Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector nods. "It's not that I don't think either of you are up to the challenge; but I don't want to place either of you in danger. But I appreciate your willingness to come."

*thru the force* "Sara, I hope that your ...relationship...with Rane won't get in the way of what we are trying to accomplish. I need you with me."


by the way Starr, Hovoth started an RPG in the New Jedi Order thread for the Clone Wars. didn't want to leave you out if you wanted in or anything. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

** Sarlas' ship trails off into the stars... **


Oh yeah, jump in if you want.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Clone Wars?! Hell yeah, I'm there!

Sara blocks her feelings. "Don't worry about me and Rane. After being raised as a Jedi I know how to focus on my priorities."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector looks at her. "That wall again. I'm not trying to hurt you, or even invade your thoughts"

Vector opens the door and opens it. "Rane. We're ready to leave."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara sighs. "Automatic response."

Rane stands from the seat he was sitting in. "Good. Go see Eshin down at the docks. I'll be along shortly."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector and the rest head down to the docks. "You have interesting friends, Sara," says Vector. "He seemed nice enough. Very wary tho; you could tell that he has been through a lot in his lifetime."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara nods slightly. "Masters always said I had a strange choice of friends." She sighs. "Rane has been through a lot. Sith have a horrible life he told me and he wasn't cut out to be a Sith. Sure he was aggressive, full of hate, anger and everything else but he-" she stops, catching herself. She blocks her thoughts by walls.

They can't know, she thinks to herself.

"He only told me once, about his past," she continues. "When he did I could tell it was painful. I doubt he'll ever tell anyone else. A man like Rane hates reliving the past... the memories for him are all too real. Sorta like me."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector nods. "I can understand that. How did you meet this Rane person. After he was a Sith obviously."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

She shakes her head. "I meet him when he was still a Sith... I was, well-" Fear. Hate. "I was... his Master's 'toy'... as his Master liked to call me."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector frowns. "Yi'shar doesn't need to hear this, it's better to keep it between us .....the smuggler sold you to Rane's Master?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara seems grateful she doesn't have to share her past with two people. "Nah, we didn't deal with the Sith. We stayed clear of them when we were running. He sold me over to the Exchange... they had the bounty out on me."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "You're story is quite complex. I'm not sure that I have been able to follow you. How did you meet this Rane then? After your slavery, before...what?

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"The Exchange took me and sold me to a Hutt. He said I was too spirited for him so he sold me to some people who like 'spirited' gals like me. They said I had great potenial," she shivered at the memory. "I tried to run away from them, but they caught up. They beat me and I was up for sale again. A Jedi came along and bought me..."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector places his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. Both that it happened, and that I wasn't there to help you."

They arrive at the hanger. Yi'shar says "This is where we're supposed to meet that dude, right? um......Eshin?"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara smiles faintly. "Don't worry about it. It's in the past and I had people then to help me through it. Rane came along a little late but he saved my life and for that I owe him a lot. He's not a bad guy... trust me on the subject."

(a man walks up behind Yi'shar, towering at least a foot and a half above him)
(his bulky armor suggest he is of some importance)
(he seems to be carrying a person slung over one shoulder)

Eshin: Looking for me, Jedi?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Yi'shar turns. "um, not anymore i guess."

Vector "I guess i'll have to"

He turns to Eshin "Rane sent us to meet you. We're about to leave on a rather long expedition and he said you could help us with equipment. I believe you know Sara."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Eshin looks over at Sara, speaking in Mando'a. "Haven't seen you in a while..." He looks her up and down. "You've grown."

Sara chuckles. "I'm glad someone finally noticed."

Eshin returns the chuckle. "Give him time, cyar'ika. Life's been hard on him the last twelve years but I'm sure you'll bring out the better in him."
He glances over at Vector and Yi'shar.

Sara frowns slightly. "Or the worse," she mutters quietly.

Eshin looks back at her, stufying her for a moment. "Let's not worry about the future when the present is at hand, cyar'ika. Come now."

He looks back at Vector. "You're going up some big boys I heard. Any specifics?"

"cyar'ika" is Mando'a for darling, usually used in referring to a child or someone held close.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vectorstudies the two, but not knowing Mando the meaning of the conversation escapes him. He guessed the main topic tho, by the tone and the expressions.

He replies to Eshin, "Depends on what you have. I need Yi'shar and Sara outfitted with full body Cortosis weave armor. And I have the chest piece but need the rest of the suit as well. Other than that we should only need provisions for the trip. It'll take a good bit of time to get there and back."

"I also noticed that Sara's ship was equipped with a beaming system. We could use three remote beaming transmittors if you can get your hands on them."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sig's ready, LSM.

Eshni nods. "I won't have Sara wear anything but my armor. It's Mandalorian and the best damn armor you'll ever find I might add. You and the boy are welcome to it too. As for the remotes and provisions I can get them to you. No worries."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector, "Thanks, but I find Mandalorian armor to heavy and cumbersome for my fighting style. The weave is fine if you have it, or can point me to someone who does. But thank you for the rest. We should probably leave as soon as possible."


and it's freakin awesome too! B)

I Am Jedi