Re: A New Begining

Daan: *looks at Xvan for a moment* Xvan, if you're sure you can do this.... You'll have my thanks. Xvana, do as he wishes.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvana: (sighs) Fine... to the airlock.

Xvan: (smiles, twirling the barrels of his Kovasn blades in his hand)
It's gonna be a piece of cake.
(walks to the airlock, entering it)

Xvana: Prepare for contact in three, two, one.
(the inner airlock closes, as the outer one opens)

Xvan: (crawls onto the outside of the Leech, magnetized to the ship)
(activates two Kovasn blades, killing off the first drone)

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Hold her steady, Jasen! Don't do anything to lose him. And get on the comm and have Marx lay off the blasters! no use in sending Xvan out there and getting him shot.

Jasen: Right, I'm on it. *over comm* Marx, hold off the blasters, we've got a crawler on the hull.

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "Much appreciated."

(Marx pulls a red switch)

Large Voice: "Activating Automatic Ship Repair..."

Gilo: "This ship doesn't run like it used to..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: (kills the other two drones with ease)
(taps on the outer airlock door)
Can I come back in now, Xvana? I promise to be good.
(he grins)

Xvana: I wish you'd have gotten shot.

(the outer airlock opens, and Xvan steps in, the airlock door closing behind him)
(the inner airlock doors opens, letting him back inside the ship)

Xvan: Ah, you know you couldn't live without me, Xvana.

...Rogue IV...

Sevana: That can be fixed.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Xvan, I appreciate it. *force* Maybe I was wrong, about you at least.

Daan: Alright, lets get down to Revan. Jasen, find Revan's location and get us there. Have Marx follow us as well.

Jasen: Will do. *over comm* Republic Rogue IV, thanks for your help. We're headed to Revan's position, follow us down.

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Marx: (Comm) "No problem, I'll trail lightly."

Gilo: "Revan?"

Marx: "Of course. What?"

Gilo: (Fake smile) "Oh... nothing."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Xvan: (smiles)
(through the Force to Daan) Ah, you just got to give Akson and Rotel time. Akson's usually the funny know-it-all. Rotel's seen more battles than even Zorvon so he's always serious and ready to kill something.

Xvana: Hacking... one sec... got her. They're approaching a large structure.

(the location becomes highlighted on the navicomputer)

Xvana: There you go.

...Rogue IV...

Sevana: We're going after Revan. Follow the Leech.


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "Will do."

** Rogue IV trails behind the Leech. **

Gilo: "Maybe I should... well, bail y'know?"

Marx: "What's that? No change of mind now, Gilo, this is what you signed up for."

Gilo: "Yeah but- now that I'm here in the action..."

Marx: (Frowns and looks back) "What did you sign up for?"

Gilo: (Sits there silently and points gun at Marx)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Don't rush things Xvan

*Leech Craft rockets down through the atmosphere, streaking through Malachor V's thin sky and headed for Revan's position*

Jasen: We're getting close. Unfortunately, there's not a real good place to land anywhere near there, so this may be kinda rough. Hang on!

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Woops, didn't mean to put "For Revan" There...

Marx: (Swiftly dashes over and stabs saber into him)

Gilo: "Ugh!" (Falls on floor)

Marx: "..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Sevana: (looks at Gilo) Well at least it happened at a good time.

...Republic Leech Transport...

Xvana: Wheeee.... nah, not working.

Akson: (starts laughing)

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Turns around and follows Ashni)

Thor: When will it be time to kill the jedi and the republic?

Re: A New Begining

Vemor: (deactivates his lightsabers)

Ashni: Soon, very soon... but be patient for now.
(she looks back at Vemor and says something in anicent Sith)

Vemor: (nods, bowing slightly)
(turns and leaves)

Ashni: (uses the Force to close the doors)

(the room she and Thor now stand in is completely dark, the only light being the dark red glow coming from countless holocrons in the room)


Re: A New Begining

Marx: "I just hit you with the bud."

Gilo: (Knocked out)

Marx: (Comm) "What's the plan when we head down there?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Marx, we'll meet up with Revan and try to find Lori Mysta. She's a Jedi that Ashni captured, for some insane demented reason. I think they also may have a prototype force weilding droid down there with them, so be on your guard.

*Jasen pilots the ship as close as he can to Revan's position, setting it down in a small clearing. The landing is quite rough, and the ships landing gear tear into the ground several feet.*

Daan: Nice landing. I hope you do better take offs.

Jasen: Funny Jedi.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Rotel: (gets off the ship)
Oh, I hate flying...

...Malachor V, Trayus Academy...

Revan: (holds her stance, her lightsabers ready, looking around)

Zorvon: (kicks one of the dead Sith Assassin's body, growling)
(holds his Kovasn blades ready)
There are more, Revan... much, much more.

Daar: And some very, very powerful.

...Malachor V, surface...

Zabrak: It's ready.

Kilax: The fleet-

Zabrak: Revan suspected as much. (he smiles) Always have a Plan B.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Alright. Let's find Revan. Xvan, I could use your sensors to locate her and her team.


Alek: Master Revan, Nur-Jii Daan and the others have landed not far from here. They appear to have brought another Republic ship with them also, but it is still in orbit. Should we make contact?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Thor: (Looks around at all the holocrons)

Thor: Where did you get all of these?


Re: A New Begining

** Marx lands his rogue on a higher clearing, ontop a cliff... **

Marx: (Get's out) "Roger that."

(Comes up and meets with the group)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?