Re: The New Jedi Order

*Nolan looks at Karvan's armor*

Nolan: Pretty sorry shade of green Karvan. Looks more like White and Red if you ask me. heh. But anyway, here's the briefing. Our ship is the Ceasefire, and will be ready for launch at 1400 hours.

Nolan: One thing I didn't mention is that the Nevergost has already captured several diplomats and important figures. We dont' know if they're aboard or not, but our secondary mission is to locate those individuals.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Then we should watch of fire."

Karvan: "Safety will be on the watch when we get there."

(Ilton calls in on the radio)

Ilton: (Comm) "We'll trail behind Nolan, Master Jedi."

Hovoth: "Roger that, Ilton."

Ilton: (Comm) "My ship, the Spear, will trail behind Captain Nolan's line of sight."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Name: Resa Lyrn

Race: Human, Female

Age: 23

Rank: Jedi Knight

Background: N/A


Name: Aran (Nulls were always named in Mando'a and never given last names)

Race: Human Clone, Male (of course  tongue )

Age: 13 (as LSM pointed out, growth hormones)

Rank: Null-class ARC Commander (screw what sw wikia says, it's fanfiction  wink )

Weapons: Varies

(suddenly a larger than ordinary clone steps towards Hovoth and Nolan)
(he wears Alpha-ARC armor with yellow ranking colors, although it is quite obvious he's a Null-ARC)
(he is followed by a woman Jedi Knight)

Aran: (he looks at Nolan)
(he looks over at Hovoth, noding slightly)

Resa: (walks forward, standing beside Aran)
And what you didn't know is that a Jedi Knight got captured along with the two ARCs accompanying him... and guess what? They were just loaded onto the Nevergost for safe keeping until an interrogator arrives.
(she smiles)
Resa Lyrn. The tank is Aran.
(she motions her hand towards the Null)

Aran: (growls)
I'll take that as a compliment.

Resa: (she looks back at Hovoth and Nolan)
New arrangements for command. Aran and I will lead Team C to find and evacuate the Jedi and the two ARCs.

Re: The New Jedi Order

I'm in.

Name: Anubis

Race: Haman

Age: 27

Rank: Jedi Knight

Background: Raised on a Tatoonie by Sand People and was found 10 years ago by a Jedi Master and was trained by him until he left for a peace keeping mission but the Master never returned. I still wear the outfit of the Sand People and I can speak their language.

Anubis: (Walks into the room where Hovoth and the Captain are)

Anubis: Captain, I have been resigned here and here are my papers.

Anubis: (Hands papers to the Captain)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: Everything appears to be in order. Our ship should be ready soon. Be advised that we will be encountering more than just droids on this mission. From the last transmittions of several ships attacked by the Nevergost, there appear to be intelligent life forms aboard. These could be Geonosians or any number of creatures from the Separatist forces.

I'm bringing in the clone pilot for this mission

*a final clone walks up.*

Clone: Clone designation RX-450, Lt. Jafre reporting for duty, sir.

Nolan: Ah, Jaf, good you're here. Five-oh will be piloting the Ceasefire for us.

*to Hovoth* He's just out of the Academy, so cut him a little slack on the takeoffs, alright, not like that last kid?

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: We do we leave?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: When do I get to kill something?

Resa: (hits him on the stomach)

Aran: What?! I've been stuck with you and your black ops. for two months now. (scoffs) I'm ready to kick ass.
(he smiles)
Null style.

You may notice Aran is a lot different from normal clones. If you know anything about Nulls, you'll understand. If you don't read here: Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos.

Background for Aran: After Resa and her team rescued him from Count Dooku's ship -where he was being brutaly tortured for information- at the risk of their lives and defying Council orders, the Null seems to have developed an extreme loyalty to the Jedi Knight. They seem to have bonded in a very strong friendship.

Re: The New Jedi Order

This is a huge cast!  B)

Hovoth: "Okay then, this should be all the personel followed in this mission. I'm sure briefing has been established between each of you."

Karvan: "Right." (Looks at everybody) "A Rescue and Destroy mission."

