Re: The Revanchist

(ignites his light-saber)

Re: The Revanchist

*the ship lands on Hovoth's planet, near his position*

*Daan leaps down the ramp, saber ready.*

Daan: Hovoth?! Hovoth!


Vandar: made a mistake bringing your people here!!!


Yi'shar: The Sith have found us. Careful, Carth, they are more powerful than you would think.

Carth: I think I can handle a fallen Jedi. Rule #1, never use a blaster over any distance.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: (Laughs)

Jester: It is you who made the misstake because everyone of your people that came with you that you left outside is dead.

Jester: (Evil grin comes across my face)

Jester: Also, All of your ships and transports have been destroyed so there is no escape for you.

Re: The Revanchist

Vandar: You over estimate your own power, Jester. Master Vrook is with our transport and is unharmed. Also, you have failed to kill everyone here. I can sense their life, their breath, their connection to the force, in a way that you never could. I'll give you the option of leaving now to go find your friend Revan. If not, you will be destroyed.


((cannon guys, Dantooine can't be destroyed yet, whether Revan stays darkside or no))

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Steps behind vander

" Jester may have not accomplished what he said he did, but i did"

(throws vrooks head at vanders feet)

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: (Contacts Daan through the force, sending a location)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

We will not destroy Dantoonie right now but we are just having fun for now.

Jester: Revan has his own mission and me and Atrox are what you call Rouge Sith.

Jester: (Tosses Vrooks hands to where the head landed)

Jester: There, I gave you a hand.

Jester: (Laughs)

Re: The Revanchist

** Walks over a hill. **

Hovoth: (Waves arms) "Daan!" (Walks over)

Hovoth: "Am I glad to see a friendly face!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Vrooks my


Daan: Hovoth. how did you end up here? the Jedi have become divided, and Revan's followers are attacking Dantooine!

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: "I led a transport over to the flagship, and it got destroyed... but enough about that, we have to help out over at Dantooine! The troops that were on my transport... are no longer... alive."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

That is right my bad so we will change the dead jedi's name to Vrock that way you character is still alive.

Jester: That jedi Vrock did not even put up a fight.

Jester: (Laughs and shakes head)

Jester: The rest of his body is spread throughout the academy and have fun finding it.

Re: The Revanchist

Vandar: If you are trying to make me angry, you won't succeed. We will drive you from this planet just as we did with Exar Kunn.

*ignites saber and the Jedi group attacks the fallen*


Yi'shar: Look, two dark Jedi in the alcove. Careful, keep them away from the boy!

*Yi'shar attacks the two, cutting them down quickly. another one rushes from behind them. Carth turns just in time, throwing his body between the fallen Jedi and the boy. He receives a slash across the shoulder, but the Jedi then impales himself on Carth's unsheathed vibroblade.*

Yi'shar: Good work. I sense more Jedi on our side, hidden somewhere here. Keep your eyes open.


Daan: Right. The same thing happened aboard my ship. The soldiers turned on me. Quick, on board my ship and we'll head to the Academy to help the Masters.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

Hovoth: "Right!" (Gets on ship)

Hovoth: "How far away is Dantooine from this sect, do you think?"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Jester: Stupid jedi.

Jester: (Flips a switch that actavites a force field completely around the attacking jedi group)

Jester: Stay there for a moment.

Jester: (Laughs)

Re: The Revanchist

(Walks to map room on ship, and brings up the system...)

Hovoth: "Okay, we're here... and dantooine is all the way over there."

(Lays hands on table)

Hovoth: "I hope we get there in time..."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

*Vrook walks in, hurling debris at the force shield emitor*

Vrook: You cannot stand against the masters, young Jedi. Not without your Master Revan here.

Vandar: We will drive you from this Academy like the vermin you are.

*Vandar and Vrook join to lead the Jedi, and begin cutting down the lesser fallen Jedi*


Daan: You'd be surprised at what this ship can do...hang on!!!

*The ship launches up and out of the atmosphere, blasting into hyperspace towards Dantooine.*

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

(Grabs onto seat)

Hovoth: "Great Scotts!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

*Daan laughs.*

Daan: Haha, I told you to hang on. If any ship can get us there in time, it's this one!

I Am Jedi

Re: The Revanchist

** The ship settles and heads into space on a track to Dantooine. **

Hovoth: "So what's been happening since... you know... the betrayel."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: The Revanchist

Daan: I reported to the Jedi Council. They sent me to Dagobaa; they were afraid I'd been tainted by the darkside and set a test for me. I found something Hovoth.

*pulls out the two Krydonian crystals*

Daan: They have more power than any Jedi or Sith has ever dreamed of. Hopefully they'll help defeat Revan. Masters Vandar and Vrook led a team of Jedi to Dantooine to fight the fallen Jedi Atrox and Thor and their crownies, along with a Republic officer named Carth.

I Am Jedi