Re: A New Begining

Jasen: What was that?!....nothing on the scanners.

Daan: Revan. Continue course. Put us right beside that ship!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

(the Leech shakes more violently as the scrapping sounds continue)

Xvana: We've got drillers! They're trying to-

Xvan: Almost... almost... (chuckles) Bye bye.
(opens fire on the debris)

(fire and smoke cloud their vision for a moment before it clears)
(part of the ship was destroyed, but it's quite obvious that the part that holds the emittor was protected by a very advanced shield)

Akson: s**t! She's got EmpAk shielding. A Republic warship would have a hard time busting through that.

...Malachor, Trayus Academy...

Ashni: (stands, facing Thor)
A true Sith never runs from a challenge. If you are bored then quit toying with your oppenent and crush them.

Vemor: (deactivates his lightsabers, and stands beside Ashni)
He would make a fine student, Master, but he has... problems.

Ashni: (smiles, glancing towards Vemor)
We all have problems, Vemor. Even you.
(she looks back at Thor and then begins to walk towards a door on the other side of the room)
This way, Sith.

...Malachor, surface...

(Prisoner of Hope lands near the Trayus Academy)
(the loading ramp opens)
(Revan, Alek, Zorvon, Daar, and Revan's personal guard step for the first time on Malachor's corrupted soil)

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: we're right along side!

Daan: Turn the ship so our thrusters are facing the debris.

*Jasen manuevers the ship into possition*

Daan: Prepare to fire all thrusters at maximum capacity! *to Xvana* We may be able to move the ship enough to misallign the emittors, and lower the danger for our fleet.

Jasen: Ready.

Daan: Engage!!!

*The thrusters flare up, blasting the emittor ship. The shields protect the emitor, but the blast is enough to destabalize it and alter it's orbital pattern.*

Daan: Now, check what that drilling is!!!

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvana: They're drones. I think they're trying to burn a hole in the hull but as long as Xvan stays consentrated they won't get past his shield.

Xvan: Consentrate... right.


Re: A New Begining

Marx: (On Comm) "Assistance needed?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Is there a way to get them off?

Jasen: We can't reach them with our guns. There is a way, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Daan: What is it?

Jasen: I can pilot the ship up against something and scrape them off. But I can't guarantee that we won't lose something else in the process.

Daan: How far is the nearest cruiser?

Jasen: Too far, if you were planning on making it before they bore thru the hull, even with Xvana doing her job.

Daan: *thinks* Alright, do it. Then try to find Revan's location on the planet and land there, rather than going back to the ships.

*Daan begins entering the information about the shadow emittors into the comm transmitor, and sends it to Col. Norad warning him to move the Republic ships back away from the emittors.*

Daan: Just misalligning those emittors may not work. Norad has to move the fleet away.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvana: The Republic fleet knows about the Shadow Generator... more than you think at least.

Akson: And maybe you don't realixe just how much so people are willing to give for the Republic's safety.

Xvan: (comes back into the room)
Maybe you Jedi just aren't those type of people.

Rotel: (nods, folding his arm across his chest) You're foolish to think they, even Norad, will move the fleet back just because something is threatening them. Revan's taught them not to flee... and they won't leave their Commander out in the open.

Xvan: She's the one who turned the tables of the war, the one who saved the Republic... a little sacrifice for her is nothing.

Re: A New Begining

Daan: *shakes his head* You misunderstand humans, especially Norad. He will not sacrifice his fleet the way you say that he will.


Lt.: Col., we're receiving a transmition from the Jedi Knight Nur-Jii Daan. He reports that there is a grave danger to the fleet and that we need to move to a new position.

Col. Norad: What is the danger?

Lt.: Some type of new weapon. He says.....he says it will consume the planet, the Mandalorians, and our fleet if we remain in our current position.

Col. Norad: *silent for several moments* Very well. Move the reinforcement fleet to the ajoining quadrant. Keep us within scanner range of the Mandalorain fleet.