Hovoth: (Looks at Resa and Aran) "Careful with Ilton, he's quite the wild clone. His personality is... interesting." (Laughs)

Hovoth: (Looks at Anubis) "We leave in 1400 hours. We head three ships up there, all teams with their own ships. Once we get in--"

Karvan: "--We have fun, rescue the captives, and..."

Hovoth: "Boom."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: Don't worry. I can handle Aran. Ilton shouldn't be a problem.

Aran: If he is I'll keep him in check.

Resa: (smiles at Hovoth)
Besides, he isn't the only 'wild' one. Why do you think I got a Null?

Aran: (folds his arms across his chest) Because your ass gets in too much trouble and you needed a tough babysitter to constantly get you out of all the s**t you and your 'team' manage to always get into.

Resa: (glances at Aran)
Thank you for that insight.

Aran: You're welcome.

Re: The New Jedi Order

*Nolan watches the exchange with a blank, expressionless stare*

Nolan: Your clone appears to have developed some of the less desirable human traits. Humor and sarcasm are ineffecient forms of communication. It would be best to keep them to a minimum on our journey, though it appears that this will be difficult for both of you.

Jef: The ships are being fueled. The original briefing said that we would be only taking one ship, but a team this size will require three. Therefore two light escort ships have been assigned to us. They will be armed, but not enough to pose a threat to the Nevergost, and will therefore likely be ignored. They have been equipped with heavier shields, tho, which will allow the Nevergost to disable them but not destroy them.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Aran: (frowns)
You talk about me as if she owned me.

Resa: (looks from Aran to Nolan)
Nulls are different from your average commando, Captain. And while I assume the ones under your command are oh, so perfect Nulls are even better. Their so deemed 'undesirable' traits may make them better. It never helps to be depressed about anything, Captain. Being... humurous... can bring a whole new light on the subject.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: *maintains a blank expression* Perhaps. I was not wishing to insult your clone. However, i should put out that in our experience with military operations, humor and sarcasm are wasted conversation. It is much better to keep words to a minimum. Human sense of humor requires regions of the brain for processing that could better be spent focusing on the mission at hand. We are trained to do our job, do it well, and move on to the next order without question....or comment.

Jef: We should be ready to leave within a few minutes, Captain Kody.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: Okay.

Anubis: (Walks around and starts talking to myself in the language of the Sand People)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: (Smiles and nods at Resa) "Of course."

Karvan: "Riddle me this... your the only jedi coming, Master Hovoth?"

Hovoth: "We're a little short on force sensitive aspects. Master Winduu might have come, but certain problems occurred in the secter he was in. I'm not that bad of a jedi, am I?" (Chuckles) "Besides, you clones are reliable."

Karvan: "Just don't die, sir."

Hovoth: "If the force believes I shouldn't. Anyways, it's about time to leave. Let's suit up, and get equipped... we have a big mission ahead."

Karvan: "Yes, sir."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

*Nolan and Jef head to the Ceasefire*

Nolan: I know you're a good pilot, Five-0, but no fancy flying on this mission. We have to make the Nevergost believe that this is a diplomatic transport with a civ at the helm.

Jef: Understood sir.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: (Serious Face) "Aran, and Resa - you both will be taking Ilton's ship. It's a nice warship called the Sildora V9. I hope it suits you well."

Karvan: (Heads to hanger)

Hovoth: (Follows Karvan to Hanger)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: (folds her arms across her chest)
Some clone... serious attitude problems.

Aran: (chuckles, bending down a bit to face her)

Resa: (she looks at him confused)
For what?

Aran: (he smiles)
Most clones see us as a disgrace... you kinda stood up for me back there.

Resa: Oh, it was nothing.

Aran: (stands)
I consider it something.

(Aran and Resa follow Hovoth and Karan to the hanger)

Re: The New Jedi Order

Anubis: (Follows the others to the hanger)

Anubis: It is about time that we are on our way.

Anubis: (Runs up and catches up to Resa)

Anubis: Resa, Where are we going?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Nolan calls his ship, the Spear."

Karvan: "The shields directed to the front of the fighter is the reason why he conforts it with that name."

Hovoth: (Gives a small laugh) "I remember when he used that, too."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Resa: (looks over at Anubis)
We're on a SaR so too speak.

Aran: We're headed towards the Nevergost.