes, I feel the darkside to..."

(Steps over the Sith corpse)

Marx: "It feels like thousands of crying men and women... and a strange screeching sound."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Kilax: (growls)
Do I have to do everything myself?! I thought you said you could get rid of them?!

Zabrak: Well we had some small setbacks.

Kilax: Small setbacks?! I call two Jedi and three Kovasn more than a small setback! Now I'll have to get blood all over my armor again.
(he storms off, leaving the Zabrak squad alone)

...Malachor V, Trayus Academy; outer facilities...

(they are ambushed)

Rotel: (growls at Daan) You and your big mouth.
(runs another Sith through)

Xvan: (runs towards a group of Sith, jumping on two)
(as he jumps on them he stabs them each with one of his Kovasn blades)
(he pulls them out of their corpses in time to block another Sith's blade)
They're still wussies.


Re: A New Begining

(Two Sith run towards Marx, and swing at him with vibroblade)

Marx: (Blocks it with his Lightsaber) "Convert, Sith."

Sith 1: (Laughs) "You jedi are so niave!"

Marx: (Breaks swords with his lightsaber and stabs one of the Sith)

Sith 2: (Swings at back with sword)

Marx: (Blocks it with Lightsaber and kicks him onto the ground and stabs him)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

*A Sith, assumed to be a corpse on the ground, rises and jumps at Xvan. Daan seizes him in mid air with the force, and throws him back to the ground at Daan's feet.*

Daan: You should know better than that.

*The Sith attempts to stab Daan, but his lightsaber explodes. Daan then picks him up through the force and hurls him into the distance.*

Daan: *looks at Xvan* I know, I know, you could have handled it yourself.

*They continue to the entrance*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Force to Sith Assassians) We have jedi in the academy so make sure to make it hard to get to the this chamber and remember have fun.

Thor: (Looks at Ashni)

Thor: Is it time to have fun yet?

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: (chuckles) He stole my line.

Xvana: Move.

...Malachor V; Trayus Academy, near the core...

Ashni: (waves her hand towards the door)
I sense your hunger, pupil... feed it.


Re: A New Begining

Hovoth: (Follows the rest of the group, stepping over Sith bodies)

"I sense something ahead..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks at Ashni and then the door)

Thor: Finally, It is time to bathe in the blood of the jedi.

Thor: (Pulls out both lightsaber and ignites them)

Thor: (Force to Hovoth and the rest of the jedi) I AM COMMING FOR YOU!!!!

Thor: (Walks out the doors in the direction of the jedi)


Re: A New Begining

Hovoth: (Hears voice) "It's a dark Jedi."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Sees a young jedi knight checking the bodies of the dead dark jedi for signs of life and walks up behind him)

Thor: My first kill of the day.

Thor: (Takes both lightsabers and plunges both of them down into his back killing him)

Thor: (Force to Ashni) That's 1.

Thor: (Pulls lightsabers out of his back and heads on down the hallway)

Re: A New Begining

To let you know, Jest, they're aren't any Jedi on Malachor V save Daan and Marx. But hey, we'll say that guy you just killed stowed away. No porblem.  wink

Rotel: (smiles evilly) Finally... a real challenger.
(he looks at Daan) Ashni is preparing... you must find her quickly before it is too late. I will take care of the Dark Jedi.

(walks off to find Thor)

Re: A New Begining

*Daan looks at Rotel.*

Daan: Alright. Be careful.

Jasen: It's Thor. I don't know a thing about the force, but I know it's him. He was my friend, Kovasn. If at all possible, don't kill him.

*Daan and Jasen run towards the entrance and disappear into the shadows.*

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Rotel: (huffs, pausing to watch Daan and the group run off)
I will not curse the galaxy but leaving such a man alive.