Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Glad you like it. Took me a while to find a good Obi-Wan pic that I liked. All the ones of Ani didn't suit what I had in mind.

Eshni shifts under the weight of the man on his shoulder. "Fine have it your way, I'll get your weave armor in. Sara knows how to work in my armor though. I'll send that along just in case she gets home sick." He looks over at her, winking. He turns around and leaves, the man on his shoulder groaning.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "well, if Sara can fight in it, and it's resistant to lightsabers, that's perfectly fine and we're very thankful. Thanks for your help Eshin."

As he leaves, Yi'shar whispers to Vector, "That doesn't look like someone you'd want to have comin after you."

Vector nods. "Yeah. Alright, lets get to the ship."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara smiles. "Once you get to know him you'll understand. He's just like a Mandalorian arpat. Hard on the outside but soft on the inside." She pauses. "Of course... it depends on who you are and what you did really. He can't stand criminals."

"arpat" is Mando'a for a type of bread roll. It has a tough 'outer shell' so to speak yet it's extremely soft on the inside.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "Yes, i rather got that impression."

Yi'shar, "Here's the ship. looks like they already have it fueled and everything. Your friend doesn't mess around."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane comes up behind Sara, throwing his left arm around her shoulders and smiling. "No, I don't. Messin' around just gets you into trouble. I learned my lessons the hard way and I don't want to repeat them."

He carries a large duffel bag in his right hand.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks at the duffle bag. He guesses what Rane has in mind, but asks, "Going somewhere, Rane?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rnae looks at Vector, still smiling, but the threat is clear in his eyes as he narrows then slightly.

"Sure am," he replies. "I heard there was a little rogue Jedi group gonna go try to take on some new powerful Sith, Dark Jedi, and whatnot. You know, save the universe and all that good stuff. Thought they might need a guy who actually knows how to kick ass."

The threat in his eyes quickly disappears as Sara tugs on him, drawing his attention.

Her face glows. "Oh, you 're actually coming with us?!" she exclaims as she hugs him tight.

His eyes gleam. "I sure am, mi karta. Someone has to make sure ya'll stay out of trouble." He chuckles slightly.

"But what about the security-"

He stop her in mid-sentence. "No need to worry. Eshin will be taking care of things until I get back."

As if on cue, Eshin walks up behind Rane, patting him on the back.

Although not mean to hurt the friendly "pat" is hard enough to make Rane drop his duffel bag and move his arm from around Sara's shoulders in order to rub his back.

Eshin smiles as two men each carrying crates come in behind him. "And I'll do a damn fine job too... in fact, by the time you get back they might just be ready to fire you." He chuckles, pointing the two men towards the Breakneck's loading ramp.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar frowns. "I don't like this............."

"No, we might need him"

Vector turns to Rane, "Well, we hadn't planned it that way. But I thought you might want to come along after that talk with you. We'll try to ....incorperate you into the team."

Yi'shar shakes his head, turns away and pulls his lightsaber off his belt, twirling the handle in his hand.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane smiles at Eshin. "Well if they do fire me remember how you got to the top."

Eshin nods. "How could I ever forget?"

Rane looks at Vector. "I've got... skills that will come in handy along the way. I didn't exactly kiss my way to Security Commander."

Eshin nods again, looking at Vector. "I got your equipment. Anywhere special you want my guys to put it? The Breakneck's got smuggling compartments..." he trails off, letting Vector figure out what he's saying on his own.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar, "Why don't we just take a load of freakin spices and make a profit on the trip while we're at it. And while we're at it we can smuggle some weapons to the arms dealers on Yavin, and a few slaves to the Hutts on Tatooine!......"

Vector, "Yi'shar! That's enough! Get on board the ship."

Yi'shar casts Rane a despising glance, then turns and walks to the loading ramp.

"You must excuse my padawan's actions," Vector says to Rane. "I'm afraid he does  not full understand the situation, as I do. He has struggled with the Jedi teachings and code even more than I have."

"Rane I must be frank with you. I was perfectly happy with a team of three for this undertaking. When Sara mentioned you I thought your knowledge might give us some insight into what happened to Cratus, but did not plan on including you in this journey. I am not at all comfortable with a complete stranger coming with me on a mission to find a "would-be" Dark Lord. However, you do have experience, and I can tell that Sara would recommend that you come with us. So I'll put aside those doubts and welcome you on this mission. Just don't expect to become fast friends with Yi'shar right away."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane watches Yi'sahr trudges up the Breakneck's loading ramp. A low growl escapes his throat, as he looks down at Sara.

The boy could be a problem...

Sara looks up at up and even though her walls hide her emotions her eyes betray her. Another growl, this one only audible. He doesn't really hear anything of what Vector says until the last few sentences.

Rane looks over at Eshin who seems more than angry at the remarks Yi'shar made. His hands are clinched into fists by his sides. Rane speaks to the large man in Mando'a.

He unclinches his fists, replying to Rane. He then takes Sara and leads her into the ship followed by the men with the crates.

Rane then turns his attention to Vector, stepping closer to the Jedi.