Lt.: Sir, is that wise to go on the orders of one Jedi?

Col. Norad: Daan was my brother's son. He wouldn't give us an order like that unless he was sure that there was not another option.

Lt.: Um, Yes Sir. Make it so, Pilot!

*Col. Norad's ships begin moving to the next quadrant.*

Lt.: Sir, Revan's flagship is transmitting. They want to know why we are moving.

Col. Norad: Tell them,.....we are positioning for a trap.


Jasen: Norad's ships are moving.

Daan: Kovasn, you gravely misunderstand us. We do not sacrifice life needlessly. ....Jasen, what about those drones?

Jasen: Their still there.

Daan: Contact that Republic fighter. He may be able to help us.

Jasen: Roger. ....Republic ship, this is Leech craft requesting assistance. Do you copy?

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Rotel: (growls) Then Mandalore was right about you...

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Watch it, Kovasn, or you'll be star dust! I let you come along this far, don't ruin it.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Rotel: You tried to kill me a few times and all your attempts failed. What makes you think you're any better now? Besides... even if you did kill me, as if it were a possiblity, the Council would have no way of getting that little Jedi of theirs back from Revan.
(he smiles)
And I doubt they'd be very happy about that.


Re: A New Begining

Marx: (Comes to control panel and presses several buttons)

Gilo: "Keep shields on?"

Marx: "Yes."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Jasen: Republic ship, we've got a mess of drones drilling our outter hull. Is there any way that you can get them off?

Daan: *to Rotel* I haven't even begun to try, Kovasn. You haven't experienced even a small part of my power. Don't cross me, or I'll squash you like a bug.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Rotel: (chuckles) After all this is over and the Council has their doll back how 'bout we see what you can do? Just you and me.
(he grins)

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Assuming you survive that long. I Am Jedi, Kovasn. Now, Jasen, what's our status?

Jasen: I'm making contact with the Republic ship. The fleet has repositioned and the emittor transmitions are fluctuating. Apparently they have been misalligned enough to weaken the signal strength.

Daan: Good. See if we can get these drones off and then land on the planet.

Jasen: ON THE PLANET?! Are you nuts?!

Daan: We still have to find Lori Mysta

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Akson: (taps Jasen's head lightly)
Isn't that what you were supposed to be doing?

Xvan: Before we so kindly interrupted?

Rotel: (curses in Mando'a)

Xvana: I heard that.

Rotel: Good. (says something else in Mando'a)

Akson: (stands up, looking back at Rotel)
(starts laughing)

Re: A New Begining

Daan: i'm about to kick all of you off this ship right now if you don't shut up. Marx, blast those drones of this hull!

I Am Jedi


Re: A New Begining

Marx: (Comm) "Aye."

** Marx fires several Ion shots onto a couple Drones on the hull. **

Marx: "Darn Drones."

** 3 Drillers errupt fron behind a astroid, and lands on the Rogue IV... **

Marx: "Gilo, man the top turret!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: A New Begining

Daan: Xvana, if we make atmospheric entry, will those drones be able to survive the friction?


*Alek, Revan, and their party make their way across Malachor V's surface*

Alek: Look, .....ahead! looks like an ancient monument.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvana: As long as you don't mind going over the speed limit.

...Rogue IV...

Sevana: Warning: Emergency action required.
(there is a series of beeps, followed by whirling, and then the firing of turrents)

Sevana: (smiles) Threat terminated.

...Malachor V, surface...

Zorvon: (walking beside Revan)
It is the Trayus Academy. Here you will find what you are looking for, mi'lady.

Revan: The sooner this is over the better.
(walks towards the Academy)

...Republic Leech Transport...

Xvan: (looks at Xvana) Space me.

Xvana: Hell no. You're insane.

Xvan: They just broke through the shields. The hull won't last long enough for us top enter the atmosphere. Space me. Now.

Xvana: (looks at Daan, unsure)