Re: The New Jedi Order

so what was it like when you guys were master and apprentice?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Jest you were like spartan just not as bad, you were a spammer not dowt, but you molded into a great member.

I have had 6 apprentices on this site.

Re: The New Jedi Order

6? yikes  wow, that's pretty intense

Re: The New Jedi Order

haha, Atrox is the man!!!

man, Jest was like Spartan?! lol, that'd be funny to see!

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

I had 4 apprentices when I took the mantel of Dark Lord of the Sith from Atrox.

Re: The New Jedi Order

how did you manage to do that?!  :blink:  :huh:

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

First I past Atrox in posts then he was not on here for about a month and I took it from him and then I went Neutral and the mantel was return to him but now I am back on the Darkside we share the mantel.

Re: The New Jedi Order

wow what a story! yikes

Re: The New Jedi Order

Yeah, It was pretty long.

Re: The New Jedi Order

Let's start another RPG here, people!  big_smile

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

k.........what about?

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Dunno... hmm... let's think of something though... haha.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

If we do another one on Star Wars, lets make it in another time frame from KOTOR, since we already have several RPGs in that time period.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Wanna do Clone Wars?

That would be fun.

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

oooh, nice. yeah, that'd be cool. before Order 66. B)

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Yeah, alright, heres a form. We'll do it with the masters and stuff, and make it canon.


Name: Hovoth Karr

Age: 26

Rank: Jedi Knight

Background: N/A


You can't be Jedi Masters.  big_smile

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

I'll be a clone spec ops captain.

Name: Nolan Kody

Race: Human Clone

Age: 12 (remember the accelerated growth hormones clones have)

Weapon: Assault blaster, sniper rifle.

Rank: Republic Commando Captain.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Okay, heres the outline: The Council still barrade against the Seperast forces, many battles are yet to come. In Space, a ship (Republic Cruiser) known as the "KillJoy" takes a mission to head to a Seperast ship called the Nevergost - 4B, infiltrate it, and destroy it from the inside. Hovoth Karr and Republic Spec Ops Captain Nolan Kody take this mission.


** Hovoth walks into armory, and sees Nolan... **

Hovoth: "Captain Nolan?" (Bows) "I'm Hovoth Karr, Jedi Knight. The council, as you may know, sent me on this mission to deal with any dark Jedi that may emerge."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The New Jedi Order

Nolan: A pleasure, Master Jedi.

*pulls out a hologram palm-projector*

Nolan: This is a small schematic of the Nevergost. It's a fairly large ship, and has a docking bay for a fighter escort. But it's a lone wolf, a solo ship. The Separatist forces have been using it to harass vital Republic trade routes, making it dangerous to transport supplies or even move important dignitaries to safer locations. Since it works alone, it's a difficult ship to find. It can make a hit-and-run strike without leaving the hyperspace carbon trail that a fleet would, but it can pack quite a punch.

*image changes*

Nolan: These are the routes that have been hit recently. We'll be traveling these routes in a diplomatic transport. If we get lucky, the Nevergost capture the ship and try to take hostages. That will allow our team to make an entry and destroy the Nevergost.

I Am Jedi

Re: The New Jedi Order

Hovoth: "Yes, this plan will make haste. We will man three teams onboard. Team A is you and Karvan. Karvan will do what is told, and is a great ally. Team B is me and Blorr. Blorr knows explosives, on our way to the prison section he can set explosives onto much of the weak points, in turn making it easier to destroy it. And finally, and lastly Team C consists of Ilton and some clones. He, along with us, will travel to the prison block."

(Clone soldier comes up)

Hovoth: "Oh, Karvan, we were just mentioning you."

Karvan: "I hope it's of good." (Smiles) "Our team is equipped, we are in the green."

Hovoth: (Affirmative smile) "Good."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?