"I understand how you feel about me Jedi..." he smiles fainlty. "In more ways than you think." The smile fades as he becomes serious again. "I put my red lightsaber up years ago and I don't intend to take it back down for anything or anyone. I made my mistakes. I won't make them again and I sure as hell won't let anyone else make them." He grabs Vector's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"I know how to keep myself in line... you keep yourself on the right path, I won't have a problem with you. And as long as that apprentice of yours follows in your footsteps and doesn't mention anything about Hutts or slaves again I won't have to... space him, to put it nicely. We clear?" He smiles warmly but the threat in his cold, grey eyes is so clear it sends shivers down Vector's spine. His grip on Vector's shoulder tightens slightly only magnifing the effects of his words.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector nods his head. "Thank you for that reassurance. I understand, and I intend to speak to Yi'shar......." he starts to walk away then turns back. "I also understand that he may have offended you both when he spoke. But since you were once a Jedi yourself, Rane, I assume you know of the Master/padawan relationship. I would therefore appreciate it if you would leave his training to me.......All of it. If you have a problem with his actions, take it up with me, not him."

Vector walks up to the ship and into the room where Yi'shar is.

"You know, there are better ways to win friends and influence people."

Yi'shar turns angrily to him. "I don't like him, or his friends. I don't want him on this ship with us. He's a player, show boat, and what's worse he's been on the other side before. What makes you sure he won't turn to it again, especially if he gets close to another Sith?"

Vector walks over to Yi'shar and places his hand on his shoulder. "Padawan, I don't have the answers for you. I don't know what will happen. But I trust Sara, and if she says we can trust Rane, I'm willing to take that chance."

Yi'shar, "If you let your feelings for her lead you, you'll just get us killed."

Vector, "I seem to remember sensing something in your emotions regarding that young woman you saw in Rane's office."

Yi'shar shakes his head, but realizes he can't fool his master, "I......I didn't want you to sense that. I knew her, a long time ago. We couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 at the time. I had almost forgotten about her, but the force brought the memory back. I was too young to have feelings for her then, but seeing her, here, with that ....that......ah, that man! And hearing what he said!....i just wanted to get her away from him"

Vector nods. "Believe me when I say I understand and have felt the same way before. But I think we should give Rane a chance before passing judgement. I am not asking you to like him. But don't provoke him or allow him to anger you."

"I'll try master."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane watches Vector walk onto the ship. The Jedi didn't like him and he didn't like the Jedi... this was going tobe one pain in the ass trip. At least he'd be around Sara again.

He walked onto the ship and into the cockpit where he found Sara in the pilot's seat and Eshin in the co-pilot's seat. He immediately stood up as Rane came in.

He smiles. "Well, y'all have got a lot of ground to cover. I'll leave y'all to it." He looks at Rane, his smile widening. "Be prepared to take orders when you get back."

Rane chuckles. "In your dreams, Eshin."

Eshin leaves the ship, along with the two men who carried the crates.

Rane sits down in the co-pilot's chair and tampers with the navicomputer. As he does he senses Vector and Yi'shar conversation. He smiles to himself but wonders if Sara can sense it too.

He looks over at her and can tell she doesn't. "Why don't you go tell them boys to buckle up while I get her prepped for launch?" he asks warmly.

She looks up at him, returning the smile. "Sure thing." She heads back towards where Vector and Yi'shar are.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector pats Yi'shar on the back. "I'd better go talk to Rane." Turns and walks to the door, then looks back "He's ready to kick your tail if you get out of line, Yi'shar. I've told him that you're my padawan, and to let me handle any issues that come up. But you should know that I'm very proud to have you as my trainee."

Vector walks out, then sees Sara. "Ready for launch, right? We're ready."

"Rane, i want to make this work. I'm working with Yi'shar, but i'm gonna need your cooperation too...............who was that young woman?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara smiles. "Good." She turns around to leave but then faces Vector again. "Buckle up for safety." She winks and heads back to the cockpit.

Rane growls through the Force. "Her name's Alana Zhal. She's Hapan." He pauses. "That boy of yours got some strong feelings there."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector smiles, "No more than anyone else on this ship."

Vector buckles up inside the cockpit behind Rane and Sara. Yi'shar remains in his room. The ships engines roar to life and it lifts off.

Vector, "Where to first?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

we need cratus the rpg for the darkside doesnt work out without him

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

If he doesn't come on after a while either LSM or I can pick his character up.

Sars and Rane switch seats so that she is sitting in the pilot's chair and he in the co-pilot chair. The Breakneck begins to enter hyperspace.

Rane looks back at Vector. "Honoghr," he says as the ship enters hyperspace.

Honoghr Information

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector shakes his head. "The Noghri. Wonderful. He could have picked a more welcoming planet. But I guess I should have figured Cratus would try to recruit them to his side."

After the impact of the engines entering hyperspace has past, Vector gets up. "I noticed your ship has a rather large cargo bay, Sara. If you need me, I'll be there training with Yi'shar."

Vector leaves and he and Yi'shar enter the cargo bay. They draw low energy practice lightsabers and begin sparring.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara looks up at him, smiling. "Okay."

Rane notices her watching Vector leave and curses under his breath.