Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: (Gets up, the light of the crystals spark in his pupils) "Power?"

(Looks at Daan)

Hovoth: "Are you sure you can use this?" (Looks up) "There's but so much power one jedi can take, you know..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Laughs)

Jester: I can feel the hate inside of you, jedi.

Jester: (Puts lightsabers away)

Jester: This was just a plory to get you here and it gave Revan the time he needed to find and get what he was after.

Jester: (Pulls out a com device)

Jester: The academy is yours jedi for now.

Jester: (Over com) We are ready.

Voice: (Over com) There time will come soonner then they realize.

(Jester, Atrox, The Dark Jedi and all the soldiers in and around the academy are beamed up out of the academy)


We will meet later on because we need to keep the story going.

Re: The Revanchist

Vandar: Do you think he was right? Was this just a diversion to get our attention away from Revan?

Vrook: Perhaps, but we could not allow a stronghold like Dantooine to fall to the dark Jedi, regardless. We have lost valuable time, but it could not be helped

*Yi'shar and Carth come in with the boy and several other Jedi that they found who had escaped Jester and Atrox*

Yi'shar: Have they gone?

Vrook: Yes, but I fear not for long. Dantooine may be safe for now, but they will reappear, in some other system, with some other plan for destruction. We must be alert. Carth, have the fleet send out an emergency message to all known Jedi bases and contacts, and inform them of what has taken place.


Daan: *to Hovoth* It's a different kind of force power. It is like, holding pure light in your hand. I could use it to destroy a person, but it does not hold a lure or temptation for me to use a darker power.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Stands on the bridge of my flag ship called the Ajunta Pall)

Captain: Sir, You have a incomming message.

Jester: Put it through.

Message: You have done a great job now take your fleet to Besbin and pick me up, Revan.

Jester: Captain, Take us to Bespin.

Captain: As you command, Master.

Jester: (Force to Vrook) I will beam you a gift down and I hope you like it. (Laughs)

(Jester beams the mutelated body of a jedi master down right in front of Vrook's feet)

Jester: (Force to Vrook) Do you like it?

Captain: Sir, The fleet is ready to enter hyperspace.

Jester: On my signal jump.

Captain: Yes Sir.

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: "Ahh... okay I see now, a kind of power... a power of light."

(Sits down)

Hovoth: "We'll need all the help we can get against the whiles of the darkside..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Daan: Yes. On Dagobaa, I felt the presense of the darkside. It was powerful, in a terrifying, yet fascinating way. I could see why others would fall to it.


Vandar: Yi'shar, take these remains. This was once a padawan of mine. He gave his life for the Jedi, and will be honored for his sacrifice.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

(The ship comes to sight of Dantooine)

Hovoth: "Wow, that was fast!" (Laughs)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: Captain, Jump into hyperspace.

(The fleet jumps into hyperspace heading to Besbin)

Re: The Revanchist

(atroxs flagship,the naga sadow jumps to light speed)

Re: The Revanchist

(The fleet comes out of hyperspace over Besbin)

Jester: Send a transport to the planet to pick up Revan.

Captain: Yes Sir.

(The transport leaves the ship and heads for the surface of Besbin)

Re: The Revanchist

Daan: Yeah, but our scanners aren't pickin up any ships. Looks like the Sith are gone. Let's try to make contact with the academy.


Carth: Masters, we're picking up a transmition from an incoming ship.

Vandar: Who is it?

Carth;'s Daan and Hovoth.

Vandar: Tell them to join us here.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: (Continues to wait in the ship)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Captain: (Gets out of the transport and greets Revan)

Revan: Is the fleet here?

Captain: Yes Sir, They are waiting in orbit.

Revan: Let's Go.

(The Captain and Revan board the transport and head back to the fleet and land on in the bay)

Re: The Revanchist

*Daan lands the ship and goes to Vandar and the other Jedi*

Vandar: I see you passed the trial, young Daan. Well done.

Daan: I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner.

Vrook: We were able to drive these fallen Jedi from the Academy, but I fear that this was only a decoy, a distraction. Revan is gathering followers and will soon challenge the Republic.

Carth: If we could find where Revan is, then maybe we could take him out before he can gather a large enough army to do any damage.

Vandar: I fear he already has more than enough followers to greatly harm the Republic. But what you suggest is interesting. Rather than a full scale assault, we should send a small team to capture him, ending his aspiring rule as the Dark Lord.

Vrook: We will consult the rest of the council and deside on the best course of action. Carth, you and Daan and the Jedi Hovoth should try to find out where Revan is. More than likely, Jester and Atrox have now gone back to him, so if you can pick up their trail, they should lead you to Revan.

Carth: That won't be easy, but we can try.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: "Yes, Master Vrook."

(Crosses arms)

Hovoth: "What of the Mandalorians then?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

(Revan walks up to the bridge where Jester and Atrox stand waiting for him)

Jester: We did what you asked and it worked as you said it would.

Revan: You did a great job and I was able to get what I was after.

Jester: Is it time to return home and gather the others?

Revan: Yes, It is time to go and get our brothers and sisters then take on the republic.

Jester: YES!!!, Captain set in a course to Korriban.

Captain: As you command.

(The Ajunta Pall and the rest of the fleet enter hyperspace and heads to Korriban)

Re: The Revanchist

"Finaly it has begun"


Re: The Revanchist

I wish these rpgs would stay active but 9 out of 10 times they die.

Re: The Revanchist

Oh yeah, this RPG is dead though. It was mega fun though like 5 pages back.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

I agree and the hacker messed most of these rpgs up.